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The obligatory Joe Biden F-bomb video

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The obligatory Joe Biden F-bomb video

The obligatory Joe Biden F-bomb video

This guy never ceases to be entertaining. Really, there is just no filter between his brain and his mouth, is there?

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  • On the surface, this is non-issue to me. He dropped an F-bomb; other than being the #2 in the free world, on an open mic, it’s no big deal. VP Cheney dropped the f-bomb (and not incorrectly, imho) on Sen. Leahy … big deal.

    But that’s on the surface. Taken in total, it’s a big picture concern:

    = Sen. Biden uses a ‘three letter word’
    = Says he ‘cannot go to a 7/11 …’
    = Barack is clean and articulate
    = My state is a slave state!
    = Hillary is more qualified than I am to be vice-president

    One could argue the verbal gaffes from VP Dan Quayle was due to he being a junior Senator before being picked as VP. Or as his critics said, he was in-over-his head, was an idiot, etc.

    So, Joe: what’s your excuse??

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