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While I loved the repeated smackdown of Obama on the redistribution policies he let slip to Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber, I wondered how Joe himself felt about becoming the inadvertent centerpiece of the debate. And now, “Joe the Plumber” speaks:
Of course, because he is middle class and conservatives, the libtards are already hell-bent on destroying him. The DUmmies are especially enthusiastic, already racking up the screeching posts of outrage. Lorie Byrd sums it up:
Some idiot liberal bloggers are saying there is a big scandal because Joe the Plumber doesn’t make $250,000 and would (GASP) actually get a tax cut under Obama’s plan! I could not make the case against their liberal socialist plan any better than they themselves are. Hey, rocket scientists, here is what Joe said: “I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes about 250, 270 – 80 thousand dollars a year, your new tax plan is going to tax me more isn’t it? I’m getting taxed more and more for fulfilling the American dream.” Got that? He didn’t say he makes that now. You should have gotten the clue when he said “I am getting ready to buy a company.” Evidently the Obama talking points went out saying Joe doesn’t make $250,000 and the idiot lib bloggers ate it up and didn’t bother watching the actual comment Joe the Plumber made, but rather reported this fact as some big Republican lie.
Brace yourself, Joe. The Obama Thugocracy is gunning for you. But what they don’t seem to understand is that even if Joe was John McCain’s long lost son and a huge donor to the GOP, or not even a plumber, it would not matter at all because what was shocking about the video was not what Joe the Plumber said. Joe the Plumber is not going to be making tax policy. What was shocking and more relevant than anything else that has been said in the entire campaign is what Barack Obama said. He told Joe that it is okay to soak those making more than $250,000, even small businesses making that, because then you can “spread the wealth” around and everyone benefits. That is redistribution of wealth — taking from the rich (and from the kinda rich) and giving to the not so rich and the poor. And Obama admitted to it. Out loud. And on video.
Meanwhile, the press can’t seem to understand why everyone is so obsessed with Joe the Plumber. And the reason everyone loves Joe the Plumber so much is because he is an everyman. Most Americans aren’t out there worrying day in and day out about the consequences of Washington squabbles. Most Americans worry about feeding their families and paying their bills, giving their children a shot at the best future possible… reaching for the American dream. And what Joe the Plumber showed is that Obama could not possibly be more out of touch with the everyman. While Obama likes to pretend that a small business that makes $250,000 a year is a gold mine, in the real world that just doesn’t fly. And Joe the Plumber’s incredulity helped to show that. It helped to show regular middle-class Americans that, hey, maybe Obama doesn’t stand for us so much. Lofty theories and soaring rhetoric don’t cut it in the real world when real world solutions are required.
Hat Tip: Hot Air
“maybe Obama doesn’t stand for us so much”.
On the nose. To quote Charles Barkley “Poor people have been voting democrat for fifty years and they’re still poor.”
According to Ace, the libs are busily running down every bit of personal info about Wurzelbacher they can find (including his home address) in order to smear and otherwise intimidate him… and anybody else who might THINK about questioning The Annointed One.
Don’t you just love the tolerance and kindness of the left?
/ sarc
Great post, Iowahawk also has a “I am Joe!” post that is good too.
The Liberals have even said that they don’t want to just win, they want to crush and destroy the conservatives. They want the Republican party to be so demoralized that it will cease to exist and they will have a one party system.
All will be united in the one TRUE party, the party of the PEOPLE!!
Then all they will need to do is get rid of those pesky term limits and make Obama El Presidente for Life.
Oh, I made some Joe the Plumber shirts too, if anyone cares.
Liberals are strange people. Democrats lie to them every day and still they are voting on them. Go figure.