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Sexism rears its ugly head again!

Guess what, guys? I’ve just made a discovery that shows that men today really are misogynists. The feminists had it right all along! I mean, that’s clearly the only explanation for this article in the Daily Mail.


It was the feminist dream of the 1960s – a world in which men and women share the load equally.

But it seems the fairer sex has all but abandoned the struggle. According to research published today, most men want a traditional wife – and women are often only too
happy to oblige.

In turn, it claims that the husband women most desire is a ‘retrosexual’ – meaning they are more hunter gatherer than a ‘metrosexual’ stay-at-home father.

More than 1,500 adults were asked about the attributes that they ‘most valued’ in a spouse or partner. Their answers could have been taken from a manual to happy married life in the 1950s.

Tanya Jackson, corporate affairs manager at the building society, said: ‘A lot of women used to think they wanted a metrosexual man.

‘But then they realised they were fed up with a man who spent longer in the bathroom than they did.

‘Many women now feel they actually want a hunter-gatherer and they will look after their man in return.’

For most valued attributes in a woman, men chose taking care of our home, which came in at 44%. Cooking was second with 39%, and cleaning was third with 31%. Great parenting and listening rounded out the list at fourth and fifth. For women, listening came in at number one, with 41%. Financial stability was listed second with 38%, and great parenting third with 27%. Gardening (gardening?!) and putting the family first came in at fourth and fifth.

These clearly must be backwards, ignorant, brainwashed people, right? Because in today’s enlightened world, no one would ever want to be a stay-at-home mom if they knew what was good for them. And any man that would force that upon his wife is a misogynist and sexist.

This is how it is if you pay attention to feminists, anyways.

Back in the real world, this is the most non-shocking thing I may have ever read. What a surprise! Men want a woman who will take care of them! Women want a man to do the same! The difference is in how. For a guy, having a wife or girlfriend who will take the time to cook and clean for him probably makes him feel loved. For a woman, a man who will be the “hunter/gatherer” makes her feel safe and taken care of. This doesn’t mean either gender requires the other to do these things to survive. It isn’t a matter of necessity, which is probably what feminists can’t seem to twist their minds around. It’s a choice each person makes. Every guy I’ve dated has been perfectly capable of making himself dinner and keeping his house clean, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to cook for him. Likewise, I’m perfectly capable of paying on dates, but usually the guy does. It isn’t because either one has to. You just do, because you care. And that’s it.

Traditional roles in marriage are something that men and women usually desire. It may not work for every couple, but for many couples it is what they want. The “me” generation, though, tried ignoring this — men going the sensitive metrosexual wimp route, women the selfish “I am woman, here me roar!” bitch route — and have found it lacking. Taking care of someone you care about — doing something for someone just because it makes them happy — can be so rewarding. Putting yourself above everyone else in your life, on the other hand, often is not. And that’s what the past twenty years have been, bringing the advent of the “me” generation. The meme that you should just do whatever makes you happy and screw what anyone thinks of it doesn’t bring lasting happiness. Putting others first, for the simple fact that you love them, does bring lasting happiness.

But women were told that staying at home and not pursuing a career was demeaning and unfulfilling. Men were told that wanting their wives to take care of their children was sexist and ignorant. And we went along with it for a little while. Unfortunately for feminism, though, many people are starting to realize that the promised land doesn’t really exist. Real love, trust, and respect, though, does exist. That doesn’t mean you’re required to take on traditional marriage roles to find lasting love and happiness, but more and more men and women are finding out that the “June Cleaver” life, as feminists so sneeringly like to call it, is more appealing than they thought before. More women are realizing they want their men to be men who will take care of them. And more men are realizing that they want their women to be there to nurture and care for them.

And you know what? That’s OK. No matter what Gloria Steinem says.

Hat Tip: Hot Air Headlines

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  • Feminists are pro-choice as long as you make the right choice. If you elect to follow a path that undermines or disputes their talking points in any way, you’re a tool of the patriarchy who doesn’t deserve choice.

    Every time I come across the feminist blogs, it never fails to get my blood boiling. For the sake of my health, I should stay away from them.

  • docjim505 says:

    Tanya Jackson, corporate affairs manager at the building society, said: ‘A lot of women used to think they wanted a metrosexual man.

    ‘But then they realised they were fed up with a man who spent longer in the bathroom than they did.

    Hey, Tanya: give Elizabeth Edwards a call. I think you may have a lot to talk about.

  • Matthew says:


    Way to go, Cassy. 🙂

  • Jarrod says:

    My sister went from hard-charging career girl to June Cleaver. She got married, popped out a couple of rugrats, and hasn’t looked back since. I’m glad she’s found what makes her happy.

  • Ryan says:

    You are by far, my favorite blogger.

  • otcconan says:

    Found you thru Rachel and instantly added you.

    I grew up on a farm, so my outlook is a little traditional to begin with.

    My mother is the greatest cook on this earth. It is one of the chief reasons my father married her. Every chance I get to go home is a chance to have something she cooked. Bonus.

    I’ve dated and considered quite a few women as potential spouses over the last few years, and the deal killer/sealer is “can she cook?” I know it’s sexist, especially considering I can cook myself (but obviously not as well as Mom). But I don’t care. I won’t marry a woman who cannot cook.

    It’s a huge burden, financially, on a family, if she can’t cook. Eating out is a substantial cost. Observe: You can buy a slab of meat for pot roast for $8. A couple more dollars gets you the carrots, potatoes, and seasoning. For $10, you can throw that all in a Crock Pot for 8 hours and feed a whole family. Or, for someone like me, a bachelor, it’s 4 days of food for $10. Try doing that at McDonalds.

    It’s more work, yeah, but cooking at home is far more economical.

    Some will argue that a working woman doesn’t have the time for cooking. My mom was a teacher for over 30 years. She handled severely handicapped children for most of that time. But she cooked EVERY night. There are roles. Often we hear about how moms have it bad having to do housework in addition to their job and how it’s unfair. Husbands do just as much. Lawn care, plumbing, wiring, and in our case, farm work. The whole thing is a partnership.

    And I forgot to mention, but obviously the kids and husbands do the dishwashing. After all, Mom has to get off her feet after the hard work she’s done.

  • D Ray says:

    Bad try on the misogyny accusation. I was actually looking for the Paris spot rebutting the McCain ad that presumes all Obama supporters are empty and vacuous (you’ve got internet so you can look that up). But I will grant you this; you did fill out a bikini 10 years ago.

    D Ray, Eugene, OR

  • Melinda P says:

    Cassy, I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months now. (I found you through my cousin.) I just have to say that as a stay-at-home, homeschooling, traditionalist mom; thank you! I can tell you that I really do enjoy doing all of the “mundane” things of life because I know that my husband is out there working hard for his family. I feel that it’s a small thing to make sure the house is clean, there is a hot meal waiting, and the kids are happy and clean. It’s all I ever dreamed of doing as a little girl, and I hope and pray that my boys will marry women willing to do the same for them someday!
    Melinda P

  • WayneB says:

    Ooh, look Cassy! A random troll found you and didn’t have the wit to recognize sarcasm! Now THAT’S a shocker for you, huh?

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    So…men are misogynist and sexist?

    Who knew?

  • Gredd says:

    The world needs more women like Melinda. /rolleyes

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