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May 27, 2009
nice deb says nk’s dear leader really likes testing obama nukes! he fired off his 2nd nuclear weapon this past weekend and 3 surface to air missiles in the last few days. and you’ll remember when our dear leader’s trusty sidekick, joe biden, said within the first 6 months of his presidency, obama would be ‘tested’? i’d say this qualifies.
north korea has abandoned a 1953 ceasefire and is reportedly is preparing the peninsula for war because of south korea’s decision to side with an anti-proliferation coalition led by the the united states. and what is The One doing about it? well, he’s issued the following called ‘a stern warning’ that has surely caused great fear and trepidation in the heart of kim jong il:
“Today, North Korea said that it has conducted a nuclear test in violation of international law. It appears to also have attempted a short range missile launch. These actions, while not a surprise given its statements and actions to date, are a matter of grave concern to all nations. North Korea’s attempts to develop nuclear weapons, as well as its ballistic missile program, constitute a threat to international peace and security.
By acting in blatant defiance of the United Nations Security Council, North Korea is directly and recklessly challenging the international community. North Korea’s behavior increases tensions and undermines stability in Northeast Asia. Such provocations will only serve to deepen North Korea’s isolation. It will not find international acceptance unless it abandons its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.
The danger posed by North Korea’s threatening activities warrants action by the international community. We have been and will continue working with our allies and partners in the Six-Party Talks as well as other members of the U.N. Security Council in the days ahead.”
north korea is a mess and has been one for a long time. we know the feckless UN reprimands of “stop”, “stop it”, “stop it now”, “stop it now i said,” ” stop it now guys”…. mean nothing and will do nothing – we saw that with iraq.
and obama’s ‘stern warning’? hardly. obama’s plan is yet another bush idea — one that didn’t work called the 6-party talks. why keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results? that doesn’t work with a weapons crazed megliomanic who loves porn and mickey mouse for gosh sakes.
it seems these most recent firings show how serious kim jong il is in being a competive nuclear power and how pathetically unserious the u.s. has been. you can’t negotiate with these people. why have we – for the last 20 years – thought we could?
obama’s tough lesson still to be learned (obviously) is that our enemies couldn’t care less for his personal life story and his teleprompter speeches. power respects power.
i recognize that i am just a blogger, with big ideas and a mouthy keyboard, but why don’t we just level their rockets and nukes? pre-emptively? and then instead of cutting the funding for missile defense (are you listening obama?) we increase it and continue the development of a robust missile defense that renders nkorea impotent? if only i were queen…
hi. yes my blog was down for a few hours this morning. it seems dreamhost who hosts my blog, was having ‘homie cluster’ problems. heh.
This is by far the worst we have ever seen N. Korea’s saber rattling get. Honestly, I don’t think even Kim is stupid enough to attack anyone. What little support he has left in China and Russia would evaporate quickly.
My concern is that when things like this happen, a nervous N. Korean commander can trigger an incident that can lead to many deaths. Failure is not exactly tolerated in N. Korea and a military commander under tremendous stress might just cause a very serious incident.
I’ve been hoping for yeas that N. Korea’s military will wake up and step in before it’s too late. Let’s hope they see the writing on the wall and take action.
You think there will be a military coup? That’s ridiculous! Who’s to say some of those brainwashed goose-stepping punks wouldn’t be worse then what they have now? And to take out their nukes, holy f*kn gawd. You are talking WW3 with both China and Russia and NK all on one side.
“Who’s to say some of those brainwashed goose-stepping punks wouldn’t be worse then what they have now?”
Who is to say they won’t be better, they certainly can’t seem to be worse.
So what’s your solution, Paul?
“And to take out their nukes, holy f*kn gawd. You are talking WW3 with both China and Russia and NK all on one side”
paul if something isnt done, kim jong il WILL eventually do something. i am not talking about impulsive carpet bombing, i am talking about strategic prevention.
Diplomacy to get into the country, then humanitarian aid and trade. That is what works.
I swear to God you rightwingers are so paranoid. You are going to start WW3 not some crazy dictator!
“Diplomacy to get into the country, then humanitarian aid and trade. That is what works.”
Yes, Paul!! That’s worked so well with North Korea for the last 17 years. Pure genius!!!!!
AHAHAAA this is so priceless!
You righties are pathetic. All you see when you look at North Korea is a nation wasting its money on a stupid, aggressive, unilateral militaristic series of actions, whose only possible outcomes are the loss of international assistance and maybe a big war which the nation in question cannot possibly win… your only LOGICAL response in your simple little conservative pea brains is “DAMN! THEY’RE WINNING!”
Jesse and Paul
Listen up clueless.
Your ball-less President meanwhile has nothing to offer in opposition to Kim Jong Il. Nothing. His girly statements and those ridiculous ones from the UN are meaningless. Diplomacy? Well Hillary’s ball’s ARE bigger then Obambi’s but it’s still not going to work. So N. Korea just does whatever it wants to do, just like Iran. What a joke you people are and you’re going to get a lot of Americans killed because of it.
Actually I think NK is a very dangerous place but I don’t think Kate your suggestions are very wise ones. It would start World War III. Ken I think your suggestion about something happening within sounds unlikely just because if it were going to, it would have. I think diplomacy with Barack is the best answer. He has put together a smart team with Hillary in charge and Dr. Susan Rice who is an amazing woman. I think Barack is probably handling things pretty well behind the scenes and this is just muscle flexing.
Jesse that was pretty clever and Paul and I am totally in your corner on this one! Biker Dan you sound hostile as usual.
Well first let me say I have checked this stupid blog at least 12x today for a new post. What is your problem Mistress?
Now about this post: N. Korea has been a threat since the Korean War. Nothing has changed. Kim Jong Il is just as big a threat as his Dad was but the difference is that I think Kim Jong Il is a bit mental, short bus material. I have every confidence in President Obama and his foreign policy team like Jane. I also think those in the neighborhood could help with this like China and Japan.
I will say that I think it’s shameful for conservatives to gin up this situation as just another stick to beat up the president with. You look for anything that might bring failure to the president. How do you know what he’s doing? You don’t. You have no inside information. You are just a stupid little housewife with a stupid little blog where stupid little conservatives read it and rant.
This whole NK thing is overblown. we all know why they did this. It’s just to get attention and try to squeeze more money out of the West.
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia is taking security measures as a precaution against the possibility tension over North Korea could escalate into nuclear war, news agencies quoted officials as saying on Wednesday.
At least Russia has a clue. The UN is busy putting together a strongly worded resolution.
Why worry about the kook in NK who is just jerking Obama’s wanger? The real question is who is going to stand up to the American and Israeli governments?
Who is going to protect Americans’ and Israelis’ civil liberties, especially those of Israeli dissenters and Israel’s Arab citizens? Why don’t you do an article on that?
A question please:
Kim Jong Il is a well known lunatic who now has the bomb, so everyone is certain that the world is now a more dangerous place. However, before we jump to that conclusion, shouldn’t we have to ask ourselves if nuclear weapons are guaranteed to provoke more aggression than they will deter?
Please don’t give the pat answer of “in the hands of a lunatic or rogue nation”. I am serious with my question. I will check back again. Thank you for your time.
Hi there, Kate. Thanks for the link…Love the comic strip. I may have to swipe that.
Are we “at the brink”? Hardly. We need to rely on China to put OIL pressure on NK. We also have no idea what’s going on behind the scene so to berate the Obama administration over this is just poor sportsmanship.
“. Nothing has changed. Kim Jong Il is just as big a threat as his Dad was but the difference is that I think Kim Jong Il is a bit mental, short bus material. ”
Uh, nothing has changed ?
Good grief he has nuclear weapons you ….
“Well first let me say I have checked this stupid blog at least 12x today for a new post. What is your problem Mistress?”
Sounds like you’ve got 12 X the problems she does.
“I also think those in the neighborhood could help with this like China and Japan.”
Hmm.. yeah, you probably heard some murmerings on the news about these two countries because they’re in direct vicinity to N. Korea but couldnt really map out a suggestion as to what it is either country should do.
I’ll give you clue what the general consensus is lately.
As far as China goes they need to threaten N. Korea with withdrawal of the massive aid(90% of N. Koreas food) they supply to N. Korea in an attempt to get them to dismatle whats in progress, or beef up their borders. In case of war theres no way China could handle the influx of millions of N. Korean refugees or deal with the humanitarian disaster that would result.
As far as Japan goes its widely discussed that they re do their constitution and go nuclear as a deterent to N. Korea
No one is going to give N. Korea another dime. The UN, China, or the US.
If Kim is dumb enough to attack anyone the majority of super powers on the planet are already of the agreement that whatever he gets he will of deserved.
He knows this, this is why these weapons are more for sale to Syria or Iran than they are for his use. He will try to sell them because he knows the hand outs are getting fewer and further apart. He does not have the capital to launch a war and China will not supply it as their interest in the region is an economic one and N. Korea lauching a war would cost China more than it was worth to support it
Anyone who thinks that the North Koreans are just blustering is full of it. Why would we take the risk of assuming that? I think we should follow what the poster suggests which is to bomb the hell out of their missell sites similarly to what Israel did to Syria.
Yup Sarah.
I agree we should do what you and Kate suggest but we have to realize that no matter what we do the results are going to be messy.
If we leave this alone to fester the results will more than likely be just as bad as if we intervene. At least our intervening, maybe in conjunction with Japan and S. Korea, hoping China will cast a blind eye, will offer some control over the situation.
I doubt Kim will let us take out his sites and weapons with no act on his part.
But, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here, of course the biggest problem is if this gutless wonder of a president will be able to do anything besides read threats off a teleprompter.
It’s a tough call either way. History shows you can’t reason with people like him.
One thing is for sure, warnings and talking him to death won’t help. And I for one don’t want to know what could happen while the big O decides if he wants to stand up, put his big boy drawers on, and start acting like the president instead of a pre-school teacher trying to make all the kids get along and play nice. This is a different world we’re living in. These fanatics running around with nukes need to be dealt with accordingly.
Tough call??? Hardly!!! Why would we even consider bombing their missiles? Did we learn nothing by bombing Iraq? Can you spell W-A-R? Diplomacy and trade are the only answer for a safer Korea.
Rope please do NOT politicize this with your obvious rabid hatred for our President.
Excuse me, I do not hate the president. I don’t think you can point out one post I’ve made that said that. I do however believe he is under-qualified for the postion he holds and I DO NOT respect his policies or views. But hate, thats a strong word Barbara. A word one shouldn’t throw around unless they know what they’re talking about.
Oh, and the tough call I was talking about, seems you misunderstood that too.
What I meant is its a tough call either way. Both have consequences, and like micky said both could be messy.
What is it with some of you. You want us to play nice with an idiot with a nuke. We’ve been playing nice since the korean war, look where it’s gotten us. HE HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS. It’s like giving Charles Whitman another rifle and saying go play nice. When will it be time to act? After the fact? When he aims it at another country? Amazing it’s like the neighbors that say nothing until the dog sh_its in thier yard then they want to know why something wasn’t done about it beforehand.
” Diplomacy and trade are the only answer for a safer Korea.”
As 15 years and three administrations has dictated and its been said on this thread trade and dipolmacy have never and worked got us to this point.
N. Korea has no trade and does not want it at the risk of Kims people being exposed to the outside world.
Look what happened in China, once these people got a taste of capitalism the next thing they wanted was human rights.
Damn people.
“Why would we even consider bombing their missiles? ”
gee , I dont know, maybe cuz they can hurt people ?
“Why would we even consider bombing their missiles? ” Barbara
“gee , I dont know, maybe cuz they can hurt people ?” Micky
unborn people? 🙂
“unborn people?”
No, silly, unborn missiles!
Geez, lisa, you’re slipping.
“we know the feckless UN reprimands of “stop”, “stop it”, “stop it now”, “stop it now i said,” ” stop it now guys”…. mean nothing and will do nothing – we saw that with iraq.”
Well that sure is a true statement. We can’t expect the U.N. to do anything with NK.
i actually recommend ignoring n korea for the moment anyway.
it is dangerous to poke a psycho. although you may think that it would be obvious to all that an attack on n korea was limited to just missile sites or nuke sites, do not make the mistake of thinking they think like you.
that might actually cause them to destroy seoul, which they could do, and probably would do if they thought they were about to be destroyed as a nation.
i would simply ignore them completely and not even reprimand them. they want something, and i would make it clear they get no attention at all unless they play nice.
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