go sarah!

go sarah!

go sarah!

tonite’s the debate… and she’s coming after“plugs!”


and as much as the msm and libtards would try to minimize her, she didn’t get the name ‘saracuda‘ for nothing!

so get it done tonite sarah!


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  • chi says:

    what i’m looking for tonight in sarah, is for her to really come out swinging.
    point fingers, name names, call them out on the democrats involvement in the banking mess. call out obamas involvement in acorn, and his association with the criminal tony rezko. bring out obamas association with that disgusting, so called, reverand wrights anti-american, race baiting rants. go after his (cough) voting record.
    remind americans again just who obama REALLY is.
    go for little barry sarah, take the gloves off!

  • Marsha says:

    Chi I feel the same way. I am tired of the polite and collegial campaign that McCain has been running. I want Sarah to come out and kick Biden’s old puckered butt!

    I also want her to be herself: charming and funny but successful and knowledgeable.

  • BikerDan says:

    Well if McCain continues on this polite, civil campaign he’s running he won’t be in the WH in January. He has got to start addressing some of this crap that is out there.

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