Michelle Malkin
Assimilation and the Founding Fathers
I find it amusing that the critics are starting to go after Michelle Malkin. She was about the only voice nine years ago that was screaming about the border issue and demanding something be done. She went after all the Republicans in power without hesitation. She’s a brave little lady, she’s brilliant, and she’s always been way ahead of the curve. If I had half the guts this woman has shown I’d consider myself lucky and I’m a decorated cop. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s the women that are going to save this Republic. Palin, Bachmann, Malkin, Coulter, Bruce, Cupp, Ingraham, Crowley, and a few others aren’t afraid and don’t care if they appear “pragmatic” like the men. They’re protecting their children, their families, and their country like “she-bears” protecting their cubs, consequences be damned.
I forgot to mention the female bloggers, the Tea Party activists and organizers, female radio personalities like Dana Loesch and a few others, grassroots women, Sonja Schmidt and other conservative black women that have the guts to stand firm in the face of racist and sexist slurs, and obstacles that most Americans don’t have to confront. The one thing that strikes me about all of these women is their common sense, their understanding of our founding principles, and their dedication to this Republic and its citizens. The one thing I’ve noticed about all these women is that they’re not afraid to “be women”. There isn’t a single one that isn’t beautiful anyway, but regardless of that they’re all comfortable with being a woman and that’s what caught my attention. They ALL are comfortable being a woman without exception. They’re not angry about it, they don’t dress or act like men, and they don’t hate us. In fact they’re showing the world what women in a free society can do when given the chance. A man’s strength is physical. We fight. Sometimes we lose and sometimes we win. A woman’s strength goes far beyond that and American women have tapped into that and we’re seeing the fruits of what that means. There’s no doubt in my mind this same “strength” was evident during the Revolution, the Civil War, WWI and WWII. I am in awe and humbly submit that although I may be physically stronger I can only admire from afar what these women are doing and the courage they display on a daily basis.