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May 26, 2009
Obama’s choice for SCOTUS has a similar personal story to his own. Judge Sonia Sotomayor “unlikely ascent to power” (Obama’s words) came from humble roots. She grew up not far from Yankee Stadium in a Bronx Housing project. The daughter of Puerto Rican parents, Sotomayor lost her father at 9 and was largely raised by her mother. Sound familiar doesn’t it?
Obama had made clear his preference to replace retiring Justice Souter with someone who has “empathy” for the concerns of everyday Americans and said he found such a person in Sotomayor. He said this about his criteria for picking a Supreme (emphasis mine):
“It is experience that can give a person a common touch, and a sense of compassion, a sense of how the world works and how ordinary people live. That is why it is a necessary ingredient in the kind of justice we need on the Supreme Court.”
It is clear that Sotomayor favors “identity politics.” All over the news today is this quote from Sotomayor from a UC Berkeley law-school speech in 2001. She informed the law students that, contrary to public opinion, color and gender do mean something in qualifications for public service:
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”
We all know what would have happened if a white male had said something similar about latina’s. The race and gender issue is a strawman and should never be a factor in choosing a judge because judges should apply the law, not their “life experiences” or their “empathy” for specific outcomes in cases before the bench. If Judge Sotomayer’s strength is her “life experiences” and “empathy” then running for Congress, where policy decisions are made, would be a better place for her rather then the high court.
Tapped by an ultra liberal president, ultra liberal Sotomayor is not going to change the ideological makeup of the court, since she is replacing Souter, who often sides with liberals to sway key 5-4 decisions. But since she is only 54 years old, she gives Obama the chance to leave his liberally socialist stamp on the court for decades to come. Thankfully her 30 years in the business gives a deep paper trail to examine. However, look for charges of both gender bias and racism if her radical opinions are challenged. Also look for the spineless moderates and RINO’s to support her without so much as a whimper.
Lady Justice is blind. Unfortunately, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is not.
Here’s the rub for the GOP: The right-wing base demands a fight over the nomination. But the Republicans have neither the strength (with only 40 senators) nor the guts to fight. Already reeling, if they were to try to sink Sotomeyer’s nomination, they would further alienate two very important demographics: hispanics and women, neither of which view the GOP favorably at the moment.
On the other hand, if they don’t fight, they risk people like Kate and other readers of this blog calling them RINOs, which is about as vicious an insult as they can concoct.
Mitch McConnell better have some Rolaids handy.
Only Liberals like labels when it comes to picking judges and such. Obama said
‘I will seek someone who understands that justice isn’t about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a casebook.’ And then he said, ‘It is also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people’s lives.’
Obama is following the liberal playbook and appointing judges that will make laws from the bench. To heck with using the U. S. Constitution to see if laws violate it.
You liberals react from your gut. You all say, ‘Wow a Hispanic Woman on the Supreme Court. That is a step for all women in the world.’ Why don’t you want the best and only the best on the court?
If you went to the doctor and were told you needed surgery to save your life, would you want the best or would you want to fine a transgender, hispanic-african-american with one arm and no eyes so as to be “FAIR” to that group? Or would you want the best regardless of anything else?
We had a Hispanic Attorney General and Bush appointed a bunch of hispanics to the bench. But because they were Republican and not Democrats, they were destroyed in the media. So far all I have heard from the MSM is how this is wonderful and she is more the capable of being on the Supreme Court.
This is about Democrat Power, not what is best for the country.
George makes my point.
GOP senators are in a very tight spot. Fight Sotomeyer and piss of women and hispanics? Or let her go and piss off the GOP base?
Thanks, George.
We dont have to do anything.
Let her have her appointment with no objection from the right.
Obama and crew are doing a fine enough job of ensuring that soon to come everyones gonna be pi$$ed at them.
“This is about Democrat Power, not what is best for the country.”
Yep George. It’s also about Obama flexing his muscles because he can. With democrats, it is never about furthering the advancement of minorities. We saw that with Rice, Gonzales, even Powell (who now however is their darling). It is always about strengthening (whatever it takes) the power of base which happens to be made up of many minorities.
Of course she will be confirmed. She is an entirely suitable choice. Thanks Barack!!
As far as pissing off hispanics, my husband is hispanic and it is the latin culture to demonstrate loyalty-this will be no exception. No way will the GOP be able to do anything and not just because of the votes, but because of the fact they don’t want to alienate the hispanics in their districts.
Dull, old white men? So yesterday. Vibrant latinas who aren’t afraid of hard work? Destined to be a Justice!
And the Dades of the world don’t understand that. They are not concerned with anything but fairness and lables. They think right and wrong is subjective. Black is white sometimes and white is black sometimes. But sometimes black is black and white is white. And there they have 10 shades of gray to be vauge about too.
Hey Dade life is not far and never will be. I suppose you would pick a transgender, hispanic-african-american with one arm and no eyes so as to be “FAIR” to that group. So you could say your are fair and diverse even if that doctor had killed every patient they ever performed surgergy on.
Sotamayor said that the appeals court is where policy is made. WRONG.
You and your husband need to consider what the Democrats did to blacks in the 1960 war on poverty. They made a bunch of blacks poor, busted up the family and put them on the governement plantation for years of votes.
So being loyal because of skin color, race is okay even if they don’t care about you just as long as they get your vote and your money.
Callahan is this the best you can do? It’s hardly challenging at all. Yes she will be confirmed. Yes the old white guys in the GOP will launch a silly little protest that will fizzle. Yes they will look more foolish to the country and Yes the GOP will continue to lose hispanics including Cubans in Florida. The end result is the further marginalizing of the GOP until it simply becomes a blip.
Oh George, you will find that the democrats (neo-socialists) who infest this board do not have a memory prior to Jan. 20, 2009.
Jane, Pennie.
If you knew anything about the requirments of a judiciary that must uphold the law and interpret the constitution you wouldnt be injecting race and gender which have absolutley nothing to do with the wisdom it takes to fulfill the position.
You only confirm Georges point in his first comment.
American Idol drama queens at the ballot
Here is my question. So what’s so bad about Sotomayor being “empathetic”? Why are republicans all bent about that? It doesnt mean she throws the law out the door.
“So what’s so bad about Sotomayor being “empathetic”? ”
“Gee, even though you tore a$$ past the pre school at 120 mph I’m gonna cut you some slack because you’ve had such a hard life and grew up oin a hood like mine”
Are you starting to get it Christine ?
Robert KKK Bryd-Old white Guy
Ted Let me drive Kenndy-Old white guy
Bill is that your daughter Clinton-old white guy
When all you care about is race and color, you are the one that is prejudice.
The problem with being empathetic is that a judge is sworn to make decisions based on the law not by how they feel about it or bcause of race and color.
Do you really want a judge to be empathetic?
during the confirmation hearing they should ask “would a black woman more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a hispanic female?”
if no … why not?
if yes, than why are we hiring you?
then ask about lesbians, gay men, american indians, asians etc. etc. so we can get a ranking
The only reason the Republicans are opposing Sonia Sotamayor is because Barack nominated her. It’s not about empathy or temperment. That is all smoke and mirrors. You guys are hopeless.
Besides, we won you lost and we probably have 3 more picks in addition to this one. So get your crying out because I am already sick of hearing it.
Well, George, if you look at my comments, you’ll find that I didn’t say anything about being fair or even about whether or not Sotomayor is a good candidate for SCOTUS.
All I said was that this pick is almost impossible for the GOP to effectively oppose. They’re in a box. What makes it funny is that they did it to themselves.
Apparently the old,white, racist Republicans aren’t the only ones with reservations about Sotomayor:
“But despite the praise from some of her former clerks, and warm words from some of her Second Circuit colleagues, there are also many reservations about Sotomayor. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking to a range of people who have worked with her, nearly all of them former law clerks for other judges on the Second Circuit or former federal prosecutors in New York. Most are Democrats and all of them want President Obama to appoint a judicial star of the highest intellectual caliber who has the potential to change the direction of the court. Nearly all of them acknowledged that Sotomayor is a presumptive front-runner, but nearly none of them raved about her. They expressed questions about her temperament, her judicial craftsmanship, and most of all, her ability to provide an intellectual counterweight to the conservative justices, as well as a clear liberal alternative.”
“The most consistent concern was that Sotomayor, although an able lawyer, was “not that smart and kind of a bully on the bench,” as one former Second Circuit clerk for another judge put it. “She has an inflated opinion of herself, and is domineering during oral arguments, but her questions aren’t penetrating and don’t get to the heart of the issue.”
Inflated opinion of herself and a bully?!?!?! No wonder Obama picked her, she’s the female version of him!!!
pennie yes she will be confirmed, probably fairly easily but there are really 2 good things that i look forward to in the hearings for SS:
1) she had 30 years of opinions and briefs floating around out there. i am hoping no stone is unturned and lots and lots of her obvious judicial activist background comes out because in a way you’re right — it IS all about BHO because he picked this woman.
2) senator jeff sessions. he will at least make this woman sweat and i will be there with popcorn watching the whole thing.
“Besides, we won you lost and we probably have 3 more picks in addition to this one. So get your crying out because I am already sick of hearing it.”
Thats the best defense of a position I’ve ever heard.
Sounds like the kind of Judge pennie would nominate
“What makes it funny is that they did it to themselves.”
Good G-d I sure hope thats just your opinion
oh and pennie you said
“The only reason the Republicans are opposing Sonia Sotamayor is because Barack nominated her. It’s not about empathy or temperment. That is all smoke and mirrors. You guys are hopeless.”
no pennie, though i am not speaking for all republicans, i am opposed to this woman because by HER OWN WORDS she has taken a position that is contrary to the constitution. policies are not made by the judiciary as callahan pointed out in his post. maybe she’s empathetic, save it for her personal life not the court and certainly not in opinions.
of all the judges that were on The One’s short list, sotomayor is the most radical; she is to the left of the souter.
and if she is considered “moderate” by obama which is what he said, he will most likely pack the lower courts with other judges just like her. god help us pennie.
Once Sotomayor is confirmed, she is Obama’s standard or what his idea of an Associate Justice looks like. The next pick(s) he makes for SCOTUS will most likely be at least like her in judicial philosophy if not more to the left which is generally what happens. As an example, Alito is more conservative then Roberts.
Remember, Obama promised transformational change and he’s giving us that.
I see the sleezy Republican smear machine is already trying to paint Sonia Sotomayer as another Harriet Myers nominee. It won’t work because other then vaginas, they have nothing else in common.
“Besides, we won you lost and we probably have 3 more picks in addition to this one. So get your crying out because I am already sick of hearing it.”
Well then why have a hearing. Let’s just scrape our laws and let Barry In Charge appoint anyone he wants to anything he wants. Yeah that makes sense.
First they take our guns. Then they take our children. Then they take our vote.
Dade, You are right about one thing. The Republicans don’t have the CO Jones to take her on. If she was a Republican the Dems would grab a hold of her jugler and not let go till she cried uncle. This should be heard and debated on merit not race and gender. But we are talking about liberal that love labels more then substance.
My hope is this is the only one Barry gets to appoint. In 2013 the next President will appoint the others.
Sotomayer being a minority is cause for celebration.
Then again, no one is supposed to think she was chosen mainly because she is a minority.
It is the same mentality that got Barrack Hussein Obama elected. They voted for him because of the color of his skin and no other reason.
I never thought I would say this, but Barry makes Bill Clinton look like a republican.
But we conservatives did this by putting John McCain on the ballot. So even if we had had a person of color, they would have been demonized for being black and being a Republican. So either way, we would have gottnen Barry in Charge.
I am so proud that President Obama chose a woman and one who will be a voice for those who need one the most. Shame on any woman who would be against this pick!
“But we conservatives did this by putting John McCain on the ballot”
The lines between conservatism and liberalism have been blurred to the point where everything has moved so far to the left that a conservative who leans slightly left these days looks like a far right nut job compared to the extreme leftist we see today being called centrist.
Many true conservatives didnt turn out simply because Mcain just wasnt conservative enough for them. Having Palin at the front of the ticket would of been more conservative.
Yea, you’re right George, as soon as M. Steele was elected thats the first thing those unimaginative predictable fools said.
“Oh, hes just the cons answer to a black president” Pfft.
” am so proud that President Obama chose a woman and one who will be a voice for those who need one the most. Shame on any woman who would be against this pick!”
Another one who could care less about the true qualifications needed for the job.
I’ll bet you’re one of the same breed that elected Obama for being black just so we could show the world just how open minded and diverse we are ?
Oh this is all pretty funny. It sounds like some of you are not even over the election much less moving on to the Supreme Court position. You Republicans are getting ready for a dick-measuring contest when you have nothing to whip out. Repeat after me: “Elections have consequences”.
dade you said:
“they risk people like Kate and other readers of this blog calling them RINOs, which is about as vicious an insult as they can concoct.”
oh i can concoct more vicious insults but i’m a lady 🙂
jared you said:
“You Republicans are getting ready for a dick-measuring contest when you have nothing to whip out.”
rissa you said
“I am so proud that President Obama chose a woman and one who will be a voice for those who need one the most. Shame on any woman who would be against this pick!”
oh please! sotomayor may be quite empathetic but let her join the peace corps or something (no offense lisab!) save the ‘i am woman’ speech for someone else. actually i am a thinking christian conservative who happens to be a woman and proud of it. now scat silly.
Rissa, you said “I am so proud that President Obama chose a woman and one who will be a voice for those who need one the most. Shame on any woman who would be against this pick!”
My dear Supreme Court Justices are not to be the voice for anyone or anything except the U. S. Constitution. If you want her to be a voice for you, then elect her to office. Otherwise she needs to be quiet.
That’s funny Rissa, saying shes the one for the job simply because she’s a woman. Is that the liberal mentality now? Do qualifications mean nothing anymore, oh wait we’ve already proven that’s a big NO. Seriously can you can come up with something besides, she’s a woman?????????????????????? If that’s a no and I’m betting it is, here’s my arguement for her not being the next supreme court justice….SHE’S A YANKEE FAN (sorry KEN)
booooooooooooo yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss.
the rangers get a wee yay because W owned them. 🙂
“You Republicans are getting ready for a dick-measuring contest when you have nothing to whip out.”
Sounds like you speak from experience.
“You Republicans are getting ready for a dick-measuring contest when you have nothing to whip out.”
We dont have to whip out anything. And since I’m a convicted felon, no, its not a gun in my pocket.
If I were surrounded by liberals in dick measurung contest all I can say is that all the Viagra in the world couldnt get that sucker to appear. Besides that, you guys might try to make me gay
I can only imagine some moonbat whipping out a solar powered detachable…
“Seriously can you can come up with something besides, she’s a woman?????????????????????? ”
yes, she is hispanic
“I am so proud that President Obama chose a woman and one who will be a voice for those who need one the most.”
unborn babies?
Well, yeah, those too but I was talking more about the detainees at Gitmo that supposedly have no voice.
If I’m correct theres till a few wrinkles to be ironed out in Obamas tweaking of the military tribunals plus a few other security issues that no doubt will go to the SCOTUS.
i hope you have a good sense of humor 🙂
we are just playing
strangely, one of the few things Micky and i agree on is that we are both pro-life
lisab, you’ve had me in tears for most of this thread!!! I love it!!!
I think we could all lighten up every now and then.
This is a bunch of crap. If you all don’t think you are racists you are crazy. You aren’t even giving her a chance. Rember Barack has every right to choose his court. He won. You lost.
Barry Lover,
We are not racist because we disagree with her own words about abortion and about the role of the court making policies. We would say that about any of Barry’s picks. Unlike you liberals, we don’t see color and panic.
We have people of color in our party. Although you liberals like to discredit them because you all think that unless you are white, you can’t be a conservative.
Are the whites on the liberal side a different color on the inside? If all you have is color, you don’t have much.
You call us racist in view of a racist judge ?
Shes already judged cases based on race and even gone as far top say that Latina women are wiser than white guys.
And you call us crazy ?
Really, get an imagination and another angle.
Everytime the right disagrees with someone if they’re not white you say were racist.
An Obama sheep accuses us of being racist. I’m shocked…………really.
Come back when you have something more original. Now, go back to your flock.
Funny the only ones bringing up race are, for lack of a better term, the Baracklovers.
I have thought about this thing wil Barry not releasing his real birth certificate and this is what I think. He was listed as carcaision which would mean, we still don’t have a black President. He needed that to get elected by the sheep that just follow but do not think.
Barry be White.
I have been following this article, I have seen all of your comments and your cries. yes Barak can choose his court.. if he chooses jesters thats his business…
HEAR me when I say this: I dont give a rats tail if the doctor who is about to operate on me grew up in the slums. I dont care if the dentist that is going to operate on my mouth is black, white or hispanic. I NEED HIM or HER to know how to do the job. Not to have empathy. I need them to know what it is, that is going to get me well again, reguardless of how or where they grew up. All this is BULL Sugar Honey Ice Tea. this is all just a cover story for what is really going on. I hope that you are still looking beyond this crazy front and really take a look at what is going on in Washington while this story takes the ridiculous cake.
I logged into my gmail account today; I have not logged in for quite some time. I was astonished to see a bunch of emails about comments to this blog, which is not mine, nor do I have anything to do with it. When I tried to contact the owner of this blog, my own email address,, was the contact address. I’ve had this address for years, and I have to presume the owner of this blog decided to use it anyway, not wanting to actually receive emails, and perhaps upset that the address was not available.
So…this being the only way to contact the owner of this blog, please change your email address to something else. I can’t get rid of the gmail address; it appears to be there forever, so your using it isn’t going to make it available to you. All it does is mess me up. So please change it, ok? Maybe or something like that.
Thanks so much.
Beatrice Latherings
kate said: heh. sorry ‘beatrice latherings’ actually is NOT my email but rather if this is a legit comment, forward me the emails please. if not, it was a pretty funny afternoon joke! 🙂
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