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Apparently, Lindsay Lohan has ended her lesbian relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson, unsurprisingly. I kind of thought in the back of my mind that the whole “relationship” might have been just a publicity stunt, but who knows? In any case, I’m wondering how long it is before Lindsay goes back to men.
What do you think?
To much irony for me.
Where’s the, “You mean ‘DJ’ wasn’t a guy?” option?
If she goes back to liking men, then I hope the deranged harpy never has any intention of coming anywhere near me *shudders*.
Rob, we’ll just tie you up and leave you out as bait…
God bless the man that pursues her, he’s going to need all the help he can get.
Does anyone really care?
in times like this i take great comfort in being married, fat, homely, and poor
Kinda like Ann Heche without the sanity.. :-))
I’m with Gredd. The DJ even had an androgynous name so you couldn’t be sure.
Who or what is “Lindsy Lohan”? Why would anybody care?
And why are your postings several days behind real time?