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Have you ever read a female memoir? Ever browsed an article about relationships written by a married or divorced woman? You’ll notice that they all have a tendency to have one thing in common: sharing brutal, usually unflattering, details about their spouses.
Pity the man whose wife writes a memoir.
Consider Elizabeth Weil’s husband, Dan. On Sunday, in the New York Times Magazine, Ms. Weil previewed a memoir she is writing about their effort to improve their marriage. She doesn’t stint on the frisky bits—or rather, what she proclaims to be the insufficiently frisky bits. The conjugal part of their equation is apparently “not terribly inventive.” Ms. Weil derides their “safe, narrow little bowling alley of a sex life” and tells us that she and her husband “hadn’t been talking to each other while having sex. And not making eye contact either.” One thing’s for sure: If that hesitation to make eye contact suggested a certain reticence, Ms. Weil has overcome it.
Dan’s wife is just one of the legion of women scribblers eager to divulge the intimate details of their marriages. The hot new genre is the tell-all of sexual disappointment written by women having their Peggy Lee moment: “Is That All There Is?” Male writers are well behind this curve, retaining some vestigial hesitation to expose their wives in print. This reflects a basic social norm: No husband I know speaks out of school about his wife. You wouldn’t trust any man who did. Say what you will about the male half of the species—famous for its promiscuous and predatory proclivities—but they can be remarkably discreet about the intimate aspect of marriage. Whether this is stoicism or a residual chivalry, it is a core part of the male code. Consider Tiger Woods’s alleged transgressions: Perhaps the most appalling of them is the report that he prattled on to one of his cookies about how she connected with him in a way his wife did not. As if cheating weren’t bad form enough.
Women, by contrast, seem to be at somewhat greater liberty to share private matters. This can be reflected in trivial indiscretions. DoubleX, a blog on Slate, asked its contributors for their Christmas wish lists. First up was Rachael Larimore, who proclaimed “All I want for Christmas is for my hubby to get a vasectomy. And he is!” I’m sure that made his day. Still, that’s nothing compared to what gets aired in coffee klatches, where, according to writers such as Sandra Tsing Loh, the ladies get together to talk about how their husbands haven’t touched them in years.
Ms. Loh, who published a memoir about mommyhood last year, is one of those writers whose husbands you have to pity. In her 2008 book, “Mother on Fire: A True Motherf%#$@ Story About Parenting!,” she laments that her “salt of the earth” spouse, Mike, is too even-keeled and practical to give her the steamy loving she craves. You can guess where that was heading. This summer Ms. Loh began chronicling her divorce in the pages of the Atlantic Monthly, sharing with all and sundry that, after the thrill of a hot and heavy extramarital affair, she decided not to go to all the trouble—the “arduous home- and self-improvement project”—of falling back in love with her boring old spouse. “I would not be able to replace the romantic memory of my fellow transgressor with the more suitable image of my husband,” she wrote. Poor Mike. One would think that having a wife cat around would be enough of an assault on his manhood. But just to twist the blade she has to explain to anyone willing to pick up a magazine that his marriage failed because he couldn’t cut it in the passion department.
Perhaps the most savage example of this genre is Julie Powell’s recent “Cleaving.” Her first book, 2005’s “Julie & Julia,” was something of a stunt project—Ms. Powell chronicled her attempt to work her way through Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” The book was a huge success, as we know, making her name and fortune. What to do next? Ms. Powell decided to embark on a double-stunt: apprenticing with a butcher and indulging in “rough and tumble” infidelity. “Cleaving” is an excruciating read, in no small part because of the humiliation it heaps upon her cuckolded husband. Eric Powell, to whom she has been married for years, is spared no embarrassment. By contrast, the man with whom she has a kinky and obsessive affair is identified with only a “D.” For him, she is discreet.
In response to critics repulsed by her tawdry exhibitionism, Ms. Powell recently wrote she finds it odd some people don’t like her penchant to “overshare.” She asks: “Do you want to read a memoir by a person who undershares?” Well, frankly, yes.
Women already overshare with their girlfriends; it’s just in our very nature. Women like to talk about relationships, emotions, how we feel about things, and doing it with close friends makes you bond more, in a way. But the tendency of women to overshare with millions of anonymous strangers around the world though books or articles online is a new phenomenon. Part of it is because of the new “empowerment” craze that women are being fed. Sharing all the things that are bad about your marriage is supposedly strong, courageous, and empowering to yourself and other women going through the same thing. It’s just like the classic celebrity coming-out-of-the-closet act about some illness or childhood hardship. Some airheaded celeb will sit on Oprah’s couch and share about how they secretly suffered from asthma their whole life, or how they were abused by a family member when they were four. The audience will act suitably shocked and sympathetic, and Oprah will laud them for being so courageous for coming public with it — because, clearly, anyone who’s ever been abused before will feel they have a voice now that some celebrity has said that they were abused, too. The same basic principle comes into play here as well. A married woman writes a memoir ridiculing and humiliating her husband, and she gets applauded by all of the book critics who think it’s just so daring for her to come out to the public with such intimate details. How it makes her husband feel? Never crosses anyone’s mind.
It’s also en vogue for women to ridicule their husbands. No one thinks twice for a woman to speak crassly or lowly of her husband. It’s encouraged — on talk shows, on sitcoms, in commercials, everywhere in popular culture.
Cassandra pointed out that men do the same thing, albeit in a different fashion.
Obviously he hasn’t stopped to consider the truly alarming number of boyfriends, ex husbands, ex lover, and even married men who freely distribute sex tapes or nude photos of their women. The idea that posting, emailing, or sharing visual images of a woman without her knowledge and consent isn’t a betrayal and isn’t oversharing is just stunning.
And it may be stunning, but it’s also extremely common.
Men will look at online images of a woman without stopping to consider for one moment the strong possibility that the woman wasn’t a willing participant. She is every bit as much a hostage to male indiscretion as the husband whose wife feels it necessary to write long, rambling puff pieces for the NY Times detailing her sexual boredom or the man who goes on and on in public about how hot other women are or how frigid his wife is (both pretty common occurrences in today’s world). For me at least, it’s hard to separate the women who blabs all from the man who tells everyone around him that his wife can’t satisfy his raging sex drive.
I respectfully have to disagree with Cassandra. It isn’t that sharing photos or videos isn’t as bad; it’s arguably worse. It’s that there’s usually a large difference between who has a tendency to do what. You usually see ex-boyfriends or casual hook-ups sharing videos of their ex-girlfriends or one-night-stands. I can’t think of many examples of men who are sharing naked pictures or sex tapes of their wives that they’ve been married to for years and years. Men are much less likely to humiliate their wife and partner in such a way, because today’s husbands simply have more dignity and class than today’s wives do. While it surely is humiliating and degrading to have naked pictures of a woman posted on the internet by her ex-boyfriend, isn’t it a much worse betrayal for a wife to humiliate her husband by ridiculing him before millions? It’s common knowledge to never let a man take risque photos or videos of you, especially a man you barely know. It’s just a common sense way of protecting yourself. However, there is no such protection a man can take to keep his wife from humiliating him in print. Which is really a worse betrayal?
The other difference in the photos vs. print argument is that society frowns upon men who betray women by publishing pictures and videos, whereas the women who eviscerate their husbands in print are encouraged, lauded, celebrated by society. The level of humiliation is the same, and may even be worse for husbands. But in a society that hates men, we don’t care if women embarass their men.
So how do you win the rest of your gender to your point of view.
wow… good points all the way through
Great points Cassy. It isn’t good for a marriage to air the dirty laundry. Regardless of whether or not there is any desire to save the marriage. The one exception being abuse. There is value in outing an abusive spouse. It frees the victim from the shame and secrecy, and it serves as a warning to future victims.
I do think it is actually a very good thing that victims of abuse are speaking out. As much as I dislike Oprah, I appreciate her giving voice to those things. The victims should not have to bear the shame, they aren’t guilty. Every time one more tells their story, it gives courage to someone else to tell theirs or maybe to get out of an abusive situation.
Tell me about. Chicks my age don’t want a man. They want a little bitch they can mold like Play-Doh, then divorce 12 years later for half the take when he can’t meet their bedroom expectations.
That isn’t bitterness. I’m a 23 year old man grown up in this society. I’ve had girlfriends since high school that exhibit these tendencies. Nobody cares about the complementary nature of genders anymore. Women can do everything that men can, and still tell men to “man up”, but being a man means you’re three steps north of retarded. It’s why I’m wary as hell of marrying any of these classless bitches. Problem is, with nu-age permissive parenting and the anti-male culture of today, that’s pretty much everybody.
Wow, GS, I wouldn’t want to marry you either, with that attitude. Speaking as one of the “chicks” your age, and one who get married when she was actually several years younger than you are, it’s a bit off putting to be considered the enemy before I’m even given a chance.
One of the things writers do is pull things from their lives. When someone is as spoiled and pampered as some of these women who insist on humiliating their husbands in print, they don’t have anything else to pull from except from the frustrations that inevitably come from 2 very different people living in close quarters. Of course, they have to embellish and make themselves the heroine. How many of them are writing these pieces, humiliating their husbands, as a way to excuse their own bad behavior?
Ms. Weil derides their “safe, narrow little bowling alley of a sex life” and tells us that she and her husband “hadn’t been talking to each other while having sex. And not making eye contact either.”
Wait…so she had no choice in the matter? she couldn’t speak up or make eye contact?? wow, here husband is a controlling brute! a brute, I tells ya!
I’m surprised he let her write a book.
it’s a bit off putting to be considered the enemy before I’m even given a chance
Would it be better to say trust, but verify? would that make you feel better?
Some women may delight in publicly shaming their husbands, but it tells more about her (lack of) character than it does anything about him.
Guys pick up on this. Pity more women do not.
…Then again, any husband who just stands there knowing his wife is airing this dirt is a beta and probably deserves the harpy.
Do I detect sarcasm, Darth? Trust, but verify is always a good idea when going into unfamiliar territory. Going in assuming the territory is hostile, however, is counter productive.
“Going in assuming the territory is hostile, however, is counter productive.”
That, of course, is a double edged sword.
While I wouldn’t have necessarily put it the way GS did, I don’t really disagree with him either. In fact, I’d say that it’s also true of GenXer women as well. I’m hardly bitter about it since I can find other ways to amuse myself, but no, I don’t plan on getting married. Too much of a hassle.
Kortnee, one more point. The fact is that feminists have basically told GenXers and Millenials that men are, in fact, the enemy and that women don’t need men at all (GS’s point about men being three steps north of retarded is a very good example of current female thinking towards men these days). With that kind of climate, while I don’t feel that way myself, I can certainly understand GS’s irritation.
Another point regarding Cassandra’s piece. I went over to her blog and read the whole thing and I’m a little annoyed about her saying that most of the women who do those videos are forced to do so. I will grant her that point regarding foreign women, but the American ones? Bullcrap. They’re very willing to sell themselves for a piece of fame no matter what the cost. It’s going to be comedic/tragic watching the train wreck with the Millenials as parents in the next decade or so.
Speaking as someone who has been down this road my own self with a ex-wife, it is – amusing, if only in retrospect – to watch private details become common knowledge among a circle of people, and then have your wife wonder why you won’t “open up” and “share” things anymore.
To be fair to what I wrote above, most guys aren’t much better. Yeah, you do have a few classy men and women still out there, but they seem to be going the way of the buffalo during the 1800’s. Were there issues in the past regarding the rights of women? Absolutely. However, it seems that we’ve gone totally crazy in the other direction.
I meant what I said about the coming train wreck with relationship and kids. You have a generation (both genders) that hasn’t really grown up, boomer-type narcissistic (a by-product of being taught by baby boomers), pretty clueless about their surroundings for the most part and on top of that, being told by their parents (and everyone else around them for that matter) that they’re just super special. Yeah, I’d say that’s a recipe for disaster. Cripes, what are their kids going to be like?
My two cents:
I can’t speak for those husbands…I’ve never been married and this sort of thing will NOT happen to me because unlike many men I haven’t lost my God-given ability to sniff-out a heartless, selfish woman from a mile away. But with regards to guys sharing pictures/videos/intimate details about their significant other…that is just deplorable and stupid as well. A good friend of mine started dating this girl a little over a year ago. About two weeks went by and I hadn’t met (or seen) her yet. I stopped by his house for a visit and we were talking about her and I asked what she looked like. He pulled out his cell-phone and I thought he was just going to show me a picture of her…instead it was a fully nude female body from the neck down. The first thing I thought was “What kind of whore are you dating that lets you take naked pictures of her after only a few dates?”. The second thing I thought was “What kind of guy are you to show these pictures to people?” Of course, they kept dating for a few months and she wound up pregnant. She moved in with him and they just had their baby last weekend and I assume they will get married soon. So is that what he wanted? To be able to say years from now “Hey, she’s my wife and the mother of my children…remember when I showed you that full-frontal picture of her? Nice, wasn’t it?” He’s still my friend but I lost respect for him (and her) after that. I guess I’m old fashioned but I do not talk about my sexual exploits…even after a bad break-up. I certainly don’t share naked pictures of the girl. Hell, I would never even ask her to TAKE the damn photos to begin with. There are some things as a man that you just ACCEPT when it comes to women…you should always TRY to provide for her, protect her, comfort her, and RESPECT HER PRIVACY. Yeah, there are some women who reveal themselves to be unworthy of such treatment, but it’s not a privilege that they must EARN, it’s a right that they can only LOSE, even then only after the most abhorrent of behavior. It’s a shame that people who think like me are in the minority these days. Just one more reason I pray every day that I never have a daughter.
It kills me the way women talk about their husbands! I hate when women my age are sitting around bashing their husbands, and I usually throw in how hard they work or something that says, “You married him for a reason.” Too many women are willing to throw their husbands under the bus, but they aren’t willing to do anything to make his life any easier. For example, I know women who complain about the hours their husbands work and how they are “useless” when they come home after work. Meanwhile, these husbands work 9-5 jobs and are home to help with their children most nights, and they do help! I’m one of those women who’s husband works horrible hours, but I try not to complain. My husband is providing for our family, what do I have to complain about his hours for! I have to say that I tend to stay away from women my age and tend to seek out women who are older because I just can’t stand to hear others rip apart men that they married. What happened to the love they felt when they married these men? What happened to women actually respecting their husbands and treating them as the other half of themselves? Some women need to grow up, and stop thinking they are so very awesome!
With regard to men’s porn displays: That’s bragging.
As to women’s sharing: That’s bitching.
Viz. – Naughty (embarrassing/humiliating) photo/vid/tells-all article/roman a clef happens at beginning of relationship.
Humiliating/embarrassing (naughty) photo/vid/tells-all article/roman a clef happens at end of relationship.
Without going into any Mars versus Venus nonsense, what we’ve got here is a contrast between optimism and scorn.
Sure, two wrongs don’t make a right, but two lefts make a u-turn.
I don’t blame the husband for their lack of desire for their wives. Who in their right mind would want to be intimate with these bitches?
Criticism first:
Men are much less likely to humiliate their wife and partner in such a way, because today’s husbands simply have more dignity and class than today’s wives do.
Cassy, if that’s an honest assessment of what you see around you and not what you’re saying to play up to your male readership, it’s a very sad comment about you and your life, not about modern women. As a woman, you should be able to sniff out bad ones before you’ve even introduced yourself. As a result, it’s pretty easy for any decent woman with an ounce of common sense and some standards to have only really good female friends.
I’m going to have to tell you that my girl friends treat their husbands very well, with a lot of dignity. The only thing that they will do is to mention faults, but they are not complaining or putting their husbands down; they are discussing the failings of a human. They do that in private, not for the entire world.
Their husbands are all great people who deserve the excellent wives they have.
If your circle of friends isn’t like that, Cassy, that doesn’t say many good things about YOU. Do not throw half of the population under the bus like that.
Second comment, semi-criticism: these men are often asking for it. They courted, dated, slept with, and married these self-absorbed women.
Once upon a time, I felt terribly for those men. I wondered how on earth they could be married to such selfish, self-absorbed women. I thought that it must be absolutely humiliating for them to have their faults aired for the world as if they had agreed to be on some reality TV show.
Then reality kicked in. I started to understand that these men “put up with a lot” during dating – mostly because they were getting laid by hot, status women who stroked their egos. They didn’t date sane, other-centred women because they didn’t want to. Then they married the crazy women.
Cry me a river. On some level, those men are asking for it and are every bit as stupid as the teenager who texts dirty pictures of herself to the guy she just started dating.
Yeah, it was all my fault and I deserved it when my ex-wife physically beat me.
I “should” have seen the signs and not married her even though I loved her for many other great traits that she had.
It was all my fault and she is not to blame at all.
Up yours Roxeanne de Luca
I don’t blame the husband for their lack of desire for their wives. Who in their right mind would want to be intimate with these bitches?
Eeek, meant to mention this one before:
t kills me the way women talk about their husbands! I hate when women my age are sitting around bashing their husbands, and I usually throw in how hard they work or something that says, “You married him for a reason.”
Melinda, yes, some women are like this. Usually it’s because they think of marriage as some sort of status or entitlement, rather than something that they should be incredibly thankful for.
“Cassy, if that’s an honest assessment of what you see around you and not what you’re saying to play up to your male readership, it’s a very sad comment about you and your life, not about modern women.”
It may not necessarily the group of women Cassy hangs out with. There are plenty of examples out there via media that give really good examples of what she’s talking about. Hell, look at all of the ratings all of these sleazy reality shows have. Cripes, when I’m flipping channels and I see program after program of complete garbage, I kinda wonder how humanity will survive at times.
“…these men are often asking for it. They courted, dated, slept with, and married these self-absorbed women.”
Of course they did. Sleaze is attracted to sleaze. People can say what they want about the women on the Girls Gone Wild stuff (and I really have to wonder about the Millenial women who would even consider doing that, and no I don’t think they’re forced into that), but it’s guys who produce that and it’s mainly for guys (and maybe some lesbians). That’s the culture that we have today. Hence my comment about classiness going the way of the 19th century buffalo. Overall, it just seems to be getting worse and worse.
Mat – agreed. Nevertheless, I still do hold out hope for you to find a lovely young woman.
Cassy – a while back, I decided that a good way to pare down my wedding schedule (five weddings one year, six another, all in different states, etc.) would be to turn down invites from people – no matter how good of friends they are – if I were not absolutely overjoyed for the couple. After dragging out my inner judgmental bitch, I tossed exactly one wedding from my potential attendance list. (That couple will probably make it, but it’s not the kind of self-giving love that I feel like celebrating.)
On a side note, I think that we do people a tremendous disservice by pretending that men and women are emotionally identical. The type of scorn that you mention, Cassy, is much more hurtful to men than to women; likewise, this business of spreading naked pictures around is worse for women than for men. We simply cannot take a “Well, *I* wouldn’t mind!” approach to these things.
I went over to her blog and read the whole thing and I’m a little annoyed about her saying that most of the women who do those videos are forced to do so.
Well, if I’d actually said that, you might have a point :p
Unfortunately for you, I didn’t say anything ever vaguely like that. If you’re going to get annoyed, try being annoyed at something I actually said.
It has become somewhat common for sex tapes to be released to start a woman’s career (Khardashian and Hilton for example) or jumpstart it (Pam Anderson and Tiquila). Yes the guy might be blamed but that’s a fairly obvious figleaf when Paris is haggling for her cut of the tape sales and Pam Anderson has multiple tapes released. Perhaps amateur tapes are released that I don’t know about.
What you said on your site…
“Men will look at online images of a woman without stopping to consider for one moment the strong possibility that the woman wasn’t a willing participant.”
Yeah you’re right. I was WAAAY out of line with what I wrote. Methinks my reading skills aren’t that bad at all… I
Any man considering marriage is either brain dead or not paying attention. She is dumping on you to her friends who are egging her on to dump you for every trivial mistake. Women file for 80% of the divorces in this country ever wonder why? They are taught from birth that they entitled to some fairy tale life that better be provided to them or else and the one who loses every time is the man. You need look no further then the mind boggling suicide rates and personal bankruptcies for divorced men. Marry an American woman? youve lost your mind.
I’m rather surprised by the number of posters who throw out accusations that the women in question are bitches and then suggesting that any man who falls for them is dumb and not perceptive. While many women are bitches, vocalizing discontent, even if means revealing private details, is overwhelmingly common amongst women and uncommon amongst men. I don’t think most women who reveal intimate details are trying to hurt their husbands or boyfriends, I think more commonly they just get going with their friends and start one-upping them, sometimes as a way to explain away their own behavior, but sometimes just because they are genuinely clueless as to the implications of what they are revealing. Fact is this doesn’t just apply to the men in their lives; women constantly betray the confidences of even their closest friends for a myriad of reasons.
Do note that I try to use the word generally. My wife has slipped up a [very] few times. On one occasion it didn’t even occur to her that I would want something kept private because had it been about her she wouldn’t have cared. That said, she’s been repeatedly appalled at some of the things even distant friends have said about their spouses and has been careful to not do the same accidentally, especially due to the next paragraph.
(As an aside, the thing that appalls me [and my wife] even more is how nasty women can get when a friend’s marriage hits a bump. From personal experience, in comparable situations most men simply say “have you considered divorce?” Women, on the other hand, pile on with comments that get really nasty and mean. It’s not enough to have a divorce, but the woman must get even; must make the man suffer. This is true even when the woman was the one at fault! [My oldest daughter once told me that it’s this kind of behavior that makes her hate hanging around with women.])
“I’m rather surprised by the number of posters who throw out accusations that the women in question are bitches and then suggesting that any man who falls for them is dumb and not perceptive.”
Why is that surprising, Joe? I, for one, wouldn’t put up with that nonsense, but then again if a guy ends up with someone like that (and don’t tell me there aren’t danger signs put up before marriage), hell ya they deserve them. I think Roxeanne was dead on target with that comment.
“While many women are bitches, vocalizing discontent, even if means revealing private details, is overwhelmingly common amongst women and uncommon amongst men. I don’t think most women who reveal intimate details are trying to hurt their husbands or boyfriends, I think more commonly they just get going with their friends and start one-upping them, sometimes as a way to explain away their own behavior, but sometimes just because they are genuinely clueless as to the implications of what they are revealing.”
Perhaps, but even if it’s unintentional, I still think it shows a lack of restraint among women today (over many things, and that pretty much goes for guys too) and a lack of thinking things through. To me, that’s almost as bad as deliberately throwing that stuff out there.
“Fact is this doesn’t just apply to the men in their lives; women constantly betray the confidences of even their closest friends for a myriad of reasons.”
So, how does this exactly make things better for men? I’m not sure how you helped your argument there…
“Do note that I try to use the word generally. My wife has slipped up a [very] few times. On one occasion it didn’t even occur to her that I would want something kept private because had it been about her she wouldn’t have cared. That said, she’s been repeatedly appalled at some of the things even distant friends have said about their spouses and has been careful to not do the same accidentally, especially due to the next paragraph.”
So that would essentially mean that she should be a bit more aware of what comes out of her mouth.
“(As an aside, the thing that appalls me [and my wife] even more is how nasty women can get when a friend’s marriage hits a bump. From personal experience, in comparable situations most men simply say “have you considered divorce?” Women, on the other hand, pile on with comments that get really nasty and mean. It’s not enough to have a divorce, but the woman must get even; must make the man suffer. This is true even when the woman was the one at fault! [My oldest daughter once told me that it’s this kind of behavior that makes her hate hanging around with women.])”
Yeah, with much anecdotal and even factual evidence concerning this, I have to reiterate that I am extremely wary of even getting into a relationship (much less marriage) these days. It is indeed a total crapshoot.
Yeah, I loved that part in Althouse’s article where another author bitches about her husband cooking (and her book is apptly titled “kitchen bitch”). Jesus, feminists flipped out totally about men not doing enough around the house. Now that guys do cooking, they freak out about that. For God’s sake, make up your freaking minds already…Ugh!
BTW, I am an accomplished cook…
…most of the women who do those videos are forced to do so.
does NOT equal
a strong possibility. At least in English. A strong possibility says nothing about how many of these women knew their photos/tapes were being released and it certainly doesn’t say that MOST of them did.
Words have meaning.
Yes, words do have meaning, so what exactly does “strong possibility” mean in your terms? 40%? 50%? 80%?
Hey, you’re the one using the terminology. If you don’t like how people interpret what you say, then use clearer language. Strong possibility to me means “good possibility.” Good possibility means +50%. +50% means most. Say what you mean, and don’t be cute about it. Again, you said nothing that would make me change what I said. Sounds like you had an “oopsie” moment and you didn’t like being caught on it.