Americans are apologizing to Gordon Brown, since Obama won’t

Americans are apologizing to Gordon Brown, since Obama won’t

So, Barack Obama first snubbed Gordon and Sarah Brown, and then they insulted them, saying that Britain was no more important than the other 190 countries in the world.

Well, a lot of Americans who value the relationship we have with Britain were incensed at that. Not only were many chafed at having Obama insult our strongest ally in our name, but they also were worried that this would cause our friendship with Britain to crumble.

So they’re taking action.

Join me and other Americans as we send our letters of apology to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Here is a sample letter from Grand Rants to get the ball rolling:

To the Right Honorable Gordon Brown
Dear Mr. Brown,

As an average American, I just wanted to express my apology for the boorish behavior of my President regarding Mr. Brown’s recent visit to the United States. It goes without saying that his reception (wanting and abrupt) was a sorry thing indeed.

Please rest assured that more than just a few Americans grasp the pivotal, dignified, and guiding role that the British people and government have played in the maturation and survival of our American Republic and Western Civilization in general.

Most Americans wish the very best to The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, his family, and all our good friends across the pond.

In embarrassment, but with best wishes for a continued strong relationship between our countries,

[Your name]

Send your letters to:

The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
United Kingdom

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin

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  • Darius says:

    Frankly, it pissed me off when the left walked around with “I’m Sorry ” signs about Bush, and in this respect, I refuse to stoop to their level.

    I think the firestorm of criticism he’s received here from people like us makes it clear that many of us are ashamed of his actions, without having to do what we complain about in leftists – bypassig foreign policy, and acting like kids by “apologizing’ to foreigners for our president.

  • Bob says:

    And be sure to tell them that we actually do like ‘football’ and Manchester United is awesome! 😀

  • Frankly, it pissed me off when the left walked around with “I’m Sorry ” signs about Bush, and in this respect, I refuse to stoop to their level.

    Now Darius, the left WON the election. Their beliefs are all-important and yours don’t count for squat, haven’t you heard? We just had a referendum on whether human activity is causing global warming, whether George Bush and Sarah Palin are a couple of brain-dead idjits, whether it’s time to kill off capitalism and whether or not there is a God. The time has come to offer a heartfelt welcome to our new insect overlords. Together, like they say, we can do this!

    And what better place to start doing things the left-wing way, than right here; what better time to do it, than right now. When the guy in the Oval Office can’t deliver, it falls to the citizens to step up and make things right. Just chalk it up to that “responsibility” angle The Anointed One keeps talking about. Perhaps He’s just testing us. Or, maybe, He really does think Rush Limbaugh wants Him to fail…at everything, including relations with those “allies” we heard discussed so much…and for reasons unexplained has decided to do His part to make it happen. Who’s to say? One thing’s for sure, He needs our help. Maybe it’s unfamiliar territory for us to have to teach our own President just basic childhood lessons, like good manners — but, we were also told repeatedly, that this is a time for CHANGE!

  • Mat says:


    I agree with you up to a point. What Obama did was abysmally stupid. However, I would not go so far as to apologize to the British, since they collectively wanted this doofus in the White House. Remember back in November when the Europeans just swooned over the Messiah? I sure do. I also remember that we were just a bunch of evil retards for voting in Bush. How could us backwoods rubes even consider not voting for The Chosen One? Because, you know, the Europeans are so “sophisticated”…

    Personally, as much as I see that as a diplomatic blunder (or was it?) I also have to admit that watching the same Brits that went so ga-ga over this guy several months ago now pitch hissy-fits is somewhat satisfying…

    Let’s not forget that Brown (as is most of Europe) is leftist, so when they start beating the crap out of each other, I think it’s best that we take a quick swipe at the President, but then pull back and watch the fur fly between the self-righteous jackasses.

  • Mark says:

    I, for one, will not sign on to this. BO is our own private joke.

  • Alice says:

    The UK tortured Obama’s grandpappy. With that in consideration I think his response to the UK was most restrained.

  • Alice says:

    It’s not like he declared war on the UK like his predecessor did on a country who had tried to hurt his father. The UK actually DID hurt Obama’s Grandfather. There is more justification than for Obama to go to war with Britain than there ever was for Bush to go to war with Iraq.

  • Rob Farrington says:

    Mat, count me out of the collective!

    I was in the US and staying with my fiancee’s family during the election. Believe me, they weren’t the only ones who were feeling depressed the morning after…

  • Mark says:

    Cassy, I hope I’m not doing wrong by posting urls in the comments section, but here’s one from a blogger I discovered yesterday. He is onto something with the Monday is “F**k Obama Day”. Plus, I agree with his take on the Brown misstep.

  • A. Men says:


  • Gabe Smith says:

    I have a theory that Obama actually hates England for some reason and when I voiced it on my blog, some loony liberal tried to make an argument for Obama to declare war on England!

    The British people need to know we elected an inexperienced, arrogant child that is supported, in part, by the nutters of our society.

  • j clark says:

    Cassy, excellant article. I have to agree with the other writer that “they” apologized to whomever for whatever gaff GWB was accused of. I trust that Gordon Brown understands that Obama is a pathetic excuse for a POTUS and won’t hold it againest the US. Our history with our brothers in England runs far to deep for our relationship to crumble over Obama and his demonic wifes behavior.

  • Mat says:


    I understand that there were some British and Europeans in general who weren’t flipped about Obama (I read the Brussels Journal online so I’m aware that there are some conservatives out there), but the fact is that the majority of them did want him and wanted him bad. As far as I’m concerned, everyone who wanted this socialist nut to get into power has what’s coming to them.

    My point was that everyone was orgasmic about the Messiah (he’s a citizen of the world, after all) on the other side of the pond, and now they’re suddenly finding out that he’s not all he’s cracked up to be (trade wars looming, more troops for Afghanistan, and now the insult to the British PM). Apparently, the Europeans aren’t nearly as sophisticated as they claim to be. I call it poetic justice.

  • Tim says:

    It pissed me off when the left did this kind of crap, but I’m torn because it seemed to work well for them 🙂

    In all seriousness, though, I’m never going to apologize to a foreign nation/official/citizen for a foreign policy gaffe by an American President. I’m perfectly happy to criticize Chairman O, and criticize him for making the US look foolish in this case here in the US, but that’s a right specifically given to Americans in my opinion. Yes, it’s embarrassing, but unless it’s something that actually costs the nation (such as the left’s criticizm of Israel and acceptance of Hamas) then I don’t feel the need to apologize.

  • Mary says:

    I have to agree with Darius. I wanted to slap all of the people who
    made the “We’re Sorry” web site when President Bush was elected a
    2nd time.

    I have no respect for Mr Obama. I think he was absolutely the wrong
    choice. But..let’s keep our disagreements about the future of this
    nation internal.

  • CavalierX says:

    I will not apologise for President Overcharge’s rude, boorish behavior. I didn’t vote for him. Let those who wanted him to run the show apologise for his shabby treatment of our best ally in the world. Or do they think this is really the way to make the world love us?

  • Ralph Gizzip says:

    Dear PM Brown,

    Please accept my heartfelt apologies for the reception and gifts presented to you during your recent visit to the White House. It appears our once great country has elected a retard as President.


    Ralph Gizzip

  • Joe Bob says:

    I always want to take you seriously, but I can’t get past the bra strap
    showing in your gun pic. I would love to see you bra-less altogether.

  • Staring In Disbelief says:

    Sorry Cassy, I love ya and would normally agree when it comes to “the special relationship” except I think it is now dead, dead, dead. To echo Mat’s on the money analysis, “They wanted him, they GOT HIM.” Especially Gordon effing Brown, who could not have been LESS supportive of our struggles in Iraq. The weasel got what he deserved, as did all the other lefto-Brit weanies rooting for him. I hope they enjoy the next four years of being “just another country”. It might just be the next for-ever years.

  • Tennwriter says:

    I will say that I greatly value the ‘special relationship’, and that without Britain, the world would have been a far, far darker place.

  • Mark says:

    This nonsense over Bush going to war with Iraq over something they did to his father is so over the top.
    Obviously, people have forgotten that with the end of the first gulf war came conditions, all that were broken by Saddam Hussein. These were agreed upon by not only him but also the UN. Since we had that weakling on foreign policy, Bill Clinton, Saddam was able to defy us and the world. I guess the Oil For Food program never took place?

  • PATTYCAKE says:

    Re Mat’s comment 10 March

    I’m a Brit and would like to say that I for one don’t give a fig about the way Brown was treated! Y’know, the media noticed……… but we Brits…………. didn’t. We don’t care either!

    And Mat….. a word of advice – you need to get a firm hold on your rash generalisations!!! And, maybe… start to smile a little!!!

    Those Americans who feel the need to apologise………….get off your knees dammit….. you don’t generally apologise why start now!!! 🙂

  • Big Al says:

    Alice, your a fool. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but you are.

    I’ve lost several kin in several wars, which is and would be no excuse what-so-ever in my taking out any ill feelings upon the current citizens or leaders of the countries involved. Only an ass would. To describe Obama’s actions as legitimate for doing so is absurd. And if that were true it would even make Obama more petty a person for doing so.

    As far as reasons of our going to war in Iraq, the reasons are valid and many. None of them have anything to do with Husseins planned assassination or GHW Bush, but that DOES show who the man was that Bush was dealing with. If you want to know some of those reasons, and some history on it all (which I somehow doubt you will) here’s some past posts of mine that will shed some light on your cluelessness about the subject.

  • Mat says:


    It’s hardly rash generalization. Europe does think that way, and if it doesn’t, you guys have a weird way of showing it. And if things were going ok, I’d smile, but they’re not. We’re in the middle of a major economic downturn. We’re going to let the Iranians get nukes. It’s highly likely that we’ll get another terrorist attack (which will do further wonders for the economy). I don’t you seem to realize how fragile things are right now.

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