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We’re not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get to Obama’s socialist, communist paradise, but don’t worry. He’s here to bring about our collective salvation. Hear it for yourself:
And he wonders why people see him as an arrogant elitist. Barack Obama thinks of himself as a Savior and a Godsend, but he’s never served in the military. He spent his entire career in the Senate voting “present”, without passing any major legislation or reforms. He surrounds himself with radical extremists like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, and holds some of the most radically liberal positions in the Senate, not to mention he has zero experience. Yet we’re all supposed to smile and nod and play along, just blindly accept him as our Savior, and because what? He said so?
Sorry, Senator Obama. The American people aren’t that stupid. We all know you’re a Washington elitist who knows what’s best and all, but I guess we’re just too busy clinging to our guns and religion to jump on board.
Hat Tip: My colleague Jay at Stop the ACLU
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