Fighting Back Against The Psychotic Party of Pronouns

Fighting Back Against The Psychotic Party of Pronouns

Fighting  Back Against The Psychotic Party of Pronouns

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a victory in the fight against the psychotic party of pronouns. Peter Vlaming wins the legal battle he implemented after being fired from his teaching job for refusing to participate in the pronoun madness.

A Virginia teacher will receive more than $500,000 from a school board after he was fired for refusing to use a transgender students’ preferred pronouns.

Peter Vlaming, a French teacher at West Point High School, filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the district in 2018, claiming that the school district had violated his freedom of speech and freedom of religion when they decided that he needed to use the students’ preferred pronouns, as reported by The Virginian-Pilot. – Latin Times

There is a lot to this story, but basically, the French teacher fought against losing his job and won. I’m afraid we will have to have a lot of this in the future to keep our sanity about basic biology and science.

As Kellie-Jay Keen always says:

The big machine, the party of pronouns, the mob, or whatever you want to call the insane people, are trying to change our language. And if we lose our basic facts that there are only two sexes, and you can’t switch between the two, then we are screwed.

Peter Vlaming not only refused to participate in the pronoun insanity but also refused to lose his job over it. I’m afraid that most people would not have gone down this avenue of pursuing a lawsuit. Most would shrug their shoulders and look for another job. Who has the money or time to instigate such endeavors?

And here’s the thing: Mr. Vlaming didn’t call the confused student by any of the available pronouns. He called her by her name instead. You see, the student is a girl who is confused to think she is a boy. The girl wanted Mr. Vlaming to use male pronouns.

Peter Vlaming, a longtime high school French teacher in Virginia, was fired in 2018 for refusing to use a student’s preferred pronouns. On Monday, after years of litigation and a win for Vlaming at the Virginia Supreme Court, the school board finally capitulated and agreed to settle the case for $575,000.

But the West Point School Board’s refusal for five years to protect Vlaming’s free speech and religious freedom rights came with an exorbitant price tag.

In 2018, one of Vlaming’s female students at West Point High School began identifying as a transgender male. Although Vlaming consistently used the student’s preferred name, the French teacher carefully avoided using third-person pronouns so as not to violate his own religious beliefs. – Daily Signal

This was long and drawn out over some pronoun usage or lack thereof. It is ridiculous but good for Mr. Vlaming for not backing down.

Free Speech and Religious Freedoms

Using free speech and religious freedom rights is one thing, but what has happened to good old common sense and facts?

This is what we sane people are up against after the Supreme Court ruled in 2020 that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects employees from discrimination based on gender identity.

One of the rulings they decided this on was because a man living in Detroit and working as a funeral director was fired because he announced he would live as a woman. His last name is Stephens, and the name he chose to live as a woman is Aimee. So, if you Google search Aimee Stephens, you’ll learn all about him.

Supreme Court

Since the 2020 Supreme Court decision 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued its Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace. Have you had to sign your new employee handbook yet?

How have we arrived at this place where the majority of people are willing to call a man in a dress a woman? Someone make it stop.

And we have our own government, Supreme Court, and laws telling us we must go along, too? I’m not doing it. This is the hill I will die upon.

I’ll point you to this quote from one of our very own Victory Girls –

But no where in all of that training (which becomes second nature) was any requirement to allow niceness to be used as a cudgel to submit to an ideology that refuses any reciprocity of polite behavior. There’s nothing polite about a male demanding to hang out in a woman’s locker room to watch women undress. There’s nothing nice about police reports of assaults committed by males but being put into the female crime stats because the man “identifies” as a woman. – Darleen Click, Victory Girls

Thank goodness for the big names like JK Rowling and Kellie-Jay Keen. They continue to speak out about this insanity even as the big governmental machine keeps plowing along in changing reality.

It is time to move away from this whole concept called gender identity. The D.C. lobbyist group called The Human Rights Campaign has taken ‘gender identity’ and warped it into oblivion.

Feature Image: AWang (WMF), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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1 Comment
  • draigh says:

    I kinda like this “whatever you want to be called” pronoun thing. My pronouns are irascible and curmudgeon! Don’t step on my lawn on Halloween Night!

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