green – the color of resistance

green – the color of resistance

it’s interesting days right now in iran. you can go here to see a full screen, high-quality slideshow of what’s going on right now between the students and the regime. it’s amazing. scary. and feels like you are right there.

you can follow the iranian riots and protests using flickr, twitter, and youtube by going here for more information.

and remember to look for green — the color of resistance. and pray for the students.

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  • Paul says:

    Certain death for the students just like Tiennamen Square in China. They will be crushed. Iran is run by the Supreme Iyatollah and not the puppet president.

  • Marsha says:

    It’s a wonderful thing to watch (fighting for democracy) but I am not so sure that it will do much but get a bunch of kids killed. This is Iran. Until the military turns, it’s just a brave stand I am afraid.

  • moonlvr says:

    It’s quite amazing how we’ve gone from Iran being a part of the “axis of evil” in the hate-filled Shrub administration to now standing in solidarity with its people. We forget that behind repressive government rhetoric (insert George Bush) there are ordinary citizens who, like we, simply wanted democracy and freedom and better life for the world.

  • A_Reluctant_Pundit says:

    What’s really interesting Moon is that Iranians are protesting in the streets the stealing of an election but when that happened here in 2000 there was hardly a whimper.

  • Micky says:

    Bush always made the distinction between the people of Iran and its leaders. His administration always advocated for the freedom of the Iranian people

    “President Bush has spoken to our hearts, which yearn for freedom. He will be remembered as another Abraham Lincoln by the freedom-loving people of Iran.” These are words of support from within Iran, in reaction to last week’s State of the Union address, uttered by an Iranian calling the Voice of America’s Persian service. As a guest at the station that night, I witnessed hundreds of calls, faxes and e-mails from inside Iran praising Mr. Bush. For the first time since the establishment of the theocracy, a U.S. president had chosen to speak to, and for, Iran’s downtrodden.”

    Nice try.

  • Jane says:

    The crowds are growing because of the murders and beatings in the streets. I can’t help but think this isn’t going to end well.

  • Rope says:

    wow it only took 4 post to bring W into it.


  • Rope – hope it didn’t surprise you. W Bush is to blame for everything; 20 years from now someone will blame him for something that wasn’t around when he was president.

    It’s quite pathetic actually.

  • Micky says:

    “but when that happened here in 2000 there was hardly a whimper.”

    No, not really, if I remember correctly Al Gore was doing anything but whimpering. He pitched quite a fit, didnt he ?
    After all failed attempts at getting everyone to buy into his crap he figured out a way to blame everything on the weather.
    So yeah, 20 years from now if theres a really bad storm with casualties, it’ll be the Bush administrations fault for not doing enough to prevent man made global warming and we’ll see moonbats wanting charges on dereliction of duty or conspiring against the American people brought up against him. Since the blowin up the levees didnt give him the body count he was hoping for he figured if he just increased American industry with those nasty tax cuts that would warm the globe up enough to get the job done right.
    You might tell yourself I’m being far fetched but hey, I wouldnt put it past them. Right now they want to prosecute him for what was legal 7 1/2 years ago along with masterminding 911, and making the case for Iraq out of pure cloth.

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