Transgender Psychosis In The Department Of Defense

Transgender Psychosis In The Department Of Defense

Transgender Psychosis In The Department Of Defense

Most of us were raised to believe that the purpose of the United States military was to defend our Country and to kick the living dickens out of our enemies. Given that the United States hasn’t won a war since most of us alive today were born, we were sadly mistaken. Apparently, the purpose of the miliary is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion so that every member feels good about “xereself”. The Transgender Psychosis at the Department of Defense is so profound that faith leaders (Chaplains) in the military must bless the placement of biological males in women’s barracks. We are so screwed. Build a bunker and learn to shoot.

Elaine Donnelly writing for The Federalist posits:

Since January 2021, Defense Department officials have expanded woke transgender mandates in significant ways. A comprehensive policy analysis titled “Biden Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies in the Military,” summarized here, compares Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin directives to the 2016 transgender policies of Barack Obama and Ashton Carter.

As in the Obama years, the Biden/Austin policy fully embraces the idea that individuals can change their “sex assigned at birth to a different gender role.” Department of Defense Instruction 1300.28, updated on Dec. 20, 2022, has changed the official vocabulary of this pseudo-science, using the phrase “self-identified gender” instead of “preferred gender” throughout.

The DOD Instruction stipulates that if a person “self-identifies” as a person of the opposite sex, and if the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) changes a person’s bureaucratic “gender marker,” a man claiming to be a woman must be treated as a woman, and vice versa.
Military commanders, doctors and nurses, chaplains, and military men and women at all levels must endorse and act on this ideological belief or suffer career penalties if they don’t. Alleged “biases against transgender individuals,” which are prohibited, could include anything from “misgendering” people with the wrong pronouns to expressions of concern about medically questionable hormone treatments or surgeries for adults or military-dependent children.

Lets highlight this part: “Military commanders, doctors and nurses, chaplains, and military men and women at all levels must endorse and act on this ideological belief or suffer career penalties if they don’t.

That is knucking futz. The only people who could come up with this insanity are the “Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon”, coined by the late Col. David Hackworth. A “Perfumed Prince” is:

perfumed prince n. a man who is seen as bureaucratic or careerist; a man who is said to be effete, feminine, ineffectual, vacillating, or cowardly; (hence) a member of the U.S. military leadership (at the Pentagon); top brass. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

This transgender policy from the Department of Defense is complete insanity. The Left does not see it. The night before Biden was sworn in as Resident, the now cancelled Andrew Sullivan tweeted this about transgenders in the military:

And, former soldier Charlotte Clymer had this to say about President Donald Trump’s policy against transgender military service:

I thank Miss Clymer for her service. She said that all the lies about transgender military service have been thoroughly debunked by doctors, accountants so forth. Have they? Were they lies? Have they really been investigated? I don’t believe shite from anyone in authority, post Covid. I believe we are being led down the garden path to our destruction.

The O1 through O5 (2nd Lieutenant through Lt. Colonel) ranks will never make Full-bird or General officer without living in absolute terror of the transgendered personnel.

Forget about the above average Joes and Janes in the enlisted ranks. They are underpaid. Probably on food stamps and living in a mold filled barracks. The Department of Defense doesn’t give a flip what the Joes and Janes think. They are not paid to think. Right?? They are only the ones forced to think up new ways to execute the excrement rolling downhill. They are also the ones who have to do the multiple deployments too.

The big D word. Deployment. We do not allow Diabetics to serve in the military because they need monitoring and medication. Not possible on deployment. So I looked up the military policy for transgender: Department of Defense Instruction 1300.28 Section 3.2 f, effective 12/20/22. This section on Military Readiness does not address Deployments:

f. Military Readiness.
Unique to military service, the commander is responsible and accountable for the overall
readiness of his or her command. The commander is also responsible for the collective morale,
welfare, good order, and discipline of the unit, and establishing a command climate that creates
an environment where all members of the command are treated with dignity and respect. When
a commander receives any request from a Service member that entails a period of non-availability for duty (e.g., necessary medical treatment, ordinary leave, emergency leave, temporary duty, other approved absence), the commander must consider the individual need
associated with the request and the needs of the command in making a decision on that request.

This leaves the Majors and Captains and Senior NCO’s to figure it out. They are not going to complain out lack of preparedness because a transgender service woman is not deployable. They wouldn’t dare. That would be a career ender. So, the Department of Defense leaves the Joes and Janes to figure it out. The Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon will get us all killed.

Featured Image: Toni S. Williams

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  • Liz says:

    Point of order with these two portions:
    “compares Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin directives to the 2016 transgender policies of Barack Obama and Ashton Carter.”
    “As in the Obama years….”

    There were no transgenders during the Obama “years”. He pushed through that policy in the last months of his term in office. 2016 was the year Trump was elected. There was no policy guidance whatsoever…which made is quite humorous when the media exploded after he reversed the policy with one tweet.
    “There isn’t any guidance for this arbitrary directive!”
    …yeah, there wasn’t any guidance for the arbitrary directive when they threw transgenders into service either.

    Mattis did a very lengthy and thorough report documenting the deleterious impact of transgenders on military service. The report was simply dismissed when Biden was elected. I could go on for a long while about this.

    Never ever has so much time and resource investment (with deleterious impact) been made to support so few.

  • Cameron says:

    I don’t care what Charles Clymer has to say on this issue. Transgenderism is not compatible with military service on account of the year long therapy required, the cost of surgery and the constant need of hormones. Just serve your time, get out and then get surgery on your dime.

  • Royalidiot says:

    It makes one wonder whether or not it is an army for the defense of this country or an army being groomed and indoctrinated to be let loose upon America itself….

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