Michelle Malkin’s newest book, Culture of Corruption, hits bookstores today!

Michelle Malkin’s newest book, Culture of Corruption, hits bookstores today!

Michelle Malkin’s newest book, sure to be another bestseller, hits bookstores today, titled Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. You can order it from Amazon or go to your local bookstore and buy it today. I’m heading out to Barnes and Noble later today to pick mine up; I’m sure it will be just as brilliant as Unhinged was (also in my library).

Michelle’s book is one that will be sure to strike a blow into the facade of hope, change, ethics, and transparency that Obama has crafted. He promised us the most ethical and transparent administration ever. He promised an end to partisan politics. He promised a new era was coming. And yet we’re finding that it’s just the same old corrupt, dirty, Chicago-style politics. And in honor of the nepotism run wild in the Obama administration, and also to celebrate the book’s release, Michelle’s even cooked up trading cards. Go over to her site this week to collect the whole Dirty Dozen for yourself.

So, if you want to know what the Obama administration is really like, make sure to pick up a copy of Culture of Corruption today. It’s sure to be a great read. Educate yourself on the administration that has “more czars than the Romanovs”, and less accountability to boot.

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  • Mark says:

    I just love Michelle and what she writes. She’s another example of a conservative woman defiled by the left. Some of the comments made about her over the years are cruel and insensitive. I’ll buy her book.

  • Nancy says:

    I’ve watched as year after year, conservatives have come out with these terrific books which other conservatives buy and what has changed? Bupkes! I’m sorry, Cassy, but the people who’ll buy Michelle’s book will have nothing new to learn from it while the people who need to hear her message will leave it sitting on the bookstore shelves.

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