New Jersey High School Displays Hypocrisy And Blatant Antisemitism

New Jersey High School Displays Hypocrisy And Blatant Antisemitism

New Jersey High School Displays Hypocrisy And Blatant Antisemitism

A New Jersey high school banned students from displaying yellow ribbons to pay tribute to the October 7th hostages during a school club fair event. However, they had no problem with the Muslim club having their keffiyehs out everywhere.

The school also did not allow the display of an Israeli flag because school officials considered it too political.

A New Jersey high school banned yellow ribbons meant to symbolize support for the Israeli hostages during a club fair — a “blatant’’ display of antisemitism, furious critics say.

Some Fair Lawn High School parents and the group StopAntisemitism also complained that the presence of Israel’s flag during the event, which was partly promoting a trip to Israel, was not allowed because the administration deemed it too “political” — while members of the Muslim Student Association were allowed to display a keffiyeh. – New York Post

Really? Are these school officials fearful of some yellow ribbons? Or are they simply afraid of facing the consequences of a hateful mob of anti-semites? Because that is what is probably really going on. Have you been paying attention lately?

One Year Later

Today, one year after terrorists crossed into Israel, torturing, killing, raping, and kidnapping Jewish citizens, we are witnessing the highest rise of antisemitism in recent history.

As one of our Victory Girls wrote just days after October 7th, 2023 –

Antisemitism is also oozing from the hallowed halls of academia and the swamp of social media. 

Were you surprised by the seemingly sudden onslaught of such hatefulness? I was.

Understanding that schools have the right to allow or disallow items is left to each district and school board. So it is very telling when one wants to decide to Say No to allowing Jewish students to display support for Israel and the hostages.

Schools and Politics

Some of you may also say that this isn’t the right place or venue to display any sort of political messaging, that maybe our schools shouldn’t be used to communicate global campaigns. Our schools should be teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Would the answer be to take all such political topics out of school? If we did that, we would not be allowed to teach world history. Of course, at the rate America is going with the memory-holing and censorship and all sorts of other CRT, well, who knows what will be taught in the classrooms in the future.

How many stories have we seen over the years of the LGBTQ+ community taking over classrooms? Drag Queens in libraries. The trans cult captures teachers who seduce your children into thinking they are in the wrong body and hide improper pronouns from parents.

But someone has a problem with yellow ribbons.

The New York Post reports that 40% of Fair Lawn’s 35,000 residents are Jewish. Sadly, this yellow ribbon incident is not the first of its kind of discrimination.

Earlier this year, New Jersey voted to adopt the official definition of antisemitism.

Fair Lawn’s principal, Paul Gorski, gave a generic blurb regarding the yellow ribbon banishment.

“We take pride in our Student Activities program as well as the leadership shown by both students and faculty,” Gorski wrote.

“During this year’s event, both the Muslim Student Association and the Jewish Student Union were asked to adjust items that were not part of their original displays. Both groups received the same instruction and were treated equally,” he said, adding that “no students were disciplined in connection with their participation at the Club Fair.” – New York Post

Whether you agree with this or not, it seems like another rub in the wrong direction. It’s like another slow manipulation of the masses. Are we living in a new timeline with a new cast of this old ideology?

Never again? Let’s hope not.

Feature Image: Made via Canva Pro

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    The left conveniently ignores, or was never taught in our worthless govt run schools that the rise of middle eastern antisemitism and attacks on Jews was instigated and supported by Hitler. This was an orchestrated effort by the Nazis, so once again, the progressives show themselves to be followers of the 4th Reich… support of Muslim terrorists is defacto support of Nazis.. bur don’t expect them to be intelligent enough to understand that

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