Focused On Needs Of Nonbinary Service Members – Pentagon

Focused On Needs Of Nonbinary Service Members – Pentagon

Focused On Needs Of Nonbinary Service Members – Pentagon

Recently, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks spoke at a Department of Defense Pride event and told them that they heard concerns about “policies focused on the needs of nonbinary service members”. The roots of my hair hurt just typing that. Why is anyone at the Pentagon concerned about the feelings of those with this “issue”? Why in the name of my Aunt Fanny is a high ranking official speaking at a flipping pride event. Ow, my hair!

Very, very shortly, we will look upon this nonbinary gender ideology phase much as historians now look at the Dancing Plague of 1518. Think how much worse that plague would have spread with TikTok:

The outbreak began in July 1518 when a woman called Frau Troffea began to dance fervently and uncontrollably in a street in Strasbourg.[1] Troffea kept up the constant dancing for a week. Soon, three dozen others joined in.[4] By August, the “dancing plague” had claimed 400 victims.[4] Dancers were beginning to collapse. It is said some even died from a stroke or heart attack.[4] No one knew what caused this reaction, which meant no one understood how to remedy it. By early September, the outbreak began to subside,[5] when the dancers were sent to a mountain shrine to pray for absolution.[4]

We don’t have near enough mountain shrines. The question must be raised “Why are the elites encouraging this plague?” Because they are really brainless dolts. Anyhoo. From Fox News here are the details:

The Pentagon’s second-highest-ranking official outlined a commitment to policies focused on “nonbinary service members” and mandating critical race theory training, claiming those points were keys to national security.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleene Hicks discussed the need to create a cultural change in the military at multiple Pride events, including most recently on June 5.

During a DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members in June, Hicks discussed the Pentagon’s LGBTQ priorities vis-à-vis military “readiness,” a term which refers to the ability to deter potential adversaries, defend national interests and ensure that armed forces can meet their missions.

“We’ve heard concerns about … policies focused on the needs of nonbinary service members. Please know our commitment is resolute, just as it has been over the past three-and-a-half years, to continue our progress in full alignment with our focus on readiness and our focus on the well-being of our people, on which our readiness depends,” she said.

Here she is dripping sincerity as she says that gobbledygook.

The Pentagon told Fox News Digital that policies for “nonbinary” service members didn’t exist at DoD.

Please repeat that last bit. ” The Pentagon told Fox News Digital that policies for “nonbinary” service members didn’t exist at DoD.” Somebody should have told Kathleen Hicks. Remember when this dizzy broad had that sit down with Jon Stewart. I may not love Jon Stewart, but she was way condescending. By the by, you can and must audit for waste, fraud and abuse.

Last year, I called Hicks a snooty-booty. We’ll leave it at that since Victory Girls is not a pub. Hicks the Imposter goes along with whatever DEI policy greases her skids. It’s for power and prestige.

This whole going to Pride events is antithetical to military service, which is not like public service (the State Department). Why is Kathleen Hick giving a “hawk tua” to the DoD Pride event for the Association of LGBTQI+ Service Members? And finally some sense:

“This should alarm every freedom-loving American,” said Nicole Kiprilov at the Center for Military Excellence. Kiprilov went on to call Hicks’ remarks “simply self-loathing, anti-Americanism masquerading as ‘DEI.'”

Respecting our warfighters is not part of DEI. It will destroy our military.

Innovation is great as long as it give our warfighters better information and makes them more lethal. Nonbinary policies only hinder.

Featured Image: Department of Defense/wikimedia Domain

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  • Cameron says:

    The Pentagon told Fox News Digital that policies for “nonbinary” service members didn’t exist at DoD

    The UCMJ is good enough for the freaks as well as the normal people. The They/Thems don’t need special consideration.

    I hate to admit it but maybe bullying served a purpose.

  • GWB says:

    “policies focused on the needs of nonbinary service members”
    The military has ALWAYS had a policy where the needs of the service outweigh the needs of the member. ALWAYS. It’s why they managed to put off women in combat for so many years – the women couldn’t (as a category) perform up to snuff. Homosexuality used to be something that – because of its morale impacts in an often male-only unit – was a reason to separate you. Now it seems the interests of the individual outweigh the needs of the service.

  • Vetmike says:

    Any gender undergoing transformation cannot be deployed. That means that another non-mentally ill serviceman has to deploy more often. Is that fair? Every dollar spent on this kind of DEI crap is one less dollar to give people a raise. Every dollar spent on this DEI crap is a dollar less for parts to keep helicopters flying and ammo being available. The military’s purpose is to keep the bad guys from our shores, too close with and destroy the enemies will and means to fight.
    DEI and the Biden Regime have destroyed the ability of the military to defend out country.

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