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What would you rather meet on the streets of Portland — an Antifa activist or a Golden Retriever? The normal person would rather encounter the Golden Retriever, but “activist-performer” Tae Phoenix (if that’s her real name) would disagree.
She wrote an opinion piece in Newsweek in which she claimed that “I’ve Met Golden Retrievers Who Scared Me More” than Antifa. What’s more, she’s really, really concerned about a Senate resolution that would classify Antifa as terrorists.
What I think is just as ridiculous is that once-prominent Newsweek would consider this drivel to be worth publishing. But I guess that’s what happens to a news magazine worth $1.
Anyway, this Champion of All Things Antifa wrote about the first time she saw these “kids:”
“These kids, most of whom were clearly overheating behind the black bandanas impractically tied across their faces, seemed enigmatic and slightly silly to me; but nothing about their posture or behavior struck me as remotely menacing.”
Phoenix first saw Antifa in 2017, when performing at a rally where pro-Trump counter-protestors were present. One told her that Antifa were “terrorists” who “look just like ISIS.”
Then Phoenix found out that the counter-protestor was part of a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center had called “far-right hate, reactionary, and antigovernment.” Therefore he was probably lying or something.
But what really upsets Phoenix is a Senate resolution that Sens. Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy put forth which would declare Antifa a terrorist organization. She calls it “equal parts alarming and ludicrous.” Why? First or all, because they’ve never killed anyone — yet, of course. And then it’s because they’re “a decentralized, left-wing, grassroots network” On the other hand, “terrorists sow fear and instability, often in an attempt to coerce powerful institutions into complying with their demands.”
So the Andy Ngo incident of last month had nothing to do with sowing “fear and instability.” Why, a Golden Retriever is more intimidating!
Who you gonna believe — Tae Phoenix or your lying eyes?
But hold on — Tae Phoenix did admit that Antifa “employs physical violence and destroys property for political aims.” But that’s okay, because they “typically confine their actions to throwing punches when they see the need to de-platform someone. . .”
Got it. Vandalism and beating up people is A-okay, as long as we don’t like their politics, and we want them to shut up.
Sort of like the student Red Guards did in 1960’s China during the Cultural Revolution.
“Shaming session” of elderly Tibetan man. Wikimedia Commons/public domain.
Oh, says Phoenix, they’re just “kids!” Plus, she knows a few Antifa members who support the homeless and also make sure poor people get their medications. So they’re really a “mutual aid and support network.”
Right. And Vladimir Lenin loved cats, too.
But Tae Phoenix says that Cruz and Cassidy have proposed a “dangerous resolution,” because it’s — get this — a “textbook authoritarian move.”
So officially designating as terrorists a group that beats up journalists, attacks U.S. Marines and older men, and destroys property is “authoritarian”?
And a Golden Retriever is more frightening than Antifa.
What planet does this idiot live on?
Oh, wait. She wants a world where Donald Trump and his supporters, aka, “white supremacists,” don’t exist. As her blog says:
“That’s why I’m using original protest music to activate people across the country to resist Donald Trump’s authoritarian and white supremacist agenda and reclaim our government.”
How low Newsweek has sunk when they publish opinion pieces from idiots such as this.
Featured image: Pamela Wilson/flickr/cropped/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
One more example of the complete takeover of our “educational” system by radical leftists.
The retriever is more smart than Antics. FIFY.
That’s Antifa. Hate auto correct. Or maybe I should read over before hitting Post.
What would you rather meet on the streets of Portland — an Antifa activist or a Golden Retriever?
Depends. Am I armed? Because then my answer changes.
Then Phoenix found out
Well, since SPLC is full of bovine excrement, she didn’t really find anything out.
did admit that Antifa “employs physical violence and destroys property for political aims.
Ummmm, well, that would be the definition of “terrorism”, but I’m sure it doesn’t apply to the people you just described that way……. *eyeroll*
(Can we get an emoji that shows your eyeballs under the couch for these sorts of eyerolls?)
a “textbook authoritarian move.”
Umm, yeah. Well, it would be if it weren’t done by a large multi-chambered legislature, with separate parties controlling each one, with ~88% up for re-election in 15 months. And then had to be signed off by the executive branch, with the potential for judicial review.
No, an authoritarian move would be handing the whole thing over to an unaccountable agency, outside the three branches of gov’t established by our Constitution. THAT would be ‘authoritarian’.
How low Newsweek has sunk when they publish opinion pieces from idiots such as this.
Lower than $1? As low as Vox? As low as Buzzfeed? As low as AOC’s IQ? As low as Nadler’s ethics? As low as Clinton’s morals? OK, I’ll stop now.
“What would you rather meet on the streets of Portland — an Antifa activist or a Golden Retriever?
Depends. Am I armed? Because then my answer changes.”
/\/\/\/\… THIS!!!!
And the rest of your comment as well.
An antifa is perfectly safe, so I choose antifa over golden retriever. It is only when the antifa travels in a pack that it becomes aggressive. The presence of many other antifas, for reasons not yet understood, causes them to become aggressive when in the presence of those with whom they disagree.
In my experience, you can tell what a Golden Retriever is going to do when you first see it. Antifa on the other hand is a bit of a mystery. But, I digress from my intended remark.
‘Kids’ can be some of the cruelest people in the entire world. This is because they are incomplete as far as maturity. They make choices that are wrong and they also follow urges that a mature person would not.
So, if you want to call ‘Antifa’ a bunch of ‘Kids’ I agree and they should have their tv and internet privileges along with video games taken away and they should be sent to their rooms for the bad behavior these ‘KIds’ have demonstrated.
Just an attempt to normalize leftwing violence.
a far-reaching, multidisciplinary mutual aid and support network
Like the Muslim Brotherhood?
Or the Taliban?
(Hadn’t seen the fuller quote, and it just struck a chord.)
[…] that Golden Retrievers are scarier than Antifa. Our Kim wrote a post on that, which you can read it here. Joe Biden and FBI Director Christopher Wray have informed us that Antifa is no more than an idea […]