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Call Obama a WAAAAH!mbulance!

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Call Obama a WAAAAH!mbulance!

Call Obama a WAAAAH!mbulance!

Obama needs a WAAAAH!mbulance today. He’s crying because Sarah Palin didn’t give him the credit he deserves. Because, you know, her speech should’ve including soaring rhetoric about his godliness and all she did was talk about herself and that old white-haired guy. And on top of that, she actually attacked him on experience! Her political opponent! How dare she?!


This is work I did three [sic] years ago They haven’t talked about the fact that I was a civil rights lawyer. They haven’t talked about the fact that I taught constitutional law. They haven’t talked about my work in the state legislature or the United States Senate. They’re talking about the three years of work that I did right out of college, as if I’m making the leap from 2 or 3 years out of college into the presidency.

Well, to listen to Barack Obama talk about his work as a community organizer, you’d think it was more important than being the President. And of course, the Uh-Master didn’t have any problems ridiculing her experience as mayor… of Wasilly.

Well, uh, uh, my understanding is that, uh, Governor Palin’s, uh, town of Wasilly, uh, has, I think, 50 employees… uh, we’ve got 2500, uh, in this campaign. I think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. Uh, uh, we have a budget of about three times that, uh, just for the month. Uh, so I think that, uh, our ability to manage large systems, uh, and to execute, uh, I think has been made clear over the last couple of years. Uh, and certainly, in terms of, uh, the legislation that I’ve passed just dealing with this issue post-Katrina, uh, of how we handle emergency management. The fact that, uh, many of my recommendations were adopted and are being put in place, uh, as we speak, I think indicates the degree to which, uh, we can provide, uh, the kinds of support and good service that the American people expect.

Of course, if anyone wants to compare experience, Jeff Emanuel’s got that one covered already. And what’s this about legislation? Obama did practically nothing in the Senate except vote “present”. His wife Michelle has more executive experience than Obama does.

Poor Obama. He can dish it out, but he just can’t take an opponent that fights back.

Hat Tip: Hot Air

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  • docjim505 says:

    The Annointed OneThis is work I did three [sic] years ago They haven’t talked about the fact that I was a civil rights lawyer. They haven’t talked about the fact that I taught constitutional law. They haven’t talked about my work in the state legislature or the United States Senate. They’re talking about the three years of work that I did right out of college, as if I’m making the leap from 2 or 3 years out of college into the presidency.

    Um… How to put this… From time to time, I’ve gotten the impression that The Annointed One isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but surely he DOES realize that Sarah Palin is running on the REPUBLICAN ticket, right? And that she is under no obligation to say one single good thing about him? Indeed, it’s sort of par for the course for her to criticize him… as his thugs in the media have done with her? What does he expect? That Sarah Palin, like all the other women in America (well, the educated ones, anyway, according to Andrea Mitchell), will go into a swoon over him, rush to feel his biceps and bask in his halo?

    It seems to me that, if he wants Palin and McVain to talk about what he’s done in the Senate, then he ought to start by not referring to her as the former mayor of Wasilly.

    Oh, and maybe they WOULD talk about his records in the Illinois Legislature and the Senate if he’d done anything other than vote “present”.

    What a pansy.

  • alanstorm says:

    By all means, let’s talk about his days as a constitutional law instructor. From what I’ve heard him say, he doesn’t know much about the constitution, either. Should be a short detour.

  • Mat says:

    Yeah, I just upped my percentage from 3-4% to 5-6% on McCain getting the popular vote. Obama’s screwed, blued and tattooed…

  • Melinda P says:

    I don’t know about anybody else, but I was totally distracted by the Uhs! You would think that “the annointed one” would be a much better public speaker and not have to say “uh” every 5 seconds! It’s like he forgot the speech that he memorized! lol He needs to go back and take a basic speech class in a college.

  • Ironwolf32 says:

    He puts out that he was a “community organizer” and doesn’t expect people to ask what that was about. My wife and I planned our wedding for 125 poeple. Does that mean that we are “neighborhood organizers”?

    Hasn’t he ever been on a job interview? Whatever is put down on a resume is fair game. Whether it is the number of jobs, job titles, job summaries, how long you were there for, where you live to figure commuting distance, what kind of training you have had, etc.

    Two months away from possibly being Leader of the Free World and he is surprised that people question who he is. The fact that Obama is surprised shows he is not qualified.

  • Luke Laply says:

    The funny thing is, Sarah Palin can say anything she wants to say, cause she ROCKS!! Screw the Bridge to Nowhere … That woman doesn’t need to give the money back at all!! What are THEY talking about her “stealing” that money?

  • William Grasso says:

    She didn’t “fight back.” She minimized what most people would consider a heroic effort. She LIED repeatedly about herself and Sen. Obama’s credentials.

    You use “crying” the way those of us who own dictionaries use the word “rebutting.” And when people DO question Gov. Palin’s “experience,” YOU “CRY” about her being “attacked.”

    Oh… and in other places you whine about “double standards…”

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