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Congressional disapproval now at 72%

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Congressional disapproval now at 72%

Obamacare can’t save this sinking ship. After completely ignoring the will of the American people, Democrats get to enjoy a new low: a disapproval rate of 72%. And guess what? It hasn’t been that low since — you guessed it — 1994.

Tucked away inside a new Washington Post/ABC News poll is a key figure — 72 percent. That’s the percentage of voters who disapprove of the job Congress is doing, and the number hasn’t been that high since — you guessed it — the week before the 1994 election.

The Cornhuser Kickback and Gator-aid — two controversial provisions in the healthcare bill — are a couple of attractively named and accessible reasons why people don’t like how Congress operates. And at no point in the last 16 years has that picture been so clear to voters.

Republicans are by no means immune to the dirty politics that permeate Washington. Democrats, though, have brought it to a whole new level. Pelosi promised Americans the most ethical Congress ever — and instead, we got corruption, cronyism, thuggery, bribery, and secrets. Obama promised Americans hope and change — and instead, we got Chicago style corrupt politics as usual. Ethics? Transparency? Yeah, right. It’s no wonder that Americans are furious.

And then, Democrats hypothetically spat in the faces of their constituents, passing a takeover of the American health care system against our will.

Americans are furious, all right. And this November, the chickens are coming home to roost. You can’t ignore the will of the American people and expect them to smile blandly and keep voting you into office. Represent the American people well, or you will be voted out. It’s that simple.

Now, perhaps I’m naive. But I always felt that there was a very good chance that we’ll take back Congress this November. This doesn’t prove it, but it sure does look more and more likely, doesn’t it?

Cross-posted at The Green Room.

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  • Melinda P says:

    I just hope the American people remember their outrage because unfortunately, they are very forgetful.

  • I don’t think we’ll forget health care. And when the Democrats get around to immigration “reform” and cap and trade, etc, remembering in november won’t be a problem.

    However, I don’t buy into the tactic of firing them all. My congressman, a republican, voted no, and has consitently voted no on Dem programs. So I’ll let him stay.

    For those of you who have Democrat reps, send them home.

  • Mat says:


    Even if we take back Congress in November, do you really believe that the Republicans will suddenly grow a backbone and repeal the health care? Please!!!

    John Cornyn has already hinted that the Republicans probably won’t do much about it. Oh, they’ll nibble off a couple of meaningless crumbs to make it look like they’re trying to do something, but it’s all song and dance. And then you have Obama who’s still President and he’s not going to un-sign it. Don’t expect and radical changes to this legislation and when it fails utterly (and it will) because it’s such a god-awful mess, Congress will step in again. And the next time it will be single payer…

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