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the audacity of race baiting

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the audacity of race baiting

the audacity of race baiting

is this race baiting or simply speaking truth to power? 

barack obama’s pastor says blacks should not sing “God Bless America” but “God d**n America….”  *blink*

this is all so jarring.  by now many of us have heard the incendiary rhetoric from the pulpit of reverend jeremiah wright.  vid clips of his comments have been all over tv and the internet.  in a campaign appearance earlier this month, obama tried to explain away some of this rhetoric by saying rev. wright is like the nutty old uncle in the corner.  i am not so sure….
listen closely to rev. wright.  pay attention to how he thinks, who he is, and the culture of his church…

alt : http://www.youtube.com/v/wzhl-endvco&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&border=1&hl=en

rev. wright has been obama’s pastor for 20 years.  does obama bring his little girls to church to hear this?  is this the spiritual teacher obama lets speak into his life?  does this kind of hate speech inspire obama?  maybe this explains in part why michelle obama is so tragically unhappy with america.

obama has said publically many times that his best selling book “the audacity of hope” was inspired by a sermon of rev. wright.  it is that very book that obama has molded his campaign philosophy around – hope and change.

so here is my issue:  though i am concerned about the “association” with wright, i am more concerned with the “judgement” of barack obama for staying in a church and aligning himself with a mentor and spiritual leader for 20 years where race baiting and anti-american rhetoric is preached openly and routinely from the pulpit.  The obvious deception on obama’s part is he would have us believe that in 20 years of attending that church and being very close to this pastor he only became aware of “one” of these clips in the last year and the rest, more recently this last week.  this is incredulous to me and speaks loudly of lousy judgement on obama’s part.

was obama aware of his pastor’s belief system and never really cared until it had political consequences?  maybe. though rev. wright was on obama’s campaign team in a largely ceremonial role, formal ties between obama and wright are at an end.

remember the now famous “3 am campaign ad”?  hillary implying she had more experience to be president when a disaster or terrorists struck at 3 in the morning?  obama hit back by saying HE had the better judgement to take a 3 am call as president. 


yikes.  um, i don’t think so senator.

alrighty then…

now to help rinse your palette of all the above gunk.  here is a fun treat guaranteed to make you smile, cheer, and be proud of your country (unlike michelle).  turn it up …

alt : http://www.youtube.com/v/0gHxfGKjA1M&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b&border=1&hl=en

yep, its kate smith singing “God Bless America” from game 6 of the 1974 stanley cup finals in philly.

hat tip  M/M

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