OH NO! Unless we pass the stimulus package, we’re going to lose 500 MILLION JOBS a MONTH! EVERYONE PANIC!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!!1!!!1!!!
So, let’s see… there are approximately 300 million people living in the United States at the last census count. But somehow, we’re going to lose 500 million jobs? A month?! And all because we won’t bend over and take it with a great big smile on our faces. Heaven forbid Americans actually question what Democrats are trying to do in Washington! I guess we better shut our traps and just let them go ahead with their massive $800 billion pork-laden spending spree, because otherwise, we are clearly screwed.
Hear that, all you conservative right-wingers? All of you Blue-Dog Democrats? There will be no hesitating at all to accept the Porkzilla Plan. Everyone needs to just stop worrying so much and let the Democrats sink the economy. I mean, jeez. What’s the deal with all of this “thinking for yourselves” baloney? Obama is in office, people! We’ve got hope’N’change now! You’re supposed to just be mindlessly swallowing everything we say! Got that??
In all seriousness, I think this little slip-up shows a few different things. First, it shows how completely out of touch Nancy Pelosi is… although, when you’re getting up into the trillions I can see how it can be difficult to keep track. Second, it shows how quickly Nancy Pelosi is willing to try to use fear to get what she wants. Third, and most telling, it just goes to show how journalism is completely dead right now. If Sarah Palin or John McCain had said this three and a half months ago, the media would’ve plastered it all over the news as a major headline in every newspaper and on every network. But because it’s Nancy Pelosi, there’s nothing. Crickets chirping.
Oh, and remember — this is supposed to be the bestest, most ethical, least corrupt, most awesome Congress EVAH!
Maybe all those extra people are in the extra 7 states. I don’t think they got counted in the census (but they probably still voted.)
Or maybe its like how Obama stated more people died in the Greensburg, KS tornado than actually live in the town.
Politicians: never afraid to inflate the number of victims of something for a political goal.
And it keeps getting awesomer…
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Pelosi’s a little slow? I mean retard slow…
I think that’s giving her too much credit Mat…
Now that you mention it, yes it is an insult to the mentally retarded…how about empty-headed imbecile?
A million jobs here, a million jobs there… pretty soon you’re talking about real impact.
Alas, Ms. Fiano, you do not understand the proper role of the media. They report news. That San Fran Nan is dumber than box of rocks and more annoying than fingernails on a chalkboard isn’t news.
And she is just one heartbeat and one aneurysm away from the Oval Office!
Proof Says:
And she is just one heartbeat and one aneurysm away from the Oval Office!
Now Proof, that is more frightening than this trillion dollar stimulus package. I think I’d move to Outer Siberia if Pelosi got into the Oval Office.
Ya know, this is one thing I don’t get. I mean, the Dems seem hell-bent on wanting to shove government entitlements down everybody’s throat, yet they’re afraid of people losing their jobs. Isn’t that exactly what they would want, though? Lost jobs = more government dole = more Democrat voters? I can’t believe that there’s anybody in the Donkey-stable in DC who even realizes that it’s the workers who provide the money for their entitlement programs, so…
I was happy to see that Jay Leno nailed her on it.