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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Our past is within reach by what we have left behind. What will future generations find of us? Let this Friday’s image inspire you to recreate the past or imagine the future. You have 100 words.

I’ll start with a story …

Making breakfast: 15K likes. Commute to work: 6K likes. Sneaking into the Bradbury building with her crew: 2.5 million likes.

Nell lived the net, her crew was family.

She touched the band on her forehead to signal a private chat to her crew.

“What’s next, Nell?” Jason’s image floated in her vision. The others appeared, offering suggestions.

A ping from Steven requesting a PM channel. She opened it.

“Nell, let’s do something really different. You, me, no bands.”

“What?! No net?”

“Just for a while, just to see how …” She closed the channel and purged him from the crew.


Now, it’s your turn.

featured image, cropped, from Pixabay, CC0 license

Written by

  • JJ Stllwater says:

    “You can’t do this,” I said. ‘

    “Why?” Monica hissed. “What difference does it make?”‘

    I looked at the obvious Photoshop image of 6 kids sitting around a pool, their toes dangling in the water.

    “Because you photo-shopped 3 kids of color into a photo, why not just get a real photo representing the diversity you want to portray?”

    “There’s no time, we have to get this out today” Monica replied in a snippy manner. “What’s the big deal”?

    I threw her attitude back in her face. “When you do this kind of shit in such a cynical way, people see through it, and you hurt our image, people could take this as making a mockery of diversity.” “It’s a lie”.

    “You’re such a wanker” Monica giggled.

    I looked up and saw a Butterfly circling around a large potted plant on the stairway, dancing around the leaves but not landing. I shook my head and scoffed at Monica’s bullshit attitude, convinced this kind deceptive ideology was going to ruin us all. I left her standing there.

    I walked towards the plant, wondering why the Butterfly seemed so agitated as it danced and floated around the plant. I reached out and touched one of the plants long, perfect leafs.

    The plant was Fake.

  • Brian Brandt says:

    As I gazed out the window at the rain-slicked street my secretary slinked into my office like a stray cat crossing the tracks of the midnight train to Murderville.

    “She’s here.”

    I knew it already. I had heard the ancient elevator clanking its way to the third floor, and her heels clicking down the terracotta hall. “Send her in.”

    She sashayed into my office and settled one long, gorgeous gam onto the corner of my desk like a palm frond wafting gently to the sands of a far-away tropical beach as muted trumpets moaned plaintively in the background, and reached into her bag for a cigarette, placed it between luscious lips and leaned forward seductively for a light, which, despite my strenuous objections to the contrary at the Condo meeting, I couldn’t give her.

    We were now a totally smoke-free building.

  • Brian Brandt says:

    By the way –

    That’s the Bradbury Building in L.A. Site of numerous hard boiled P.I. movies – D.O.A. (1949), I, The Jury (1953), Marlow (1969), Chinatown (1974), The Cheap Detective (1978), Blade Runner (1982). In addition, it’s the office of Robert Forster in the T.V. series Banyon.

  • Cameron says:

    We stood on the ground floor looking at the sky as the clouds broke.
    “You’re serious,” she said. “You are actually serious about this.”
    “Is it really that shocking?” I asked. “I’m like other people in that regard.”
    “But you? You want to settle down? Have a family?”
    “Why are you so surprised?”
    She looked at me as the sun streamed down from the windows and held up the ring in her hand. “Because it’s with me.”
    “I’m not joking.”
    Her hands shook as she put the ring on and her smile lit up the building better than the sun.

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