Video from the Obama Youth Indoctrination Parade in Seattle

Video from the Obama Youth Indoctrination Parade in Seattle

Remember the indoctrinated children march for Obama? One of my readers was there and he took some video:

Now, watching that, tell me who seemed to be the excited Obama supporters there, the adults or the children? It doesn’t seem to me that the “young voices” were the loudest there. It seemed pretty obvious that the parents were using their kids as props to show their support for Obama.

One reader, Oliver, couldn’t seem to understand why politically indoctrinating children is a bad thing. Because, you know, that’s what you’re doing when you send them to church, according to him:

So if I follow your reason, children should never go to church, synagogue, etc. That would be “…the brainwashing of children…” I went to this rally with my children. It was not brainwashing. They did not carry signs, wear buttons, etc if they did not want to. The desire to raise children with our values is our right in this country, isn’t it?

I don’t think you have a clear idea of who the Nazis were. Millions of people died in their orgy of hate and violence. No one who supports Obama wants that. We are just trying to make this country a better place to live, and we believe Obama is the change we need.

See, for liberals, liberalism is their religion. That’s why people like Oliver can’t see the difference between bringing your kids to church on Sunday and indoctrinating them with your political beliefs.

And besides, Obama actually is the Savior, and Christianity is just hate speech. Right? All hail the Dear Leader Obama!

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  • mayorjimmy says:

    They got children marching to “Tequila”

    to quote George Carlin…. “this is nothing new, i’ve seen this before in old newsreels only i couldn’t understand them cuz the narration was in German.”

  • Angry HOG says:

    Good Post – keep up the great work!

  • oliverl says:

    No Cassy, liberalism is not my religion.

    Barack Obama is not my savior or my god. He is a human being like John McCain. I do not agree with him on every issue, but I agree with him more than I agree with John McCain.

    I do not believe Christianity is hate speech.

    I do believe one’s religious viewpoint influences their political choices, and there is probably for a lot of people not a distinct dividing line between their religious and political beliefs. I think most people want to raise their children with the values they hold, religious or political. Do conservatives not tell their children what they believe and why they have those beliefs? When they do so are they brainwashing/indoctrinating their children? Or is it only brainwashing/indoctrinating if you do it in public?

    Mayorjimmy, if you watch that video, the children are not marching in the strict sense of the word. I doubt the Nazis would have stood such a disorderly display. When you watch those old newsreels, everyone was in uniform and marched, saluted, etc. in perfect order. If Fascism was the objective, a bunch of urban liberals are a poor substitute for the brownshirts of yesteryear.

    And woo-hoo, I’m famous! I’m in Angry HOG’s video!

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