Harris Campaign Channels Brat Kamala’s Mean Girl Vibes

Harris Campaign Channels Brat Kamala’s Mean Girl Vibes

Harris Campaign Channels Brat Kamala’s Mean Girl Vibes

Embrace the Joy™ that is ¡Que Mala! and her campaign that has all the finesse and self-awareness of a roving pack of middle-school mean girls.

Vice President Kamala Harris is fond of saying that Donald Trump is only in it for himself, not the American people. Well, this weekend we saw, in a picture-perfect example of psychological projection, Harris throwing a small business under the bus for her own supposed political gain.

On Saturday, GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance tried to drop in on Pittsburgh’s famed Primanti Bros. sandwich shop, only to be barred entry. This came much to the disappointment of waiting voters, some of whom angrily recorded the events on their phones.

I touched on the incident yesterday in my Cafe Cocktails post. JD Vance took lemons of a nasty “We don’t want your kind around here” moment (deja vu Sarah Huckabee and family’s ouster from a VA restaurant) and he made nothing but pure, delicious lemonade.

One might think Potemkin Kamala and her minions would let the controversy die of its own accord, but noooooooo. Not when standing in the school hallway and trying to throw milk cartons at the kid from the wrong side of the tracks is too much temptation to resist, no matter who else gets splashed in the process.

On Sunday, Harris’ campaign posted a video on X showing Harris being welcomed as a hero in Primanti Bros. back in August. The message was as clear as it was ugly – unlike Republicans, Democrats are welcome in polite society.

Let’s set to one side the fact that Harris’ appearance at the Steel City staple this summer was met by widespread mockery when it was discovered her campaign had kicked out actual diners and bused in supporters to set the fraudulent scene. That’s bad enough.

But what Harris has wrought here isn’t just the disingenuous papering of the house at a political event. She is doing real harm to Primanti Bros.’ effort to walk this situation back and make clear that everyone, of every political stripe, is welcome there.

Kamala’s campaign has been one astroturfed event after another …

These weren’t regular diners. As we reported back then, the real regular diners were upset when they said they were made to leave just before Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and their whole entourage descended upon the restaurant.

What the video above and the news reports didn’t say was that the people besides campaign staff, press and restaurant workers were invited guests/Kamala supporters and volunteers.

The media showed pictures of Harris smiling and greeting people, with them being very receptive to her as you can see above. The media described the people variously as “diners,” “voters,” or “customers.”

What they didn’t say was that they were invited supporters.

Busing in and paying people to show up for Kamala has been an ongoing (and ignored by Pravda media) phenomenon. Putting out fake breaking news

… and scam endorsements is just more of an indication that Oceania is increasingly worried that their Thought Police will not be able to pull off another win for The Party. Lawfare, two assassination attempts and Kamala being given a footrub by Oprah on national TV still hasn’t turned that neo-Marxist sow’s ear into a silk Balenciaga purse.

Indeed, the feelings-based campaign has revealed itself again as entitled, shallow and just plain mean.

These Petra Pans have never grown up.

featured image original art by Darleen Click via Adobe Firefly

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1 Comment
  • Cameron says:

    Indeed, the feelings-based campaign has revealed itself again as entitled, shallow and just plain mean.

    And a lot of women will line up to vote for her because feelings are far more important. As long as they get to abort children in bulk, nothing else matters to them.

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