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Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva calls for a boycott of his own state

Democrat Rep. Raul Grijalva calls for a boycott of his own state

Well, this ought to go down in history as one of the dumbest things a politician has ever said.

An Arizona congressman urged businesses on Tuesday to boycott his state if the governor signs into law a bill to make illegal immigration a state offense.

Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat, said businesses need to punish the state if the bill becomes law as a way of making sure no other states follow suit.

“Do not do business with the state,” Mr. Grijalva said at a press conference on the Capitol grounds in Washington.

Rep. Luis V. Guttierez, Illinois Democrat, also said if the law is signed then President Obama must assert the primacy of federal law in this area and tell the state it cannot enforce it.

“we need to nationalize bad laws in particular states,” he said. “The president of the United States should simply say, on issues of immigration, the Constitution is clear.”

Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, has not taken a position on the measure.

The economy in Arizona, like in the rest of the country, isn’t exactly strong and healthy. Yet this moron politician finds it wise to encourage businesses not to do business with the state? Gee, I bet Arizona residents really love that, particularly the ones who work in the tourism and business sectors.

Meanwhile, 70% of Arizona residents approve of the initiative. 83% say a candidate’s position on immigration makes a big difference on how they vote. Even a small majority of Democrats approve of this new legislation. This is probably a safety issue, of course, considering the growing instances of drug-related violence along the border.

Doesn’t matter to Grijalva, though, does it? Like most Democratic politicians, he isn’t there to represent constituents. What they think and want doesn’t matter. It’s all about his agenda. And Grijalva doesn’t want harsher immigration laws.

Maybe this November, Arizona residents should boycott Raul Grijalva instead.

Cross-posted at The Green Room.

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  • Fiend says:


    I already had no plans to vote for Grijalva, but this just dipped those plans in concrete. I’ll be putting in a call to his office this afternoon to let them know just what this Arizonan thinks about his words and actions. Reprehensible. Thanks for beating the bushes to keep the snakes off their game.

  • Chris M-G says:

    He must *really* want to be voted out of office.

  • Smitty says:

    Yeah, I don’t care how you come down on the bill, for an elected official to stab his own state in the back like this is just sick. He has forgotten about the state he’s supposed to represent. I’m planning to track the election in his district and I’ll send a donation to anyone (from either party) who runs against him. He’s a bum who’s forgotten the folks who put him in office.

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