So it turns out that the woman who wanted the Federal Government to use tax dollars to buy her birth control has enough money to pay for the filing fee in the State of California to run for State Senate. I am glad to hear that she is only running for state senator. She ought to do well there, as California continues to slide toward a hybrid of Mexico and China, politically speaking.
Oh, the delicious irony… I guess it is all about choices isn’t it sweetie? I promise you, birth control costs less than running for office.
Is there anyone else out there laughing right now at the fact that this woman is an attorney and can’t afford her own birth control? When she first showed up on the political scene, my first question was “How is it that you demand that the government stay out of your vagina/uterus/womb and simultaneously subsidize what you do with it?” Growing up in the Fluke house must have been awesome for the liberal father figure/sperm donor that she had there. Lots of demanding a fully paid for car and insurance, but Daddy wasn’t permitted to ask where she was going in it or who was driving it with her combined with being lectured about how, as a member of the evil patriarchal system he had no business asking such questions.
My guess is, as a Democrat, she probably didn’t have much of a strong father figure in her life. In my experience, those women turn out to be conservatives.
News broke Tuesday that Fluke had filed with the California State Democratic Party seeking their endorsement to replace Waxman. At the time, a Fluke representative stressed to The Daily Caller that her filing was “not indicative of a final decision.”
Well, my guess is that the Democrat Party in California saw the writing on the wall and thought to themselves that they might like to win an election, so someone steered her away from thinking that it would be a good idea. I will let Sandra in on a little secret that she may not know; you look like an uneducated ass when you demand “free” goodies from the government and then tell the people footing the bill that they need to STFU when they ask you questions about it. But, that is a picture perfect example of liberalism and what passes for liberal democrat thought.
I wish her 15 minutes of shame was over, but part of me can’t wait until this brain trust gets into office. California is going to absolutely get more of what it deserves.
But I still feel sorry for the decent people that live there. It seems as if the idiots outnumber them, so there is little hope of turning things around. My wife is a native Californian, but absolutely would not go back. It was bad enough when we left twenty some years ago, but is completely unbearable now.
“California is going to absolutely get more of what it deserves.”
Good post.
And I’ve stopped feeling sorry for California and New York a long time ago.
I suspect someone made it clear to Fluke – in no uncertain terms – that there is no way the California State Democrat Party would let a noob run for a seat some others have been waiting on for years.
The case of Cindy Sheehan is instructive here. Sheehan was a permanent fixture on TV in the middle part of the last decade when she was demonizing President Bush. She was on CNN so much that some wags said CNN should be renamed The Cindy Sheehan Network. But when Sheehan announced that she would challenge Nancy Pelosi in 2007, the coverage stopped cold. “Thou Shall Not Make A Democrat Look Bad” is the American media’s creed, and Sheehan was dumped.
Fluke may be many things, but she apparently has a well-developed sense of self-preservation. Like Sheehan, Fluke needs fawning publicity in the same way she needs oxygen. Anger the Democrats, and she disappears like Sheehan did.