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Every now and again pop culture and politics meet (in my head anyway) and today the GOP is meeting up with The Clash’s song “Should I stay or should I go“. In years past I have actually told friends of mine that I thought that being an unaffiliated voter was irresponsible-after all in many states Independents cannot vote in the primary. In states with open primaries, there are 19, independents can vote. These days however, I am starting to change my tune and ask some of the questions posed in the classic song.
“Exactly whom I supposed to be?”
Why, you ask? Let’s just say that I am sick and tired of watching my party-on the local and national level-hand the other side the frying pan while begging them to beat us soundly with it about our head and ears. The GOP consistently has given in to the “base” which they describe as “Conservative Christians” when the party on both the national and the local level have zero statistical data to back that claim up. One thing I can tell you from first hand experience-GOP members differ on the issues depending on their age, their gender, their religious affiliation, their income and education level and their socioeconomic background. In other words-there IS NO one size fits all approach that will magically appeal to ALL GOP members. The closest thing I have ever seen to actual statistical analysis of the nation wide GOP base is a recent poll published in the Washington Post this week.
Some interesting highlights of that poll were:
“when you look at the 18 –to-39-year-old demographic, you find a massive 12 point advantage for Republicans, who are preferred 48 percent to 36 percent. This is, in fact, the closest the GOP gets to outright majority support among the various age brackets.”
Of course one could argue that perhaps said 18 to 39 year old’s are sick and tired of being out of work in Obama’s pathetic excuse for an economy and that may be coloring their opinion of the Republican party.
“Don’t know which clothes even fit me”
An analysis of the Washington Times January poll titled “The GOP’s new base?” on the website RStreet goes on to shed light on the GOP’s attractiveness to the “every man”, meaning those with different educational levels.
“The assumption that the GOP does better with less-educated members of society also crashes headlong into a wall of contrary data. True, the GOP is preferred by six percentage points among those with a high school education or less. But among college graduates, that balloons to 13 points. Contrary to the view that college renders its attendees liberal, the groups most likely to believe Republicans are superior handlers of the economy are either college graduates or people who have attended some college.
Finally, the story of a massive GOP gender gap is complicated by this data, as women prefer Republicans by four percentage points over Democrats.”
One could conceivably argue that those who attend colleges and graduate with a four years degree are experiencing some kind of intellectual rebellion against the all-too-common Socialist brainwashing that passes for education in our nation’s colleges and this resulted in the improved perception of the GOP post-graduation. I would also like to ask Sandra Fluke-where’s that war on women now?
The real stand out piece of information from this analysis that struck me was this:
“Still, the fact that the GOP is drawing proportionally more support from the college educated and the young than it is from the elderly and the non-college educated is a sign of a vibrant new base that the GOP could court with policy dexterity and recalibrated messaging.”
Unfortunately with the current leadership I just cannot see that happening. Not when we have the Congressional GOP leadership engaging in an attempt to sell out the nation in a deal with the Obama Administration this week on immigration. Yeah, that’s a GREAT idea guys. Especially when you consider the following in an already divided nation that is on its economic knees:
“As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it’s too important to wait.
Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?
Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly’s report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party.
Immigrants — all immigrants — have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them. (Look at what New Yorkers did to Vermont.)
This is not a secret. For at least a century, there’s never been a period when a majority of immigrants weren’t Democrats.
At the current accelerated rate of immigration — 1.1 million new immigrants every year — Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.
Thanks to endless polling, we have a pretty good idea of what most immigrants believe.
According to a Harris poll, 81 percent of native-born citizens think the schools should teach students to be proud of being American. Only 50 percent of naturalized U.S. citizens do.
While 67 percent of native-born Americans believe our Constitution is a higher legal authority than international law, only 37 percent of naturalized citizens agree.
No wonder they vote 2-1 for the Democrats.
The two largest immigrant groups, Hispanics and Asians, have little in common economically, culturally or historically. But they both overwhelmingly support big government, Obamacare, affirmative action and gun control.”
“If I go there will be trouble, but if I stay it will be double!”
Well that’s just great! So the GOP, who are supposed to be the defenders of all things Constitutional, all things principled and positive are ready to hike up Lady Liberty’s skirt and chuck her head first under the bus in order to support the legalization of a group of people whose stated beliefs run counter to all those things. When I do the math and add my own personal experiences over the past two platform conventions I have taken part in (some emotionally upsetting, and some bordering on the physically violent), the lack of hard data to support that only the Evangelical members of the party are the lifeblood and the “true conservative base”, the tendency to be nasty to those who do not trumpet the party line on gay rights issues and add to all of that what the GOP is proposing to do on immigration-I find myself asking the same question The Clash posed in their cult classic song in 1982-“Should I stay or should I go?”
First I wish to let you all know I really love your site. You gals(guys, I still use a lot of slang please don’t take offense) are great ! Now onto the whole immigration idea. I have read elsewhere that some repubs want reform but want to do a piecemeal approach. Here’s how I believe we should go about it.
1. The Secure Border act. This act says that our southern border must be physically secured with a double fence line and monitoring stations to the satisfaction of a two third vote by congress and any manpower freed up will be transferred to our ports to enforce immigration there ( The stick.)
2. (The carrot) All illegals in this country at least six months prior to the passage of the first act becoming law will be granted provisional green cards once construction of the fence starts. While in provisional status they will not be eligible for any government assistance, no food stamps, housing assistance,in state tuition, WIC, etc. ( After all the dems claim they just come here for work, so let them work.). If the border is not secured within five years of the start of construction then the provisional green cards are revoked and all persons registered will be deported.
3. No path to citizenship for those who broke the law to get here. That would be “unfair” to those who immigrated here legally.
4. Any criminal conviction greater than a misdemeanor will result in immediate deportation.
5. End of family priority immigration (chain immigration) End of automatic citizenship of children born to illegals in this country. After all if the Ambassador from Germany’s wife or if the Ambassador is woman has a baby here that child isn’t a citizen.
6. Strengthen the e-verify system. Have the state department and the social security administration go through their records and re-verify every visa and social security card to find which ones are still valid. Give employers the unassailable right to decline any person who they feel may be presenting false legal status paperwork . ( I have a friend who was in HR that had the job of reviewing candidates paperwork for employment, she told me on several occasions that people came in with what she knew from looking at was forged paperwork. When she brought this to the attention of her supervisor the, head of HR, she was told to forward the applicant to the section doing the interviews because they were worried they would face a discrimination lawsuit if they declined any applicant with false documents.
6. Have the State department, Labor department and private companies get together to determine exactly how many and with what skills the country really needs to allow in from now on.Any companies that claim they need for workers must prove that US unemployment in that job and area have less than 2.5% unemployment level. This will allow for a guest worker program that would allow the people who only want to work and would be for limited terms. If a large building company needs laborers for a project lasting one year then guest workers would be allowed in for that one year period. Should any of those workers want to stay longer they must have employment and meet the above requirements. Any guest workers convicted of any crime above a traffic ticket are immediately deported. Guest workers may not bring in families except for short visits through their time here.
Now go write each of these bills a stand alone legislation. Tell the people and the dems that we will pass each one in turn as soon as the one before it is implemented to the satisfaction of the congress.
As a conservative, white, middle class, middle aged, man, (basically the most evil person in the world according to the dems) I can support these laws, otherwise the repubs should get the hell away from immigration completely until they have enough conservatives to run the congress and the white house.
Sorry longer post than I intended. God Bless all of you.
Sounds good to me!!!
Yes, Jennifer. It seems as though those who are saying “common sense isn’t so common” are being ignored by both, major political parties. It seems as though what’s needed is a “swarm response” similar to the one that took place over the Phil Robertson/A&E situation. Those who are looking for the “ship of state” to be righted seem to lack a solid, unifying voice.
So let’s get you elected-but ONLY if you GET EVERYTHING ABOVE PASSED!! Brilliant, workable COMMON SENSE approach! Perhaps if we hit the GOP leadership over the head with it they will get the hint!!! Nah, but a girl can dream. And THANK YOU for your readership! We do what we do to educate and spark open, honest and informed debate. We <3 folks like you.
AMEN, once again sir you hit the nail RIGHT on the head! Thank you for expressing support. This has been a brutal couple of years for those of us with these frustrations in my local area. Out is comforting to KNOW others are similarly frustrated. God bless you!
The down side of not being a registered Republican is that you might not get to vote in a primary. I think it is better to stay registered, but vote for the best candidate when the time comes.
I stopped being a Republican just before the 2008 Presidential election, when the McCain campaign insiders started targeting Sarah Palin and the “Religious Right” for their candidate’s lousy campaign. Not much has changed since then, with the lefty GOP Establishment pushing to turn the Republican Party into a pale echo of the Democrat Party.
The truth is that I don’t have much in common with nanny-government liberals such as John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, GOP Chairman Priebus, Colin Powell, Jimmy LaSalvia, and Arlen Specter (interestingly, the latter three left the GOP because it was insufficiently statist for their tastes). Ex GOP Senators Richard Lugar and John Warner have endorsed Democrats in Senate races in Virginia and Georgia, where the probable GOP candidates in those races are not the hated evangelical Tea Party types, but milquetoast run-of-the-mill Establishment types unlikely to challenge the big spenders in Washington.
The current push by the lefty GOP Establishment for amnesty does not surprise me. Remember how the GOP Establishment told us during the Federal government “shutdown” that Republicans needed to surrender to Obama in order not to divert attention from the failures of ObamaCare? Well, since then the GOP Establishment has done everything in its power to protect Obama by giving him political cover on issues from deficit spending to amnesty. The GOP Establishment is working as hard as Democrats to keep the failures of ObamaCare under wraps.