A Rising Star For New Jersey Senate In Christina Amira Khalil

A Rising Star For New Jersey Senate In Christina Amira Khalil

A Rising Star For New Jersey Senate In Christina Amira Khalil

A rising star representing New Jersey for Senate, Christina Amira Khalil, is making a name for herself because we all know that the left loves climate change.

If you search for Christina Khalil, add her middle name, Amira. There is another Christina Khalil out there, and I wasn’t ready for that when I did my initial Google search on this topic. Yikes.

But if you’ve been living in real life instead of online, you may not have heard about the earthquake that hit New York/New Jersey the other day. It was all over the news and social media, and climate change lovers didn’t take long to give their two-cent opinions.

One such person is Christina Amira Khalil, a Green Party candidate for the Senate in New Jersey. I know what you’re thinking, “Carol, you don’t need to go any further with this silliness after you typed the words Green Party.”

You’re probably right, but let’s have some fun, shall we? Shoot, even the Babylon Bee admitted to missing out on the opportunity.

Oh, and excuse me, I see it’s not climate change, it is now climate CRISIS.

And from Townhall.com –

There’s nothing to say except to grab a drink and be entertained. As you can see, community notes cleared it up. There’s no consequence here, either. Ms. Khalil can say whatever she wants, common with these third-party types. The flip side of these campaigns is that since they won’t win, they’re given carte blanche to do whatever they want. – Matt Vespa

While I agree with Matt that Ms. Khalil likely won’t win her bid, I have to depart from his statement “that since they won’t win, they’re given carte blanche to do whatever they want.”

Say What You Want

We already have the mentally strange in Congress and the Senate.

Environmental justice warrior Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is hellbent on shoving climate down our throats by reintroducing The Green New Deal.

In April 2023, Senator Markey and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez reintroduced the Green New Deal Resolution, but the resolution has not yet passed as of 2024. – Investopedia.com

Quite frankly, I am surprised that AOC isn’t applauding Ms. Khalil and her earthquake climate crisis Tweet. So I have to ask, Ms Khalil, why did you delete your Tweet? I mean, you’d think your progressive celebrities would prop up such a brave post typed out on X by a Green Party member.

Remember, The Washington Post and BBC have both put out articles about how climate change is racist, too.

Where are all the climate change soldiers coming to the defense of Christina Amira Khalil?

Oh, it’s not limited to politicians, either. The unhinged women in state-run media can also say whatever they want. I’m looking at Joy Reid, Jen Psaki, Nicolle Wallace, and let us not forget Mika Brzezinski’s bizarrely lewd description of Mike Pompeo back in 2018, calling him a “wannabe dictator’s butt boy.”

So yes, we do have free speech in America, but that doesn’t protect us from the stupidity spewing from the mouths of the demented.

Last year, Victory Girls wrote about a wackadoo who wants to kill off humans to save the environment.

Here are the hags of The View sharing their experience with the earthquake.

At least they didn’t blame it on a climate crisis. I wonder when they’ll have Christina Amira Khalil on as a guest.

Be sure to look for Christina’s Tweets about the eclipse tomorrow.

Feature Image: Joe Brusky/Flickr/Climate Crisis/CC BY-NC 2.0

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