Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Humans are amphibians – half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time.” C. S. Lewis

I’ll start with a story …

I’m only aware of the seasons when I pick up groceries down the block.

Otherwise, the weather inside the bar, from start to finish of every shift, is Neon with a high chance of human humidity. End of shift, up the backstairs to my efficiency flat, stand-in for home.

It’s only temporary, I said. Just wait until I sell my script. Or was it a novel?

One night, she says “Show me.” I take her up. All the papers & post-its. She notices the dust. How is there dust?

In her eyes I see how many seasons have slipped by.


Now, it is your turn.
.featured image, cropped, by Daria, Pexels license

Written by

  • Newtonius says:

    You ask why I stopped drinking?
    Got pulled over for a DUI last night.
    Asked for my license and registration.
    Told me to get out of the car.
    Asked me to blow into a little balloon.
    Shone a flashlight in my eyes.
    Asked me to repeat the alphabet backwards from P to D.
    Told me to stand on one leg and count to ten.
    Same with the other leg.
    Then it was the heel-to-toe walk.
    Nine paces down the shoulder of the road,
    Nine paces back.
    I said, “Are you fucking crazy? There’s no net underneath out there.”

  • urbane legend says:

    Rain fell gently, blood trickled down the street.
    Two bodies, face down, man and woman, both in raincoats.
    Kelsey knelt, Donnelly watched. They split work; Donnelly paperwork, Kelsey dirty hands.
    He turned the bodies half up, stared awhile, stood.

    ” Very angry woman. Surprised them, shot him close, in face. Woman stunned, couldn’t move,
    two in chest. Small caliber. Ex-lover, in town.”

    Donnelly raised eyebrows. Kelsey pointed. ” No rings, no defense. Go home. She won’t leave tonight. “

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