Hey, more big news!

So, if you are a friend of mine on Facebook, then you already know my big news. A few months ago, I got married, and now… I’m…

Right Turns Only Another day, another Nikki Haley whore rumor

NY Daily News Michelle Obama is a modern day Marie Antoinette

Boston.com Food stamp use hits record high

BREAKING: Marcela Hoeven looks good in a bikini

The Other McCain brings us the scandal of the day. Liberals always like to act shocked that conservative women can be sexy and conservative. Remember the “scandal”…

California judge overturns voter-approved gay marriage ban

Yesterday, a California judge overturned Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on gay marriage. Supposedly, a gay marriage ban is “unconstitutional”. I guess we all missed that right…

Conservatives4Palin New video of Katie Couric mocking Sarah Palin

Chairman’s Corner Happy Birthday to the Coast Guard

People Bristol and Levi: it’s over

Missouri votes against mandatory health insurance

Missouri voters overwhelmingly voted today against Obamacare. How much do they hate it? Well, they voted in a 71%-29% landslide for Proposition C, slamming Obamacare. What is…

Rich Lowry Attack of the adults

CNS News AZ Sheriff: Our government has become our enemy

The Daily Beast Newsweek losses revealed

Michelle Malkin Another deadly catch-and-release nightmare

Gallup Wyoming, Mississippi, and Utah rank most conservative states

Interviewing Nick Popaditch, the ‘Cigar Marine’

Nick Popaditch is an American hero who has spent his life in service to our country. He first enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1986, serving with…

Hot Air BREAKING: Federal judge refuses to dismiss VA’s challenge to Obamacare

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Ava Gardner