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October 12, 2009
just in time for christmas! did you know you can buy obamanation flags on ebay for around $5? no 57 stars… just obama’s meathead. this proves koolaid kills brain cells not to mention that it’s utterly against the us flag code.
obamanation flag
update: oh! and hey if you need another gift, how about the michelle obama action figure doll. its made by ‘jailbreak toys’. seriously.
interestingly, while you can burn the usa flag,
it would probably be a hate crime to burn the obama flag, because you would be burning him in effigy and would probably be considered a racist statement.
Lisa you are ridiculous. There are all kinds of quasi American flags with other things mounted in the “Stars” space like pirates, marijuana, etc. These are just novelties. I will say that some may look at it as racism though because of it being a black man. People of color (and you will remember I am a Latina) are sensitive to things like that even though no harm was meant.
There are 50 stars dumbo not 57 or is that a typo?
They could have found a better photo of Barack though couldn’t they unless they meant for him to be portrayed as an angry black man.
obama said there were 57 … read your dem talking points
you are allowed to burn the usa flag in public. it is protected under freedom of speech.
however, burning an image of obama would probably not be protected under free speech.
it would probably be considered hae speech.
oh good news
not only has obama just won the nobel peace prize
but it was just announced that michelle just won the 134th westminster dog show … AND … she placed second in the kentucky derby!
“There are 50 stars dumbo not 57 or is that a typo? ”
Its your messiah who thinks there was 57, remember ?
This is wrong. It just highlights the whole cult of personality that surrounds Obama. If he wanted to stop all of this stupid idol worshipping crap, he could.
“There are 50 stars dumbo not 57 or is that a typo? ”
Sigh. Why am I not surprised at all?? Pennie, you once again are par for the course. Absolutely mind boggling.
The flag doesn’t surprise me. The Obamabots are nothing short of a cult and they must worship the Obamaflag.
Hey it could be worse… it could have Michelle’s face on the flag.
Anyone who actually flies this abomination is just a political pawn and the epitome of the meaning of *sheeple*. I wonder if we burn THIS flag if the moonbat heads would explode?
Personal attacks on Michelle will only strengthen the DEMS/Leftists devotion & defense of the Obamas.
You hit it on the nail David.
I can appreciate that you guys are partial to her. But shes not the raving beauty everyone makes her out to be, she looks like she got dressed in the dark at a thrift shop, and shes really about the most unremarkable first lady ever in terms of productive activities.
You need to remember that a first lady is more about the person than it is about her politics.
Its expected that first ladys are noted for the way the dress and appear, they’re attributes that all first ladys have been criticized for.
Criticizing those attributes cant help but make it personal.
She does have a huge a$$ but its just not one of those things that you’ll ever hear the MSM bring up in any fashion, even though I know sometimes from a certain angle these guys are telling themselves …
“DAMN” ! You could rest your beer on that thing “
be fair, i did say michelle WON won the 134th westminster dog show
Wow – will the cult ever stop? Such a desecration. And I’d say that if anyone’s face was in place of the stars – not just Obama.
where can i get one with a picture of sarah shooting the m16?
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