Shutdown the Transcult, Purge Members from Positions of Authority

Shutdown the Transcult, Purge Members from Positions of Authority

Shutdown the Transcult, Purge Members from Positions of Authority

I have no more tolerance for an ideology that has moved from pot smoke-filled college dorms professors’ offices to surgical suites across the nation preying on vulnerable children. Enough.

If ever there was a case to be made about bringing back the stocks, it would be Diane Ehrensaft — the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital gender development center and a professor at UCSF School of Medicine. She is also a pervert in full support of a so-called gender revolution.

Ehrensaft made what some may consider fringe claims about gender ideology, including that kids can identify as “gender hybrids” which include a mythology-inspired creature called a “gender Minotaur,” and that kids can change their genders by season and can have different identities depending on their location. (snip)

“I totally agree we are in the midst of a gender revolution and the children are leading it. And it’s a wonderful thing to see.”

Are children really leading it? Or is this children performing for the adulation of adults? If mommy always wanted a girl and her son only gets attention, love and praise when he dresses in frilly frocks, is he really “trans”? When government schools push policies to keep ‘transistioning’ students secret from their parents, celebrate the gender-fluid as stunning and brave, when groups of girls heap praise on each other for coming out as trans and schools viciously fight parents to keep pornographic books in school libraries … it ain’t children in the lead in the Queering of Grade Schoolers.

gender revolution
Screenshot for editorial/fair use only

Now Matt Walsh believes the absurdities advanced by people like Diane Ehrensaft will collapse the cult on its own weight after exposure to rational people.

Without fail, anytime you allow trans activists and pro-trans politicians to speak, and you consider what they’re saying, the true horror of their ideology comes into view. Along with its incoherence. They contradict themselves. They reveal their own hypocrisy. They lie. They obfuscate. They do all of that because they know, in the end, every cult suffers the same fate. It collapses under the weight of its own absurdity, and then is forgotten and disgraced forever.

Hate to toss dirt on his little fire of hope, but this cult has corporate, academic and, most alarming, government support. Parents who started to object to school boards were declared terrorists by the execrable Garland Merrick and laws directing schools to keep a child who plays the gender games secret from parents are upheld by the court.

The Transcult has power out of all proportion to its support in the general population. It is a top-down movement that is directed by people in positions of trust and authority like Diane Ehrensaft and Resident Joe Biden. And while the mutilation and sterilization of children in its name has been paused in parts of Europe, it is being expanded here. Oh hell’s bells, it is great revenue source for amoral hospitals and surgeons everywhere!

And don’t count on everyone in Europe not to try and take the next step in using government to sexualize children.

Germany’s leading professional association on sexuality and partnership, Pro Familia, is under fire after issuing a recommendation that daycares implement “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for young children.

The issue first came to light when news outlet BILD revealed that parents were sent an e-mail from an Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region which presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the “body exploration room” would be encouraged to “pet and examine” themselves and other children.

Every one of these people must be purged from their positions of power. Voted off school boards, fired from teaching positions, voted out of office. No more tolerance for the sexual exploitation of children.

In Diane’s humble brag about the children who are happy to twirl into her office identifying as Minotaurs she says

“And most of the kids who are gender minotaurs love mermaids. So make sure you have a lot of mermaid books.

Prior to Hans Christian Anderson and Walt Disney, mermaids weren’t underwater Barbies with sparkly tails and wishing for human friends. They were the rapacious terrors of the ocean waiting to lure the unsuspecting to their doom.

The perfect metaphor for the Transcult, don’t you agree?

featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • SFC D says:

    Hans Christian Anderson wasn’t exactly writing about mermaids, anyway.

    • Darleen Click says:

      It may be … yet, the author of that piece says “Andersen wrote an ending filled with pathos, where his mermaid, left alone and unloved, “dissolves” into seafoam. It is an angsty death, arguably even suicide; she literally perishes, as the sorceress foreshadows, from heartbreak at the prince choosing a human instead.”

      That is false.

      The fairy tale does not end with the mermaid perishing (indeed, just like her quest to become human is more than just loving a human prince). It’s as if the analyst has their own agenda. Hmmmm.

      Whatever motivated Anderson to write the tale, it stands on its own.

  • NTSOG says:

    “Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region which presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the “body exploration room” would be encouraged to “pet and examine” themselves and other children.”

    Those children in that daycare centre would have to be under direct adult supervision at all times. Such potential sexualised ‘exploration’ activity by children, allowed/encouraged by adults who are present would, under ‘normal’ civilised conditions, be seen as paedophilic opportunistic/voyeurism at least that should attract criminal sanctions. Apparently not for the woke folks who, as GWB has often contended, are actually hedonists hell bent on satisfying their most base and perverted desires, directly or indirectly, and for whom there appears to be no such concept as personal privacy, nor professional duty-of-care.

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