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I almost sprayed Diet Coke all over my keyboard when I read this:
This small act of generosity and support for the group’s message — come on, if you invite CODEPINK somewhere they will eventually be escorted out — has inserted some sanity into the discussion of the McCain Palin ticket.
Code Pink and sanity in the same sentence? Seriously, I laughed out loud.
The message, of course, was obvious. “Palin is not a woman’s choice” was printed on the t-shirts, and the Code Pinkos yelled stuff like, “Women say no to war!”
Well, I support the Iraq war. Does that mean I’m not a woman?
Here we see again the blithering condescension by feminists. How do they figure that all women are “against” war? Here’s how I see it. No one likes war. No one likes seeing the best and brightest among us die. I personally hate it. I cried watching the Michael Monsoor video, and I cry every time I visit the Duval County Veteran’s Memorial Wall downtown. It breaks my heart. But unlike liberals, feminists, and leftists, I believe that there are some things worth fighting for. Some things are worth going to war over. Freedom is worth it. America is worth it. I’m not in the military, but I proudly support our troops here on the homefront and will do so for as long as it takes. We aren’t all soldiers, but we should all be supporting our military and their mission.
But, again, since “women say no to war”, I guess this makes me a guy now. Or brainwashed. Or a whore for the right-wing patriarchy. Or some other memorized liberal-feminist talking point.
And as for the whining about being kicked out of the convention center? Well, perhaps rushing the stage towards Sarah Palin yelling and stripping off your clothes would not be the most sane thing to do. If Medea Benjamin (a picture of “sanity” if I ever saw one) and Jodie Evans hadn’t done that, they wouldn’t have been kicked out. It’s not as if security went around checking every person in attendance to make sure they weren’t members of Code Pink. Liberals don’t seem to understand that actions have consequences. Rushing the stage towards a vice presidential candidate will get the attention of the Secret Service, and they likely won’t appreciate it, and will kick you out. Period and end of story.
Yet somehow, the actions of the Code Pinkos were the picture of sanity.
Thinking about that makes me start snickering again.
The word ‘sanity’, according to “The Left-Wing Dictionary”, means:
“Agreeing with, conforming to, or otherwise supporting, directly or indirectly, a position on an issue set forth by an approved member of the Thinking Police.”
Let’s take a look at the definition of “Thinking Police”:
“Any person consistently established in correct thinking occupying a position whereby said person may influence as many other persons as possible, so that said other persons may be brought to correct thinking as well.”
I use the term “Thinking Police” as opposed to “Thought Police” because I think that “Thinking Police” describe the goals of political correctness better (than “Thought Police”). It isn’t so much correct thoughts as correct attitude/psychological profile, i.e., “thinking”. The correct attitude seems to be thus:
1. A severely split hatred/adoration dichotomy selectively applied to liberals and conservatives (hell, ANYONE that agrees/disagrees with them, respectively).
2. Likewise, a pathologic morality/anti-morality dichotomy, in which moral sentiments are interchanged like playing cards, depending on what best serves their interests at the time. (In shorthand: they’re opportunists.)
To them, Sarah Palin is the Anti-Christ (which may explain why, all of a sudden, they’re embracing “family values” for the purpose of discrediting hers). She is the Devil incarnate, and she dares to defy the orthodoxy of (feminist) womanhood.
Good grief. My 2c.
I like your two cents, Matthew.
It’s Yin vs. Yang — as in, the Yin take in facts, figure out from the facts what’s goin’ on, and then from the inferences about what’s going on come up with a thing to do (or not do); from that, they check their work by pondering consequences. The Yang collaborate from others, and from that derive a consensus about what’s goin’ on AND what to do. They’re strong at communication and empathy but weak on internally understanding why they believe the things they believe.
A mature, robust, capable society needs both Yin AND Yang.
Liberalism is all about making everything Yang. The Yin must convert or die. And so, if you want to get a liberal to change the subject right-quick and toot-sweet, start focusing directly on WHY the liberal believes the things he thinks he believes.
That, by the way, is why Obama is “The Real Deal” — and why nobody who follows him around, can articulate what exactly that’s supposed to mean.
Liberals don’t seem to understand that actions have consequences.
This ties in to the above. Part of thinking for yourself, has to do with a preoccupation on what people do and not with what they are. Code Pink is more preoccupied with what you are, which is why since you have female organs & what-not, you are automatically supposed to be on their side. Whether reality bears that out, is almost like a separate issue. They simply demand it, and if they don’t get it from you, they’re much tougher on you than they are with a knuckle-dragging six-foot straight white twenty-one-digit gentleman like myself.
That’s also why liberals are a little bit peeved & cranky at Antonin Scalia…but seethingly, spittle-flittingly insanely spiteful toward Clarence Thomas.
And as far as how they feel about Gov. Palin — well, now. That horse has just about been beaten to death, hasn’t it?
I’m jealous of you, now – you’re a much better looking guy than I am.
As you’ve said,”…I believe that there are some things worth fighting for.”
So…Why aren’t you in the military fighting for those things???
You support the Iraq war? Why?
It doesn’t bother you we went to war under false pretenses?
That the war has served no purpose in terms of security?
That its stretched our military to the breaking point and NOT ACCOMPLISHED its goals despite 5 years, thousands of lives, and billions of dollars?
You just think killing people is cool? Write a blog about WHY you support this war. (I admit, I’m reading your blogs in reverse order… Maybe you did in the past, and I’ll see what you say in a previous blog.)