Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children

Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children

Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children

Despite the concerted efforts of Democrat-run Media, reports of crimes against American citizens by illegal aliens seep out. The latest, from San Diego County, has at least two instances of groups of young, male, illegal aliens gathered at school bus pick-up spots and trying to gain entrance to the buses.

JAMUL, Calif. (FOX 5/KUSI) — Two school bus routes within the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District have been briefly interrupted over the last two days after migrants attempted to board them, according to district officials.

In an emailed notice to families obtained by FOX 5/KUSI, Superintendent Liz Bystedt said a group of migrants attempted to board along the district’s A and B school bus routes.

In one instance, a group of three moved into the street to block the bus to get it to stop. Alarmed, the driver maneuvered around them. On another route at a different pick-up site, a group of 20 young males swarmed the door of the bus until parents, there with their children, intervened to get the kids on the bus and keep the illegals off.

Not only was law enforcement called, but the district issued a warning to parents:

So how is this not being covered nationwide by our “mainstream media”? Only local outlets covering yet another breech of our southern national border, this time with two busloads of school kids put in harms way?

This is being memory-holed as fast as the assassination attempt on President Trump. And when questioned, even the local officials are coming up with excuses so lame they are worthy of a Kamala Word-Salad award.

Two groups of migrants approached school buses on their routes twice this week in East County near the U.S.-Mexico border, prompting an investigation by the Sheriff’s Office and a letter to parents from the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District.

“Sheriff’s deputies determined that no one forcefully tried to stop or enter the school buses, therefore no crime was committed,” sheriff’s spokesperson Kimberly King said Thursday in a statement. “It is not uncommon for community volunteers and charitable organizations to provide resources in these parts of the county, some of which operate vehicles similar to school buses.”

Oh. The young adult males were confused, thinking that big yellow buses filled with grade schoolers were for them.

Yeah, right. Similar vehicles. That’s the ticket you rubes, people. Nothing to see. Move along. Pay no attention why a group of benign and unthreatening males scared an 8-year-old boy so much he refuses to ride the bus anymore.

On Wednesday morning, Apollo was sitting in the front of his bus when it made a stop at Highway 94 and Cochera Via.

Cardinale says a group of men was at the door of the bus.

“He said it was confusing. [They] looked like adults, but they had backpacks on… He said it was scary,” said Cardinale.

According to the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District, 20 men were gathered near the bus. (snip)

Cardinale says she doesn’t believe the men never made a move to get on the bus. (snip)

“We don’t know any of their background history…the bottom line is we don’t know any of their intentions,” said Jeremy Adams, whose son attends a school in the same school district.

Background history? Oh, you BIGOT!

Or maybe you’re just imagining all this due to your brain being all nationalist-icky wyte ppl. Like those obvious Trumpian MAGAts in Colorado refusing to embrace the cultural enrichment via diversity in their apartment buildings.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua taking over apartment buildings in the Denver suburb of Aurora, calling it “imagination” — despite video footage, police reports and the city’s mayor confirming it’s happening.

The Democrat gaslighting over the debacle of the Biden-Harris open border is as epic as it is transparent.

The real bottom line is that even when rapes and murders don’t move the Democrats off the line of defending Border Czar Kamala, why should threats to busloads of school children make them question the wisdom of 10s of millions of illegal aliens let loose in this nation over the last 3.5 years? Nope, there’s JOY to promote and a vibe to substitute for any policy.

Remember before November. Because, come the 5th, we don’t get to say ‘oops’ if the Committee running Potemkin Harris and her dogsbody Walz steals the Oval office.

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license.

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  • John C. says:

    Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has pointed out that the police are not there to protect the populace from criminals, but to protect criminals from an outraged populace. If the police are not allowed to arrest criminals, and the courts will not convict them for obvious crimes, eventually the populace will start taking care of the criminals themselves, and they are unlikely to show as much restraint as the police or the courts. We would be very badly served by vigilante “justice”, but Those Who Are Better Than We Are, Just Ask Them seem determined to push us into it.

  • Scott says:

    “Shontel Lewis, Denver City Council member, appears to play dumb ” Trust me, she’s NIt playing.. just look at the language she uses in her reply.. “what you mean”… If her IQ is above room temp on a spring afternoon, I’d be truly shocked. You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger collection of morons than in local and state govt in demonrat run Calirado..

    • Scott says:


      Being as it’s San Diego, it’d be nice if the fathers of some of those children started riding the bus.. maybe ones from the local Marine Corps of SEAL units??? I imagine that’d solve the problem… though being the peoples republic of Commiefornia, they’ve be the ones that ended up getting charged..

      An alternative would be, seeing how close to the border this is, capture those illegals pulling this crap, and deport them via trebuchet..

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