Republicans hold the line again; unanimously vote against Obama’s budget

Republicans hold the line again; unanimously vote against Obama’s budget

It passed anyway, but I’m choosing to look at this like a tiny glimmer of hope that all is not lost in Washington. Back in January, the House Republicans took a stand, along with the majority of the Senate Republicans (with the exception of Those Who Shall Not Be Named). Things look grim now. But there is hope. Every Republican in both the House and the Senate voted against Obama’s pork-filled, spending-laden budget.

Congressional Democrats overwhelmingly embraced President Obama’s ambitious and expensive agenda for the nation yesterday, endorsing a $3.5 trillion spending plan that sets the stage for the president to pursue his most far-reaching priorities.

Voting along party lines, the House and Senate approved budget blueprints that would trim Obama’s spending proposals for the fiscal year that begins in October and curtail his plans to cut taxes. The blueprints, however, would permit work to begin on the central goals of Obama’s presidency: an expansion of health-care coverage for the uninsured, more money for college loans and a cap-and-trade system to reduce gases that contribute to global warming.

… Republicans blasted the Democratic budget as a reckless manifesto that would greatly expand the size of government and double the national debt within five years. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he feared the consequences of a budget that “calls for a dramatic and potentially irreversible shift of our nation to the left in the areas of health care, education and private enterprise.”

… The House voted 233 to 196 to support the Democratic budget proposal, with just 20 Democrats voting with Republicans in opposition. The Senate approved its blueprint 55 to 43, with all but two Democrats voting yes.

This budget is disastrous for America. My children will be born into debt, thanks to this. And not only will my children be born into debt, but the children they will have will also be born into debt. This is a $3.5 trillion budget, and is putting us on an unsustainable path of borrowing and spending that must stop. Americans are tightening their belts, but Obama has shown no desire to share in the sacrifice.

This could cripple the United States.

Thankfully, it can be reversed. It’s not too late — yet. It seems like Republicans are slowly coming around, and in 2010, we’ll have our first chance to take back our country. This is the chance the Republicans have to decide where they stand. Hopefully, they’re finally understanding where they need to be.

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