The DailyKos reaction to the Fort Hood shooting

The DailyKos reaction to the Fort Hood shooting

The DailyKos reaction to the Fort Hood shooting is typical. Rather than sympathizing with the families of the killed or the soldiers who were wounded, or waiting to find out all the facts, they’re showing an awful lot of sympathy to the shooter, and they’re making up their own facts and motives. And of course, what Daily Kos diary would be complete without the resident Free Republic outrage? A few commenters tried to examine the facts and offer condolences. Most simply blamed the Army, George Bush, or conservatives, and plenty expressed sympathy for the murderer. One person even said that violence is caused by… Texas? Classy. Check out the comments:

  • Molotov: idiots. you teach people to kill without remorse, then act surprised when they do.
  • primarydoc: and we have to consider the selective disclosure/spin from the military if it turns out that the reason for the shooting might undermine our “noble” wars, as in the case of Pat Tillman or Jessica Lynch
  • Alien Abductee: Maybe he’s just seen too much destruction of the mental health of his fellow soldiers and finally snapped himself.
  • olo: Maybe they just put the gun in his hand because be looks like a brown terror monger, is named Hasan (sounds & looks similar to Hussein) — and was the most convenient of the dozen bodies to blame this shit on.)
  • ferralike: It appears through the latest reporting on MSNBC that the shooter who was killed, Army Maj Malik Nadal Hasan, was possibly enraged about being shipped over to Iraq per Chris Matthews (at ~ 5:55 est). So it sounds as if the second possibility I raised was more correct. However, this guy could have already served multiple tours and this could still be a PTSD related incident. Who knows?

    I actually feel for this guy if he was pushed to go this far that he flipped out and killed 12 and injured 31 (the number at this moment.) I hate that he did this and there are so many grieving and worried families but I doubt this was driven because he simply did not want to go over there on his first tour.

    If this is true, this is indicative of a much larger disaster imminently waiting to happen for many, many other soldiers about to be deployed. We can’t keep this up sending these soldiers over time after time and expecting them to come back without being mentally and emotionally affected. This is very very tragic.

  • Julia Grey: I personally hope very much that he isn’t black. He’d be made out as an Obama confederate, part of the underground preparations for the coup, a guy who was so excited about destroying America that he started too early, yadda yadda. It’s already bad enough that he has an Arabic name.
  • Lying eyes: Good thing Bush is no longer in charge…. continued… True. But I was thinking if this guy has an Arabic name and is a muslim, Bush would use the tragedy to attack Iran. Or some convenient country.
  • MillieNeon: I just hope this doesn’t come with a huge Muslim backlash, or kick Muslims out of the military, etc.

    How very say for the people who lost their lives, their families, for the moderate Muslim who already have so much difficulty in this country right now.

    And my heart really goes out to all the soldiers with PTSD. They need much more support and treatment. It’s immoral to bring people back from war and leave them in psychological torture chambers.

    Also, I think we should re-examine soldier training. They are taught to de-humanize the enemy so they can kill easier. How do you “undo” that? What are we doing to these poor soldiers?

  • SantaFeMarie: Why is it “surely just coincidence” that people in Texas commit violent homicides?
  • The Navigator: Let’s all hope it’s not wingers or the radical right that did this, but rather just a few disturbed soldiers.
  • o the umanity: I still can’t figure out what happened. When I was a little girl, it was an honor to serve. My father and all my brothers did. So did my uncles and one of my grandfathers.

    And then came ‘Nam, and it’s been all downhill since

    And on and on.

    What does it tell you about the liberal psyche if their reaction to a shooting leaving a dozen soldiers killed and scores more wounded is to feel sympathy for the murderer who did this? They have more sympathy for Hasan than they do for the actual victims of this massacre. And on top of that, they’re blaming everyone but him. They blame the right wing, they blame Bush, they blame the military… everyone except the man who actually committed the crime.

    These are some seriously deranged people.

  • Written by

    • Dr. Dave says:

      The only time I visit that place is when they start attacking me, and then only to laugh hysterically at their ignorance.

      But you’re right to call them out for what they’re saying and share what we should all expect from them. It only affirms that we must be strong and fight harder.

    • Steve says:

      Cassey wrote: “What does it tell you about the liberal psyche…”

      It tells me that they are deranged; they are savages; and they have no grasp of reality.

      Sadly, they also happen to be largely in charge now.

    • Bob says:

      DailyKos is nothing but a frothing cesspool of stupid.

    • Karen Reagan Anderson says:

      You Libturds are a piece of work! Blame Bush Wah Wah! Wake up Bush is not POTUS and your guy SUCKS!

    • Al says:

      Actually, a lot of the comments are about donating blood, and about some of the people who have family members themselves who are stationed at Fort Hood.

      Some of the idiot commenters at RedState are saying that all Muslims in American support what he did. Does that mean that it’s the ‘RedState reaction’ to the shooting?

      And more saying that all Muslims should be immediately kicked out of the military. Is that the RedState reaction?

    • Mat says:


      “Actually, a lot of the comments are about donating blood, and about some of the people who have family members themselves who are stationed at Fort Hood.”

      Having read most of the comments, there is some truth to what you said. However, I think most of the comments (and their replies) gravitated in the direction that Cassy noted in this post.

      “Some of the idiot commenters at RedState are saying that all Muslims in American support what he did. Does that mean that it’s the ‘RedState reaction’ to the shooting?”

      It’s hard to tell what the “official” position of what Muslims truly think in this country. They’re 2% of the population, so they’re not exactly all-powerful. Yes, I do think a lot of them hate this country and at least sympathize with al-qaeda. To say otherwise is quite naive. Are you saying that no Muslims think that way because obviously at least a few do. And when there’s a few…

      “And more saying that all Muslims should be immediately kicked out of the military. Is that the RedState reaction?”

      I, for one, would say that there is a certain security risk by putting Muslims in the military. That’s not bigotry. That’s playing it smart (and no, I don’t exactly trust them). The Islamic world outnumbers us a little over 3-1 (and are steadily outbreeding us…check your demographics particularly in Europe). You really think we can afford to play nice? I don’t.

    • AntiRed says:

      Mat your comments and views of many of your fellow Americans may have led him to act this way. According to those who knew him, he was heavily discriminated against due to his religion and ethnic background (Palestinian). Including, according to ABC News- for rednecks, part of the “liberal elite media”- he was called a “cameljockey” and worse by his fellow army staff. What a nice bunch of guys. I wonder why he would shoot them (yeah right).

      I think that America’s terrible treatment of Muslims and “War on Terror” nonsense- which avoids Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh and other extremists and only focuses on Muslims- may have driven this and other attacks on Americans.

      Yet, despite this huge anti-Muslim bias, the US is still going to bring a ‘just peace’ to the Middle East. Really???

    • Mark says:

      “Molotov: idiots. you teach people to kill without remorse, then act surprised when they do.”

      The above line, with some of the words dropped but with the intent remaining, could describe how people view the Daily Kos. Such as:

      Mark: You are well aware of how anti-American most of the commenters are on the Daily Kos, but are still shocked by their words over the tragedy at Ft.Hood.

    • cath says:

      Here’s some you missed. There are hundreds more just like it.

      I am so concerned for all of the soldiers at Ft. Hood and their families, this has been a horrific afternoon. My condolences to the families of the dead and thoughts to those of the injured.

      Bless you and bless her and thank her for serving.

      While any mass shooting is horrible, this is doubly bad because it happened on a base where there are so many soldiers on their way to or just back from life-threatening situations. Our troops are in so much danger when they’re in Afghanistan and Iraq, they ought to be safe when they’re home in the U.S.

      My heartfelt prayers to you and everyone experiencing this horrible tragedy first hand. It’s hard for everyone — it’s a national tragedy — and I can’t imagine the horror those who have direct involvement must feel.

      All of the Ft. Hood community are in my prayers.

      My heart goes out to all those at Fort Hood, their friends and family.

    • WayneB says:

      he was called a “cameljockey” and worse by his fellow army staff.

      Oh, WAAAA! Is he an adult, or not? I was called all kinds of stuff in school, and it’s much more difficult for a young person to shrug off things like that than an adult. Don’t make excuses for crap like that.

      I think that America’s terrible treatment of Muslims and “War on Terror” nonsense- which avoids Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Sikh and other extremists and only focuses on Muslims- may have driven this and other attacks on Americans.

      The total number of extremists in ALL of the other religions you named are vastly outnumbered by the number of extremist Muslims, and every time one surfaces, he or she is vehemently denounced by others belonging to the same faith. Of Muslims around the world, on the other hand, numbers ranging from 15%-50% (depending on country) sympathize with extremists and violence in the name of Islam, even if they are not personally involved.

    • Rob Moscato says:

      Liberals say: Compassion(for the victims)we need no stinkin’ compassion. For anyone to be sympathetic to the Jihadi mass murder is so far beyond the realm of pathetic it is distgusting.

    • Great. You’ve all nailed the problem here. It’s how this site or the media reacted to the issue. It’s how people are reacting.
      May I ask when the Military offered us de-humanization training? I don’t recall it. I’d think the soldiers in that center who saw this major regularly probably slept through that course as well.

      I’m wondering when my civilian “betters” will stop BS bickering over non-important issues and help solve just 1 problem instead of whinning over how the other side is reacting to it.
      The economy, school shootings, health care, education et all. I look back to the states and I wonder what this nation can do? Nothing together it seems.
      It doesn’t mean that everyone must jump onto one side or the other and just go with it, but a little more focus on solution would be nice. Suppose this and the news are the wrong places to ask for that. Sensationalism rules this land more than any government.
      I’ll sign up for another tour, at least we work together over here.

    • fozzy says:

      antired – “he was called a “cameljockey” and worse by his fellow army staff”

      Bullshit. He was a Major. Who do you think was calling him cameljockey and raghead? Enlisted men? Only if they thought 4 weeks of extra duty and a black mark in their records was worth it. Officers who wanted to destroy their own careers?

    • Mat says:


      “Mat your comments and views of many of your fellow Americans may have led him to act this way.”

      I know, because I’m a big meany. It’s called growing up. I got called a lot of names in school. But I didn’t decide to start watching extremist videos and plot to cap 40-50 people.

      “According to those who knew him, he was heavily discriminated against due to his religion and ethnic background (Palestinian).”

      Gee, I can’t imagine why he would be discriminated. I mean, Islam in general and Palestinians in particular don’t exactly have a history of being particularly rational, you know?

      “Including, according to ABC News- for rednecks, part of the “liberal elite media”- he was called a “cameljockey” and worse by his fellow army staff.”

      Yeah, exactly. After what I’ve seen on the network news and their “low” (yes, I’m being pretty sarcastic here) level of bias, I’ll decide to yawn and call bullshit on this one.

      “What a nice bunch of guys. I wonder why he would shoot them (yeah right).”

      You want to know something? Then he shouldn’t have gotten into the army. Those guys put up with an incredible amount of crap, so for you to sit back on your computer in your nice cushy home and make that kind of moronic statement pretty much sums up how pathetic you are. Those guys have to literally put their lives on the line every day. Do you? Yeah, didn’t think so.

      Of course, you seem to conveniently gloss over the fact that this guy was watching jihadist videos, which I think is probably more of a reason for him shooting up a base rather than any mean comments by a few guys.

    • Balrog says:

      How many Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shankesville, PA? 0…0…0…0. How many leaders of the above mentioned groups said they had no pity for the victims? 0…0…0…0.

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