Check out the nasty peace thugs protesting in Toronto a few days ago, where we find the lovely sentiment that… Hitler didn’t do a good enough job!
I don’t understand how people can see the angry mobs crying out for the total destruction of Israel and then still side with Hamas, as if Palestinians are this peaceful group of Muslims who have been unfairly targeted by the Zionist regime. Hamas has vowed to fight “in every street, every alley”. Hamas, along with plenty of other Muslim extremists, have called for the complete eradication of Israel. Hamas has repeatedly fired rockets into Israel, causing the deaths of countless innocent civilians. And now that Israel is finally defending itself to avoid being bombed into oblivion, the world is howling in outrage.
In this new, enlightened, liberal-socialist world, we’re conditioned to think that we’re better, more merciful, and more compassionate than those who came before us. We always say that we would never, ever let something as terrible as the Holocaust happen again. But when the world is siding with a group of people advocating for the same things that Hitler wanted, and who say things like “Hitler didn’t do a good enough job”, and the world defends that group of violent terrorists, how can we possibly delude ourselves into continuing to think that? If Hamas engineered a new, 21st century Holocaust to exterminate the Jews, would the world do anything to stop them?
I think we all know the answer is likely no — and all because liberals have adopted Palestinians as their new favorite class of victim.
Hat Tip: The Jawa Report
sadly, i’ve seen the same sentiment posted repeatedly on zsa zsa huffington’s site (huffington compost) since the latest outbreak of warfare in gaza. most of their posters are careful to only speak of “the j’s”…support for the ‘palestinian victims’ has morphed into hatred for the israeli government and from there to disdain for’the zionist occupiers and oppressors’ and, inevitably, the feeble litle minds of the moonbats take it straight into goebbels/eichmann territory
This is insanity! I agree with almost every single thing you have ever typed. I cannot believe that callousness of others towards others. It is so depraved. I am so sick of anti- everything that is good and decent and glorifying all that is wrong because we mustn’t offend. I am so proud of the troops that stand at the ready everywhere and defend, serve and protect. God Bless everyone’s troops that stand for freedom and protect from oppression.
Wow… just incredible how evil people view themselves as good and moral. Insanity.
I’d say the signs today are at LEAST as ominous as they were in the 1930s in Germany and eastern Europe.. this public large-scale hatefest is getting absolutely NO condemnation from anyone except Jews.. and some of us here in the States who know right from wrong..
not enough of us do, though..
I just laugh when the left talks about “diplomacy.” We play right into their hands. We can talk diplomacy once the enemy is defeated!
People vote for Democrats because their parents did. Period
Hamas is viewed by many as the underdog, and some folks just love to root for the underdog, gosh darn it. That’s why so many are so quick to side with those poor downtrodden al Qauda people being tortured so bad by mean old nasty Mr. Bush and that evil Mr. Cheney down there in Quantanamo. And so easily criticize the police for such brutality when those police have to resort to risking life and limb and chase after them and catch them and stuff. I mean, everybodies got rights right? And we MUST respect those rights, by jingy. After all, shooting those missiles at Israel is real just a cry for help isn’t it?
Where is John Browning’s wonderful invention when you really need one. As in M-2.