Who’s your personal Jesus? Obama, that’s who!

Who’s your personal Jesus? Obama, that’s who!

I’m not quite sure if the student writing this, Maggie Mertens, is serious or not. But it sure makes that whole Lightworker thing seem kind of tame, doesn’t it?

My interest was piqued, but the dark time lived on until my faith in others was renewed on Jan. 4 in the Iowa state primary. Obama had beat out squeaky clean southern boy John Edwards and former first lady and next in the line of political succession Hillary Clinton. I was in shock. And then I came to Jesus/Obama.

I donated to the campaign. I followed every primary with bated breath, and muttered my prayers to the political gods while proselytizing the miracle of my new prophet. I got a car magnet, I bought a t-shirt; a pin and bumper sticker are on their way to my campus mailbox. Then the media and right wing questioning began: what is he? A rock star, or the next president? Bono or Britney? The naysayers used his popularity among young people against him. Who had ever heard of political posters in college dorm rooms? Bumper stickers on the back of your high school neighbor’s Jetta? Guess what those “Jesus is my homeboy” t-shirts were replaced with at Urban Outfitters? A smiling Obama under his own cutesy sayings like “Obama for yo Mama.”

I must admit, I questioned this myself. After all, would I have ever bought a t-shirt with Al Gore’s face on it? Was this all he was, the newest pop culture fad? I questioned my newfound faith – was it all only a phase, like the time I thought I was Baptist in junior high? But my inner dogmatic struggle only helped cement my beliefs as I followed politics more closely than ever before. Obama’s mere presence, knowledge and enthusiasm in the political realm inspired my own desire to understand what exactly had gone wrong, what exactly he could do to remedy the mess we’d made.

Then I began to realize I wasn’t the only one trying to buy a WWOD bracelet and spending my weekends scouring CNN.com. The rock star-type love for Obama wasn’t just because he was pretty and in the media. Others too, had seen him as a shining light, heard that mythical voice boom out over the mountaintops; people were wearing the t-shirt because they would rather wear something representing a politician than a pop star. People everywhere, young and old, were caring again. So what’s the problem here?

I’ve officially been saved, and soon, whether they like it or not, the rest of the country will be too. I will follow him, all the way to the White House, and I’ll be standing there in our nation’s capital in January 2009, when Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. In the name of Obama, Amen.

So, our choice is either to accept salvation from the Obamamessiah or… what? Whether we like it or not, we’ll see the light. And if we don’t want to, what will happen? We’ll be forced to? How very Hitler-esque. Stalin would be proud, as well. Worship me or suffer the consequences, huh?

This little wackjob can worship the Obamamessiah all she wants. But I will not now or ever worship any politician or person. I’d rather take the gulag, thanks.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • Good Lord. I’m somewhat less offended by the replacement of one deity with another, than I am by all these words with zero vision. The Obama/Biden ticket is completely devoid of goals.

    McCain/Palin has the election won right here & now — if and only if — they can shed some light on the Big Reveal: Nobody expects The Lightworker to actually fix anything. “In the name of Obama, Amen” and the article just ends there? WHY? It’s like a fairy tale that ends with “and they lived happily ever after.”

    Palin should challenge Biden tonight to make a firm commitment on what problems, foreign and domestic, will disappear under an Obama/Biden administration for good. This genuflection provides valuaable insight into the mind of the average Obama supporter: They have a brand new Jesus, more like a brand-new-Elvis actually, because that’s exactly what they need. They know nothing about issues or how to deal with them, and haven’t a clue where to begin in terms of defining what they want done.

  • Lori says:

    Boy those Liberal indoctrination classes at the University work well don’t they. My husband works on a college campus. He’s the only conservative there. These people (Professors) have no life other than academia and haven’t a clue about the REAL WORLD and they’re molding our youth’s playdough brains to fit their world view. Scarier than any Halloween or Nightmare on Elmstreet movie isn’t it. I can tell you horror stories. Women’s Studies departments overrun by men-hating Lesbians. Sociology departments praising terrorists. These are the people who are “educating” our youth.

  • Lori says:

    By the way Cassy, I made the mistake of emailing your blog to my husband. He took one look at your picture with the pistol and now I think he has a crush on you.

  • I’m not sure if its satire or what, but it sure is telling that its hard to tell in the first place. Scary scary – the hypocrisy is of course those falling over themselves in adoration of Barack Obama claim to be the “enlightened free-thinkers” yet they’re more then prepared to cede their free will over to a political “savior”.


  • spike says:

    i had hoped the column was a satire, but after checking out her other ‘work’, i’m thinking she’s 100% serious…scary-can you imagine the catfight that would ensue if she stepped between obama and, say, chris matthews or keith olbermann?

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