Biological Women Are NOT Non-Trans Females

Biological Women Are NOT Non-Trans Females

Biological Women Are NOT Non-Trans Females

If you must send your children to college or university, let her/him hold Olivia Krolczyk up as a role model. If a professor tries to bully your child into saying that biological women are non-trans females, let your child shame that professor on social media, just as Olivia did. First, it was the Mama Bear’s standing up to the Progressive Power structure. Now, it’s our fierce babies. Righteous.

This story feels good to me. The University of Cincinnati (UC) is my alma mater (my first one, long story). Back in the day, a UC professor cast aspersions on Marines. As the daughter of a Marine, I was fuming, but I let it go. Years later there was payback. When I saw a story about a UC student getting her own back after a professor failed her on an assignment, I was totally stoked. You go, girl.

From the New York Post, here are the basics of the story:

A University of Cincinnati women’s gender studies professor has been ordered to complete free speech training after she failed a student for referring to non-trans female athletes as “biological women,” according to a report.
Adjunct instructor Melanie Nipper was formally reprimanded for giving student Olivia Krolczyk zero out of 20 points on her Women’s Gender Studies in Pop Culture final project for using what the teacher called the “exclusionary” term, The Cincinnati Enquirer reported.
Krolczyk took to TikTok in May to share her outrage and confusion in a video that went viral, prompting a response from the university weeks later.
“Please note that this is to be considered a formal reprimand for your actions. A copy of this letter will be placed in your permanent records,” the university told Nipper, according to the June 14 document obtained by the Enquirer.

“It is also understood that any other violations of UC policy may be subject to further disciplinary actions up to and including termination. You are reminded that as an unrepresented, unclassified ‘at will’ employee your employment may be terminated with or without cause.”

Adjunct instructor Melanie Nipper had to attend a free speech session. In my humble opinion, before she grades again, she should have to attend an English class:

biologicall women

“Biological women” is a term or a phrase and there is no subject verb agreement here. It hurts my eyes to read that sentence. Let me rewrite it for Instructor Nipper:

Olivia, this is a solid proposal. However, the phrase “biological women” is exclusionary and is not allowed in this course at it further reinforces heteronormativity.”

It’s still cocked up thinking, but at least it is readable. Next, let’s talk about “heteronormativity” and “transphobic”:

Yes, here is one example of the hate that Miss Olivia has gotten:

Since my whole family is without eyebrows, I am jelly of both of them. But, Progotroyds have no sense of humor. Speaking of no sense of humor, Melanie Nipper believes in free speech as long as you parrot her beliefs and don’t engage in wrong think:

Once Olivia became a popular figure in the pro-woman conservative media, corporate media content provider The Cincinnati Inquirer tracked down Melanie Rose Nipper. Nipper, faced with a complaint that Olivia’s free speech is being compromised, wanted it known that she supports free speech. Providing, she agrees with the speech.

Although Nipper said she agrees classrooms should be places for debate and discussion, that ends when “you are, intentionally or unintentionally, participating in a systemic harm of some kind.” She cited transphobia and white supremacy as examples.
Similar incidents had occurred in the past, said Nipper, who has taught at UC since 2021. When a student uses “an outdated terminology,” Nipper said she feels it is necessary to correct those mistakes.
In fairness, Nipper says she will happily regrade the assignment. It would just require Olivia using words that the adjunct professor likes. As of this writing, it is unclear if the student will take her up on the offer.
Nipper will be appealing the decision, saying “The culture war has impacted educators’ ability to teach.”

What are you teaching, Sunshine? No thinking allowed in Miss Nipper’s classroom. Just parrot.

Here is a clue. Biological women are biological women and when their bones are recovered 500 years from now, they will be biological women. When Trans Females’ bones are discovered 500 years from now, they will be biological men. Biological women are NOT Non-trans females. Today, tomorrow and 500 years from now. Deal with it. Biology and science are real.

Featured Image: Steve Baker/ Commons

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  • NTSOG says:

    “… the phrase “biological women” is exclusionary and is not allowed in this course at it further reinforces heteronormativity.”

    The instructor, in this statement, tacitly admits that the biological status of women from conception is actually ‘heteronormative’. It is the biological norm, but the instructor doesn’t like that for personal political reasons therefore she ordains that it cannot be allowed. It’s a bit like an instructor stating that s/he doesn’t believe in gravity and then forbids students of physics or engineering from considering gravity in their studies and research.

    So much for the notion of open minds and free speech at university.

  • Cameron says:

    A University of Cincinnati women’s gender studies professor has been ordered to complete free speech training

    Until they are fired and blacklisted from working in the college system, nothing is going to change. However, I am shocked that they reprimanded the teacher.

  • Hate_me says:

    Technically, should a gelding take enough hormone treatments, follow an appropriate physical therapy regimen, and live long enough (I’m not sure how long, as I doubt anyone save Methuselah has ever lived long enough), the interplay between osteoclasts and osteopaths could possibly change one’s pelvic structure enough to make future archaeologists question the sex of their fossils.

    I have no idea what such a regimen would look like, given that no amount of hormones will actually make a man capable of natural childbirth, but bones do change over time and, given enough of it, one could potentially alter their fossilized remains.

    • Cameron says:

      You would have to surgically alter the pelvis in order for it to be passably female which is beyond medical science and even if it wasn’t, there would be evidence of the surgery on the bones.

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