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Lila Rose debuts a third video of Planned Parenthood breaking the law

Lila Rose debuts a third video of Planned Parenthood breaking the law

Before we get into the video, I want to go over the Mona Lisa Project. It’s a project by Lila Rose and Live Action Films, and they describe it thusly:

The Mona Lisa Project videos document Planned Parenthood’s willingness to repeatedly violate mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape that protect children.

Our series of hidden camera investigations, collected by a team led by Lila Rose in summer 2008, provide the public the inside story about the abortion industry and its abuses across the nation. Despite a consistent pattern of lawlessness and abuse, Planned Parenthood receives over $320 million from taxpayers each year. The tax-exempt “nonprofit” netted $100 million in net income last year including revenue of over $100 million directly from performing 289,000 abortions.

We hope that our project will lead to criminal prosecution of Planned Parenthood so that their business practices will be forced to comply with governing laws that protect young girls.

There have already been two videos released, both in Indiana. You can see both of them here. And almost two years ago, there was this conversation where the Planned Parenthood staffer told Lila Rose to lie about her age (given as 15), the age of her boyfriend (given as 23), and encouraged her to get an abortion. Lila Rose has also showed that racism and eugenics still have a home at Planned Parenthood.

And now we have yet another video, this time in Arizona, of Planned Parenthood breaking the law by not reporting statuatory rape, as well as encouraging the girl to lie to her parents. It’s pretty chilling.

The worst part is that this isn’t the first time this has happened.

This is not the first time Planned Parenthood of Arizona has failed to report sexual abuse. In 2002, an Arizona judge found the abortion provider negligent for failing to report the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl by her 23-year-old foster brother, who brought her to a Phoenix-area clinic for an abortion in 1998. After Planned Parenthood kept silent about the abuse, the sexual relationship continued and led to a second abortion six months later.

After the first two videos in the Mona Lisa Project debuted, Indiana began investigating Planned Parenthood. Staffers were fired. However, I doubt we’ll see the same reaction in Arizona: Attorney General Terry Goddard is delivering a speech today at a function sponsored by Planned Parenthood. Will he respond? Stay tuned (but my Spidey sense says no). You can send him a message and ask him to follow Indiana’s lead.

I said it last time, and I’ll say it again. Lila Rose is just pretending to be 13 here, but how many girls under the age of 16 does this actually happen to? It’s a scary, scary thought.

Oh, and in case you’ve forgotten, remember that we’re funding this depraved organization. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization. They receive hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding every year.

And look at what they’re doing.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • slamdunk says:

    And PP is pumped about all of the new taxpayer dollars the organization will receive during the current administration’s term…

  • Knott Buyinit says:

    Around here, when someone is involved with something like the Mona Lisa Project we say they are ‘doing the Lord’s work’. If so, whose work, then, is Planned Parenthood doing?

    PS: I promised myself during the campaign that, every time the subject of abortion came up, I would remind everyone that President Obama has voted in favor of infanticide. Consider yourself reminded.

  • Instinct says:

    Yea, so nice to know that my tax dollars go to kill innocent lives, create voter fraud, and bring about “hopechange”

    Now I am going to go throw up.


  • Mark says:

    Our great “Unifier” voted NO four times over the Born Alive bill. He’d rather see babies who initially survived being aborted thrown in with soiled laundry to die.

  • J David says:

    We shall see much worse from the party and president of death…The indignation seems less relevant as each day goes by. See ya’ll in the concentration camps.

  • Melinda P says:

    What kills me the most is that Planned Parenthood is getting our tax dollars!!! I’m Pro-Life, and yet my taxes go to pay for the ripping of human life from the womb! This country needs to get on it’s knees and weep because of all of the crap that is done! What’s worse is that our society puts more value on the lives of animals than on the lives of humans. Pray for our country!!!!!

  • 5kidsnadog says:

    All I have to say is that, as the mother of 5, there wouldn’t be much that they could do to stop me if I found out they laid one of their soiled fingers on my daughter. I would not care that they would try to inflict a penalty on me, I would exact the justice on them that our government seems unwilling to provide.
    Of all the beautiful, useful, and wonderful things that a human being can choose to do as their life’s work, I have to wonder at those who choose abortion. All I can say is that they must have had a near death experience which proved the non-existance of God. I, myself, can’t say that I have one hundred per cent faith that at the end of my life, there will be a reckoning before God, but just in case, I think I’ll err on the side of doing what is right. Even so, you could justify it by realizing that living your life in a responsible, respectful, and caring manner feels better than the alternative, I’ll choose that. My belief that abortion is murder does not stem from the Pope, or Mrs. Jonic, my eight grade catechism teacher. It stems from the undeniable proof that is provided each and every time an abortion is performed. Human arms, legs, eyes, and noses, don’t grow on canteloupe.

    I wish everyone could hear Dr. Martin Luther King’s neice speak about her own experience with her two abortions. When she realized what she had done, she felt betrayed by all those who counselled her that she was removing nothing more than a collection of cells.

  • Kate says:

    The above article and the Mona Lisa project in general focus on Planned Parenthood’s failure to report possible cases of statutory rape, yet all of the above comments focus on abortion and how bad you all think it is. Consider a similar oversight–the PLanned Parenthood employee trying to help a young girl deal with a very difficult proposition: unplanned pregnancy as a teenager. Or don’t you understand?

    If you are against abortion: don’t have one, and don’t waste Planned Parenthood’s time pretending you are in need if you are not. Some people really do need their help and appreciate the services provided.
    For instance: Annual gynecology exams–cervical and breast cancer screening, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, safe and affordable contraception, accurate and educational information, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, etc etc.

  • Ron S. says:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness has been replaced as the cry for freedom with the government sponsored assasination of the unborn. Offerings to the god of “choice”, sacrificed upon the altar of self agrandizement. To those who wish to kill, the law apparently has no meaning.

  • Instinct says:

    Kate, what you fail to understand is that I am against abortion but I am FORCED to fund it because my tax dollars are funneled to Planned Parenthood. So, the whole “Well just don’t have one” doesn’t really wash there, does it.

    Fine, let them provide all those other wonderful services and my tax dollars will happily support that, but then lets quit funding something that is morally wrong, and that 95% of them are done simply for convenience rather than any other reason.

    Oh, yea, they’re helping her deal with a tough decision by breaking the law. How noble of them to protect a child molester all in the name of choice.

  • ak says:

    if you really think of all the planned parenthoods lila rose has gone to she doesn’t have very many videos of incrimination. i agree what pp employees have been caught saying and doing is not ok, but it makes you wonder how many clinics she entered and had nothing to report because pp followed the law, said and did everything they were supposed to. you can’t tell me there aren’t any.

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