NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School

NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School

NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School

Even if you weren’t shocked to see university students go all Jewhating, pro-terrorist zombie over the past several months, you should be alarmed to find out the public K-12 pipeline is doubling down on capturing kids for their cause.

something even more insidious is happening at the high school level and earlier. Under the guise of fighting “misinformation,” millions of K-12 students are being funneled toward hard-left media content. They’re being primed for a life of leftist activism.

While public education has long leaned left, the widespread and deliberate steering of students toward liberal media sites has been happening for only the last two years. In 2022, the American Federation of Teachers — a powerful teachers union with 1.7 million members — announced a partnership with a third-party company called NewsGuard. The company wants teachers to ensure that tens of millions of students aren’t “misled by dubious outlets and spam sites posing as ‘news.’” The partnership even makes NewsGuard’s services available to students outside of school on their personal devices.

NewsGuard promotes itself as the gold standard truthiness detector out to “counter misinformation for readers, brands, and democracies”.

Curious statement until you understand this fake truthiness outlet is out to shove businesses and their ad dollars away from non-left media operations. And the Left’s new buzzword “democracies”? Well, NewsGuard does receive taxpayer dollars from the Biden administration — enough filthy lucre that NewsGuard was happy to carry the Fed’s water when it came to masking and even having its CEO go on air to declare Hunter’s laptop a Russian hoax. Creepy Joe was thwarted from having his own Ministry of Truth, so here’s NewsGuard being sub-contracted by the Department of Defense for the wetwork of taking down WrongThink media.

Now NewsGuard is going to have full access to your kids if they go to public school. Because it is well known that the most important thing your child could get out of public school is to be a lifelong activist for Marxism. So by the time they hit college, don’t be surprised they spend more time being pickled in t’he brine of anti-Western wokeism than in actual, practical knowledge and skills. It is certainly working out for UCLA, am I right?

And this is where these children end up:

Where does a kid who majored in Queering and Decolonizing Theater Practice end up? I mean, outside of being a barista and voting for a bigger share of the salary earned by the kid who majored in chemical engineering?

Bottom line. Get your kids out of publik skool. Homeschool if possible. Don’t be caught one night as they do the 21st century version of Mao’s Red Guard at the foot of your bed.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image generated by Darleen Click using Adobe Firefly

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  • GWB says:

    Where does a kid who majored in Queering and Decolonizing Theater Practice end up?
    Easy, there’s only two possible places: education and politics. Or as an enforcer of the Progressive religion. There are three possible places… I’ll go out and come in again.

    Thing is? I actually expected the Progressive Inquisition.

    BTW, they’ve been blatantly indoctrinating kids into the Progressive religion for at least 40 years in primary and secondary education. If you’re just now noticing, you might want to search yourself for a bunch of Progressive platitudes you might believe. And they’ve been blatantly indoctrinating kids ever since publicly funded schooling started in the early 20th century – that was the whole point of “public education.”

  • […] SENDING YOUR CHILDREN TO PUBLIC SCHOOL IS CHILD ABUSE:  NewsGuard: The Ministry of Truth in Your Child’s Public School. […]

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