Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” ~~ Sun Tzu

I’ll start with a story …


There were no more sharp edges. Busy people were tasked with blunting them.

In crumbling cities there was no lack of need for more to watch out for, and ameliorate, all things that made The People “unsafe”.

All signs were bland illustrations, clothing utilitarian and androgenous.

People learned to hurry on, head down and silent. There was little to look at anyway – no more monuments, memorials or even playground equipment.

She found the courage to flee one moment after discovering she was pregnant. She would have her child look up, be loud, to take chances and to have sharp elbows.


Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license.

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  • GWB says:

    There’s plenty of sharp edges in that picture. Yeesh. Who thought little clobs of metal edges and metal knots was a good climbing setup?
    (Monkey bars are generally welded, not put together with bolts. Rope should be held together with other “soft” materials. Ugh.)

    Nice bit of Brave New World there, Darleen. 🙂

    (I know something about designing playground equipment because that was our engineering project in college. Plan it, fund it, design it, build it.)

  • Lewis says:

    I’m not coming down, not ever! I’ll starve to death up here and then you’ll be sorry. You promised, I’m all signed up and everything? What’s that got to do with my piano lessons? So you both lost your jobs today, what’s it got to do with me?

    Money? What money? OUR money? Since when do I have money? I’ve always had it from you? Now WE have to watch every penny? What?

    Okay, I’ll think it over, maybe I’ll come down after dark! Go away!

  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    “So where is our little mischief-maker?” Spartan looked up at the jungle gym, at the boy who’d clearly inherited his mother’s platinum-blonde hair.

    Connor noted the situation with some amusement. “Smart kid. Already knows to go for the high ground.”

    Spartan scowled. “What do you know about high ground, Navy boy?”

    “I only spent the Energy Wars on a carrier, seeing to the arming of fighter jets.”

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