Michelle Malkin
The worst sheriff in America
Loughner was a 9/11 truther. This fact should be repeated over and over again by Conservative bloggers and commentators because it is the the most obvious proof that Loughner was not influenced by Conservative media and may just put a quick end to the leftist hate-mongers’ efforts to slander Conservative media.
This sheriff touts that he has fifty years law enforcement experience. I only have thirty-five, every minute on the streets, doing police work and most of it as a detective. One has to wonder how much time this political hack has spent actually DOING police work. This dope has done nothing that an experienced law enforcement officer would do in this case and in fact he single-handedly provided defense lawyers with a defense and a “fifty-year law enforcement man” as a witness for the defense on a multiple homicide case that he didn’t even have to solve. If memory serves me right he was the same dope that wasn’t going to enforce a law on illegal immigrants and made sure to let everyone know it. Guess which county most of the armed and dangerous illegals went to? I feel sorry for his deputies. This guy is a disgrace.