Election Day Victory(?) Party

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Election Day Victory(?) Party

Well, today’s the big day. There are many bloggers who will be liveblogging tonight as the results roll in, but not me. No, I will be attending the Election Day Victory Party with the Duval County Republicans. I remember, in 2004, after campaigning for President Bush staying awake in my room until around 5:30am. When it was decided that he had won, I was jumping up and down in my apartment cheering… alone. Not very much fun, and I kinda felt like a loser. I figured it would be infinitely more fun to go do that with other people. Plus, there’s an open bar I’ll probably be taking advantage of should Obama win in a landslide.

Anyway, if you’re in the Jacksonville area and would like to join the festivities, come by the Marriott Hotel Southpoint at 7:30 and say hello. We’ll watch the results roll in and possibly get very intoxicated. Unlike Rachel, who is a Wild Turkey girl, I am a Jack Daniels girl, especially if Obama is winning tonight. So come on by the party, watch the results come in with me and the Duval County Republicans, and have more fun than were you sitting at home checking blogs for updates.

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  • physics geek says:

    I’m more of beer guy, but I’ll be drinking Samichlaus, which weighs in at a hefty 14%. Catching up won’t really be a problem.

  • Knott Buyinit says:

    Love your blog, love your passion, love your views on the issues – in fact, even though we’ve never met, I consider you to be a friend. As such, and as a Crimson Tider to a Gator, please let me say that friends shouldn’t let friends drink that overpriced swill from the ‘Hootenanny State’.

    Now, I like your friend’s idea about Wild Turkey, that’ll for sure do. And of course, you can’t go wrong with Jim Beam. My favorite for the traditional ‘Bryant/Denny stadium cologne’, otherwise known as a whiskey and coke, is Evan Williams – great taste, half price! But if you really want to fall in love with Kentucky and out of love with the Butcher Holler (sic) state, try Jim Beam Yellow label Rye.

  • Cassy, your level of optimism is a true inspiration. It well surpasses anything I’ll ever have, in any situation, ever. I don’t agree with it, but it’s a positive inspiration nonetheless.

    Kinda like this

    Well, real optimism lies in a vision that will endure afterward, and just remember this too shall pass. Once a generation, we need to be reminded what “failed policies” really are, and that’s President Obama’s real contribution here. Carter, Clinton, Obama. Like a heartbeat. We need to be reminded.

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