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What we all now know: Bart Stupak is a two-faced weasel

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What we all now know: Bart Stupak is a two-faced weasel

What we all now know: Bart Stupak is a two-faced weasel

It seems obvious now, in retrospect, that Bart Stupak would sell us all out on Obamacare. What Democrat doesn’t? It looks like Stupak was just pulling a Nelson — pretending to hold out on principle, when all he really wanted was his own Cornhusker Kickback. And he got over $700k for three airports in his district for his cooperation. Whaddya know? But let’s not forget that less than 48 hours ago, he was looking like he’d be the savior of the nation. He looked like he was our last chance, our best hope, for stopping this thing. We all got fooled.

But even now, he’s making himself out to be an even bigger weasel than we originally thought. It’s as if he’s trying to win the “I have absolutely no shame” award. How so? Watch this video from Jim Hoft, where Stupak slams Republicans… for pushing the Stupak amendment.

What’s especially outrageous is that he acts as if its the Democrats who are somehow protecting life. They’re doing this, of course, by increasing federal funding for abortion. You figure that one out — how it is that Republicans trying to push Stupak’s own amendment are the ones who aren’t pro-life, and abortion-happy Democrats are. The so-called “pro-life” Democrats just voted to nationalize abortion… because apparently, it isn’t federally funded enough already. With liberals and feminists, it isn’t good enough that abortions are merely legal — women should be able to have their abortions for “free”, funded by taxpayers. Stupak pretended to be pro-life while it seemed advantageous to be, and then sold out at the slightest nod in his direction. It makes no logical sense whatsoever, and it isn’t supposed to. My guess is that Stupak is probably hoping that no one is paying very close attention. It’s idiotic.

Does Bart Stupak know it’s going to cost him his seat this November? If he didn’t yesterday, he surely does now. The two-faced weasel’s days in Congress are limited, and for what? What did he really gain? Bart Stupak sold out all of the principles he supposedly had, and in the process, gained absolutely nothing. If it wasn’t so infuriating, it would be pitiable.

Cross-posted at The Green Room.

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  • Daredevil says:

    Confirms what we know about the “pro-choicers.” They are not about choice. They are about power- power for themselves over life and death of their babies and power to make the rest of us pay for their power trip.

  • Stuart says:

    I am grateful that the president and members of Congress had the courage to see through the hatred, see through the fearmongering, to help 46 million Americans.

  • Cylar says:

    Oh wow, Stuart. I guess we had this “takeover of 1/6th the US economy, nationalize and ruin our entire healthcare system” thing all wrong eh? I guess the mountains of evidence that socialization of healthcare has been an abject failure in Canada and the UK was just more of that right-wing “fearmongering.”

    How stupid we were. Thank you for stopping by to educate us. Now blow it out your ass, lefty.

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