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We’ve all heard the eco-warriors talk about the extinction of mankind as a benefit to the planet. Who cares about humans, Gaia must reign supreme! The latest reason to stop with the babymakin’, though, is because it is SEXIST!!!!!!!!!!
While of course we’re used to the feminist argument that marriage is just legal slavery or rape, I have to admit this was a new one for me — albeit, unsurprising, given how enthusiastic feminists are for meaningless sex and unfettered access to abortions.
Along with the emancipation of women, sexual liberation has become very much a part of politics around the world. To the conservatives, both these issues challenge ‘family values’.
But what if there were no families? What if we say no to reproduction?
My understanding of reproduction is that it is the basis of the institutions of marriage and family, and those two provide the moorings to the structure of gender and sexual oppression. Family is the social institution that ensures unpaid reproductive and domestic labour, and is concerned with initiating a new generation into the gendered (as I analyzed here) and classed social set-up. Not only that, families prevent money the flow of money from the rich to the poor: wealth accumulates in a few hands to be squandered on and bequeathed to the next generation, and that makes families as economic units selfishly pursue their own interests and become especially prone to consumerism.
So it makes sense to say that if the world has to change, reproduction has to go. Of course there is an ecological responsibility to reduce the human population, or even end it , and a lot was said about that on the blogosphere recently (here, and here), but an ecological consciousness is not how I came to my decision to remain child-free.
… Thus as I realized how the cultural imperative on starting a family was unfair to women and the poor, I felt an instinctive aversion to it. That is the emotionally conditioned response that could override our responses to needs and instincts that make us want to reproduce. And if we rule out the biological ‘instinct’, which is strictly only to have sex and not to reproduce, my case for saying no to reproduction becomes much stronger.
That’s right — good old-fashioned family values are standing in the way of total sexual liberation, and reproduction is just another way of keeping womyn down. So, let’s just abolish all reproduction!
Lest you think that this is some kind of anomaly among the feminists, check out the responses in the comment section, where almost none of the commenters disagreed. One even said:
This has got to be the best post I’ve ever seen on this website. I definitely agree that both nuclear families and reproduction have got to go. As long as parenting is seen as a private endeavor, there will always be child abuse and neglect that go unnoticed.
See, feminists like to use the word “choice” a lot, because it conjures all kinds of nice, warm, gooey feelings. They’re not trying to tell everyone what to do, see, they just want to be able to “choose” their own path.
This is categorically untrue.
Modern feminism is no longer about equality or letting women choose their own paths; rather, modern feminism is a hate group that looks at all men as potential rapists and abusers, sees a traditional nuclear family as dangerous, wants to make stay-at-home mothers a permanent thing of the past, and wants to force all women to make the lifestyle choices they dictate they should have. There’s no such thing as real choice in modern feminism — what was once something noble has been perverted and distorted into something grotesque and Stalin-esque. There’s only one correct way of living, and that’s whatever way feminists say it is. This post, about ending all reproduction, is just another example. Even though most women feel called to motherhood and look at it as a positive thing and a blessing, feminists don’t care. They know better than us uneducated yokels anyway.
These women amaze me. They have the intellectual capacity and level of reasoning as apes yet they are progressed enough to lift their hairy knuckles off the ground and peter out a cutesy little riot grrrl! anthem on their website. Aw.
“Family is the social institution that ensures unpaid reproductive and domestic labour … Not only that, families prevent money the flow of money from the rich to the poor”
They must have been beaten as a child. It’s easy to have this perception when one’s overall countenance is an obstacle to convincing a man or anyone else to enter into a lifelong romantic partnership. Pity.
too bad some of us can’t have babies
Great piece. A very logical response to this cult of victimization.
First time ever posting to this blog… but read it for some months now…
Thanks for showing the sickening degree to which radical leftists are thinking. This is utterly surreal.
I think Darwin would roll over in his grave if he ever thought human beings would believe that somehow reproduction was oppressive or destructive. Yet, all things have a silver lining… the more of these nitwits that close their legs reduces the chance that whatever parenting (or lack thereof) will not create a new generation of these (insert your own derogatory noun).
Keep it coming Cassy!
Wow, I must be really screwed up then, I have 10 and adore Mommydom. I think I do more to help the world by raising responsible, caring individuals then I have ever done in any of my chosen avenues for work. I am able to cause REAL change for generations instead of just touting the latest IDEA. Instilling traditional family values in my family at least increases the chance that my posterity will survive and a glimmer of hope for freedom and independence someday. I really do not understand this whole idea of stop the family. What did it ever do to them? Bring them life and the ability to speak? Why do they want so much to SAVE me if I am perfectly content in my life and CHOICE of domestic bliss. Why do they want to take away my freedom to live as I see fit, I don’t push my line of reasoning on anyone else. Sorry, but I think this is asinine. I suppose all world problems would be solved in a generation if we didn’t any children to be born. Within a 120 years maximum every social ill would be abolished. Of course, there would be no one there to experience it. What an epiphany! On the other hand, if THEY follow this line of reasoning, hmmm… Maybe if they don’t procreate…Maybe that is a good thing. Doesn’t common sense ever rear its head in their lines of reasoning????
And all those people on welfare and social security, without babies who will support those poor lazy minorities?
R u sure that wasn’t paradoy?
In truth some people don’t ever need to marry and have children. The rest of society is rewarded with the welcomed removal of those people from the gene pool. It’s called a win – win situation. The future remains bright after all.
I agree with Big Al. I am quite thankful they won’t be reproducing.
I think Feministing is the liberal equivalent of Fred Phelps and Westboro “Baptist Church”. I don’t think the typical American Liberal could even be compared to them at all. The typical European Liberal on the other hand…
. . .
I don’t know what to say.
Wow, just…wow. It’s amazing that anything related to being HUMAN is a bad thing. Exhaling CO2 causes Global warming. Flatulence? BAAAD! Google Searches?! YOU’RE KILLING THE PLANET! Babies? Wastes resources!
If these people really believe what they preach, then they should just lay down and die, let nature take it’s course. The problem is, they don’t believe a word of what they’re saying…at least for their own lives. Cassy, you hit the nail on the head. They preach this crap to dictate control over EVERYONE ELSE. They can’t and won’t sacrifice. Not having a baby? What kind of sacrifice is that? If their bloodline ends with them, that’s their problem. The rest of us grown-ups will keep on guaranteeing the continuation of the Human Race.
And thus we begin to see “Brave New World” come to life before our eyes. . .
Thank God that woman is not reproducing.
My favorite line is “Not only that, families prevent money the flow of money from the rich to the poor”. How dare you spend money on your child instead of giving it all to the nearest hobo! DISCRIMINATION!!
I call it the “baby making dance” just for giggles. I think it is funny. I mean, babies and the “baby making dance” have been divorced. Much like marriage…
Perhaps it is better if “those” people don’t reproduce. Natural selection at work, it always presents itself in such odd ways.
Too bad these people typically are against firearms. Otherwise I’d suggest loading one, putting the barrel in their mouth, and gently squeezing the trigger.
Birth control? check.
Reducing one’s carbon footprint? check.
Not buying into the “patriarchy”? check.
Giving the rest of us some peace? priceless.
A wacko group against reproduction? Let’s ENCOURAGE them! Should only take about 3 generations to be rid of the trash.
Ok, so most feminists are friggin nutjobs, that’s a given. That was established long ago. However, one question that I would love to pose to this person (assuming she’d listen to me) is how will she impose this on other cultures?
Hey, if the West doesn’t want to reproduce, so be it, but bear in mind that those the Islamic world are breeding like flies (fresh jihadists for the meat grinder). These feminist cretins can talk all they want about not needing men, but eventually they will be outreproduced to the point that the Muslims will win by sheer numbers. And if the Muslims do eventually win, what will that do for the West’s “precious” feminism? Apparently, imbecility reigns supreme these days.
How much you wanna bet none of them have read ‘Brave New World’?
Then again, maybe they have…
The article cited really goes a LOG WAY to prove Ann Coulter’s new blockbuster dead-accurate. Way to shoot yourselves in the foot feminists!
if this reasoning causes a drop in moonbats bringing forth even more moonbats, i’m all for it…the rest of us have more sense
The problem is the moonbats will just put extra effort into converting the kids of conservatives. Its kind of a cycle. The conservatives have the kids and provide well for them. The kids get spoiled and turn to liberalism because they enjoy the leisure and don’t want to work as hard as their parents.
The kids go to public schools for 12-16 years, and watch TV for most of the balance, they become …moonbats! Then they vote for Hussein.
These feminist cretins can talk all they want about not needing men, but eventually they will be outreproduced to the point that the Muslims will win by sheer numbers. And if the Muslims do eventually win, what will that do for the West’s “precious” feminism? Apparently, imbecility reigns supreme these days.
That doesn’t even account for the fact that if the terrorists win and realize their goal of a worldwide caliphate…these strident feminists (and pretty much any other kind of militant liberal) will be the first ones put up against the wall and shot. Assuming they aren’t beheaded or crucified instead.
Hamas and its friends do not take kindly to uppity womenfolk.
“R u sure that wasn’t paradoy?”
You can tell this isn’t a parody because it’s far too unhinged. A mere satirist could never write something this demented; you only get gems like this from authentic leftists.