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sometimes life can be so satisfying!
news came today that hillary’s name is going to be put into nomination along side obambi’s at the democratic national convention.
you can read the dems unity statement here. :smirk: anyone who thinks this is about unity is nutz. its all about appeasement — the democrats middle name. appeasing hillary and her 18 million votes. she wants assurance that SHE is the reason for unity not barry and his pretty speeches.
so what does barry have to say about all of this? this is from the ap:
“I’m letting our respective teams work out details,” he said. Asked if that meant he wouldn’t object to her name being placed in nomination and a vote taken, Obama said: “I didn’t say that. I said that they’re working it out.”
isn’t that delicious? and of course what is PUMA saying about this? i am sure there will be some statement soon and when i get it, so will you.
frankly i can’t wait to watch the democratic convention!
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