Ron Paul nuts go after Lindsay Graham

Ron Paul nuts go after Lindsay Graham

Ron Paul nuts go after Lindsay Graham

Lindsay Graham spoke at the South Carolina Republican Party Convention this weekend, and he had the audacity to say that Ron Paul was not the leader of the GOP. This upset the Paulites, who got into a bit of a confrontation with Senator Graham:

A combative Lindsey Graham got into a sharp back-and-forth with some audience members at the South Carolina GOP convention on Saturday as he made the case for an open-tent Republican party.

According to The State newspaper and video posted on YouTube, the South Carolina senator told the convention he wants to build a party that can compete in Pennsylvania and Connecticut as well as in his home state.

“You’re a hypocrite!,” one man in the audience yelled.

“I’m a winner, pal,” Graham retorted. Moments later, after saying he wants to the party to reach out to independent voters, he said: “Winning matters to me. If it doesn’t matter to you, there’s the exit sign.”

The crowd in Columbia also featured some Ron Paul supporters who offered several libertarian resolutions during the convention that were rejected by the state party.

During his speech, Graham told the audience, “Ron Paul is not the leader of this party.” That remark drew a few jeers, with several people yelling, “Yes he is!”

“I’m not going to give this party over to people who can’t win,” Graham responded.

Here’s the video:

Now, I’m not a huge fan of Lindsay Graham’s. And it’s hard to say who you feel sorry for in this altercation, the shamnesty senator or the Ron Paul fruit loops. In this particular situation, I think I’m going with Graham, though. Ron Paul is not, and never will be, the leader of the Republican Party. The reaction of the Ron Paul supporters to Graham’s statement is telling — say anything negative about Ron Paul, and the Paulites jump all over you. You would think that, given the fact that Ron Paul failed miserably in the election, they would accept the fact that he is not only not the leader of the party, but that he is completely insignificant. If they could accept that, then they could start to figure out why he’s so insignificant and then go about changing that. But instead, they just continue to act completely crazy, and thereby continue alienating the rest of the Republican party.

And this video just goes to show that it probably will never change, either.

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

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  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    I wouldn’t shed too many tears form Lindsay Gramnesty. After we normalize maybe 20 million illegals, a majority will vote Democrat.

    How does that help, Senator?

  • As much as I despise Lindsey Grahamnesty–and I really, really do–I hold Ron Paul and his whack-job followers in even more contempt. If the GOP wants credibility, they need to shake off both of those traitors and Paul’s goofy mothers’-basement-dwelling, koolaid-drinking sycophantic followers. None of them ever contribute a thing to the cause despite their noise and they are nothing but parasites and leeches. A Pox on Graham, Paul, and Paul’s flakey corps of lunatic disciples.

  • Freeman says:

    If Ron Paul is so insignificant and such a loser, why has he been a Congressman for more than twenty years? The fact Lindsey Graham mentions Ron Paul and feels he has to put him down in the first place is what’s telling here. Ron Paul’s ideas, the basic ideas of liberty and freedom, are what’s needed to re-energize the republican party. It’s losers like Graham who can’t stand to admit they were wrong and refuse to change their platforms who are crazy, and will continue to alienate the 21% of registered voters who still call themselves republicans, and well as the bulk of other Americans.

  • Yonemoto says:

    On the other hand, of all of the republican POTUS candidates, Ron Paul is the only one who won an election in 2008.

  • Nick says:

    You think Dr. Paul doesn’t matter, eh? His run awoke scores of Americans across the country, myself included. I used to be a hard-core neocon; now I’m a traditional Constitutional conservative, and it’s thanks in large part to Dr. Paul. Psuedoconservatives like Graham (voting for TARP and then pretending like you’re a conservative is patently absurd) are the reason the Republican Party is going to die unless the leadership starts listening to people like Dr. Paul.

  • NYC says:

    Einstein’s definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome. This would make the Republican Party’s so called leaders “nuts,” not Ron Paul. Let us compare the record:

    – In 2002, Ron Paul warned Congress against going to war with Iraq, as we would get stuck there. And if they did go, he asked they declare war, fight it and have an exit strategy. (Most Americans believe Iraq was a mistake, including “former” Republicans. Yet, Republican leaders obstinately campaign for it.)
    – In 2002, Ron Paul introduced legislation to curtail Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s authority to guarantee massive, unsustainable mortgage lines, which he said would lead to a bust in the housing market. ( Not one Republican leader supported it.
    – In the 2007-2008 Presidential debates, Ron Paul presciently warned of the coming economic collapse, during which Republican leaders derided him. (His judgment again proved true and the Republican’s line-of-defense is, “nobody saw it coming.”)

    Given Ron Paul’s record and that of Republican leaders, you think Ron Paul is insignificant and Republican leaders are going to convert independents? Now that is insanity.

  • Dave C says:

    I’m having a second look at Ron Paul too.. I think it’s Peter Schiff (The name of Paul’s economic adviser) was spooky how accurate he was in regards to the economy and FM/FM..

    With Domestic policy, Paul is smart..

  • Dan Hansen says:

    Dr. Paul represents a very traditional core constituency of the Republican party: small government, pro-freedom, non-interventionist fiscal conservatives. Right now that constituency polls at about 5% to 10% of the vote. So no, Dr. Paul does not lead the Republican party. In a less-heated discussion you’d find the folks in South Carolina who were shouting from the crowd understand that reality as well. They’re trying to change it but they also certainly understand it.

    It’s easy to lose your cool when you’ve got faux conservatives calling you “fruit loops”, “crazy”, “insignificant”, “mother’s-basement-dwelling”, “koolaid-drinking”, “parasites”, “leeches”, and “traitors”.

    And that was in, what, three paragraphs of text? Looking over the insults laid out here it seems to me that it’s not the small-government conservatives who are going a little insane about this.

    We need you folks to THINK about these things and join us in setting the party straight. The welfare/warfare state that Lindsey Graham and the Republicrats have created has resulted in Federal budgets in the trillions. We’re sending hundreds of thousands of our troops overseas and we can’t even control our own borders. We’re at the stage where we’re bombing our own “allies” (Pakistan). And in the meantime the behemoth of big government just keeps growing and growing.

    So of course Lindsey Graham is a hypocrite. He talks like a conservative but then acts like a big government imperialist. He figures it will get him elected. But for what purpose? What is the “cause” that you folks are so keen on – is it smaller government and freedom? Is it liberty?

    I’m hoping it is. And if it is, then we can get beyond the insults and find the common ground. And that means having some serious discussions about what we’d like to see removed from the Federal budget and then educating people why it is that we cannot just keep spending like there is no tomorrow. It means making some hard choices about how to make sure that the dollar is sound money. And it means emphasizing what made this country great in the first place, which is freedom.

  • Rod says:

    “I’m not going give the party over to people who can’t win/Rah, rah, John McCain” … you gotta be kiddin’ me:)

    No, Ron Paul isn’t the “leader of the GOP” …and never really claimed to be. Why should Lindsey feel compelled to bring it up? Lindsey was one of the handful of old schoolers laughing and making fun during the primaries when RP would speak. It’s taken them this long to realize that, at the time, they were the only ones laughing.

  • pipes wilson says:

    lagniappes guy is just another cop with an ego stealing individual freedoms where he feels fit.typical un-educated donut eating cop who could not make anything of himself so he became a public servant.
    get with the program asswipe

  • For all of the “Oh yeah?” posts from RuPaul’s kool-aid drinkers, not one of them seems able to explain why Paul can’t get any of his bright ideas enacted into law. He’s totally ineffective. All he does is request tons of pork while bashing others for their pork requests (we call those people “hypocrites”), then make a show of voting against stuff that he knows will pass with or without him. He’s a tool who wins re-election simply by virtue of keeping himself in the public eye but he doesn’t actually do anything. He’s pretty much just the political equivalent of Paris Hilton or Britney Spears.

  • Knightbrigade says:

    Ohh Boy….
    After this cage match between…..

    the mushy “WIN” even if it means move to the left like RINO’s Graham, Christ, the MAINE twins etc.


    the HARD core rock solid, unique, quirky, devoted, and ummm..interesting Ron Paulonians.

    Could we ALL just come to the conclusion that WE/CONSERVATIVES and the COUNTRY will be 100% BETTER off keeping the HARD core liberal/Progressive loons from running things.

    This can ONLY be done..with ALL Conservative types coming TOGETHER……..
    Easier said than done, YA I know….
    But just look at President PrompterBinky and the San Fran Nan, now if THAT doesn’t scare the crap out of you and motivate…nothing will.

  • badmedia says:

    “explain why Paul can’t get any of his bright ideas enacted into law”.

    Well take a look at the things that do get signed into law. Getting things signed into law is meaningless when they aren’t good things. No problem getting things signed into law when you have lobbyists and are ready to stiff the American Public. So considered what kinds of laws do get signed in, I’d have to say it’s because he doesn’t work for a bunch of lobbyists and isn’t selling out the American Public like the other.

    As for Graham and winning. If I just wanted to be a “winner”, then I could have supported Obama and been a winner. Of course, if you are voting and supporting things you don’t agree with in order to “win”, then you haven’t won anything at all. You lost before you even started. I’d rather vote for things I want and lose than vote for things I don’t want and win. It’s called principles and maybe Graham should see if Wal-Mart has some on sale because he apparently doesn’t have any.

  • Freeman says:

    Lapniappe’s Guy, Ron Paul’s HR 1207 currently has at least 162 co-sponsors, and he’s attracted new people to the republican party at a time when the older people were leaving in droves. Those things are constructive. I fail to see how your childish name calling does anything to benefit the GOP.

  • slamdunk says:

    The issue that will continue to be fought and should be interesting.

  • Brian Frank says:

    There are more and more Ron Paul supporters made everyday! By the way, his sone Rand Paul is running for US Senate in KY, lets all support him too!

  • gravel kucinich paul nader says:

    Israel-first, dual-national, AIPAC banker paid Neocons forever!

    ~ Extortion Blackmail Bribery ~


    Remember the “evidence” from 911 is secret to protect your “freedoms”

    Anthrax intimidation?

    The Big Lie.

  • philmon says:

    Well … hmmm. Winning, when what you used to win is against your principles … isn’t winning. Then it doesn’t matter that you won. The other guy might as well have won.

    I have a lot more in common with Ron Paul than I don’t. We definitely differed sharply about what to do about Iraq and Afghanistan (and a few other things), which is why he didn’t get my support. Nut jobs do support Ron Paul, but a lot of perfectly reasonable people do as well. For the most part, he’s really not that out there.

    On the other hand, changing our principles on immigration and AGW like Mr. McCain … a man I have a lot of respect for … did, is like saying we don’t believe what we believe.

    I was a Thompson supporter myself.

  • Ryan says:

    Losers like Lindsay Graham are their reason why I left The Republican Party and why I will never go back. If I wanted to vote for a bunch of liberals I would vote democrat. If you want a true conservative party tell the republican liberals that, a liberal is a liberal, no matter if they have a R or a D behind their name then come join me in the only true conservative party

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