“the view” starring guest host michelle obama, part 2: so yesterday matthew broderick (one of my favorite actors) was a guest on the view. as the ladies were chatting away with him, he said that his son who is what, 5 (?) is an obama fan. he is???!? matthew broderick went on to say this:
“He really follows the election and he really takes to your husband.”
and the bright and charming michelle said in response:
“You know, kids are drawn to Barack. I think it’s because his name is easy to say.”
good grief. add this moment of brillance to the column for why First Lady’s really do matter! and note that now not only does he have the youth vote locked up as i have previously blogged about here, but he also can count on the pre-school bloc as well. fist bumps people!
i know it’s almost blasphemous to mess with pooh but a big hat tip to the good patriots at american elephants for this nifty pic that i ripped. sweet isn’t it?
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